/* * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cmd import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "sort" "sync" "time" "github.com/minio/minio-go/pkg/set" "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/logger" ) const ( // Admin service names signalServiceRPC = "Admin.SignalService" reInitFormatRPC = "Admin.ReInitFormat" listLocksRPC = "Admin.ListLocks" serverInfoDataRPC = "Admin.ServerInfoData" getConfigRPC = "Admin.GetConfig" writeTmpConfigRPC = "Admin.WriteTmpConfig" commitConfigRPC = "Admin.CommitConfig" ) // localAdminClient - represents admin operation to be executed locally. type localAdminClient struct { } // remoteAdminClient - represents admin operation to be executed // remotely, via RPC. type remoteAdminClient struct { *AuthRPCClient } // adminCmdRunner - abstracts local and remote execution of admin // commands like service stop and service restart. type adminCmdRunner interface { SignalService(s serviceSignal) error ReInitFormat(dryRun bool) error ListLocks(bucket, prefix string, duration time.Duration) ([]VolumeLockInfo, error) ServerInfoData() (ServerInfoData, error) GetConfig() ([]byte, error) WriteTmpConfig(tmpFileName string, configBytes []byte) error CommitConfig(tmpFileName string) error } var errUnsupportedSignal = fmt.Errorf("unsupported signal: only restart and stop signals are supported") // SignalService - sends a restart or stop signal to the local server func (lc localAdminClient) SignalService(s serviceSignal) error { switch s { case serviceRestart, serviceStop: globalServiceSignalCh <- s default: return errUnsupportedSignal } return nil } // ReInitFormat - re-initialize disk format. func (lc localAdminClient) ReInitFormat(dryRun bool) error { objectAPI := newObjectLayerFn() if objectAPI == nil { return errServerNotInitialized } return objectAPI.ReloadFormat(context.Background(), dryRun) } // ListLocks - Fetches lock information from local lock instrumentation. func (lc localAdminClient) ListLocks(bucket, prefix string, duration time.Duration) ([]VolumeLockInfo, error) { // check if objectLayer is initialized, if not return. objectAPI := newObjectLayerFn() if objectAPI == nil { return nil, errServerNotInitialized } return objectAPI.ListLocks(context.Background(), bucket, prefix, duration) } func (rc remoteAdminClient) SignalService(s serviceSignal) (err error) { switch s { case serviceRestart, serviceStop: reply := AuthRPCReply{} err = rc.Call(signalServiceRPC, &SignalServiceArgs{Sig: s}, &reply) default: err = errUnsupportedSignal } return err } // ReInitFormat - re-initialize disk format, remotely. func (rc remoteAdminClient) ReInitFormat(dryRun bool) error { reply := AuthRPCReply{} return rc.Call(reInitFormatRPC, &ReInitFormatArgs{ DryRun: dryRun, }, &reply) } // ListLocks - Sends list locks command to remote server via RPC. func (rc remoteAdminClient) ListLocks(bucket, prefix string, duration time.Duration) ([]VolumeLockInfo, error) { listArgs := ListLocksQuery{ Bucket: bucket, Prefix: prefix, Duration: duration, } var reply ListLocksReply if err := rc.Call(listLocksRPC, &listArgs, &reply); err != nil { return nil, err } return reply.VolLocks, nil } // ServerInfoData - Returns the server info of this server. func (lc localAdminClient) ServerInfoData() (sid ServerInfoData, e error) { if globalBootTime.IsZero() { return sid, errServerNotInitialized } // Build storage info objLayer := newObjectLayerFn() if objLayer == nil { return sid, errServerNotInitialized } storage := objLayer.StorageInfo(context.Background()) return ServerInfoData{ StorageInfo: storage, ConnStats: globalConnStats.toServerConnStats(), HTTPStats: globalHTTPStats.toServerHTTPStats(), Properties: ServerProperties{ Uptime: UTCNow().Sub(globalBootTime), Version: Version, CommitID: CommitID, SQSARN: globalNotificationSys.GetARNList(), Region: globalServerConfig.GetRegion(), }, }, nil } // ServerInfo - returns the server info of the server to which the RPC call is made. func (rc remoteAdminClient) ServerInfoData() (sid ServerInfoData, e error) { args := AuthRPCArgs{} reply := ServerInfoDataReply{} err := rc.Call(serverInfoDataRPC, &args, &reply) if err != nil { return sid, err } return reply.ServerInfoData, nil } // GetConfig - returns config.json of the local server. func (lc localAdminClient) GetConfig() ([]byte, error) { if globalServerConfig == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("config not present") } return json.Marshal(globalServerConfig) } // GetConfig - returns config.json of the remote server. func (rc remoteAdminClient) GetConfig() ([]byte, error) { args := AuthRPCArgs{} reply := ConfigReply{} if err := rc.Call(getConfigRPC, &args, &reply); err != nil { return nil, err } return reply.Config, nil } // WriteTmpConfig - writes config file content to a temporary file on // the local server. func (lc localAdminClient) WriteTmpConfig(tmpFileName string, configBytes []byte) error { return writeTmpConfigCommon(tmpFileName, configBytes) } // WriteTmpConfig - writes config file content to a temporary file on // a remote node. func (rc remoteAdminClient) WriteTmpConfig(tmpFileName string, configBytes []byte) error { wArgs := WriteConfigArgs{ TmpFileName: tmpFileName, Buf: configBytes, } err := rc.Call(writeTmpConfigRPC, &wArgs, &WriteConfigReply{}) if err != nil { logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err) return err } return nil } // CommitConfig - Move the new config in tmpFileName onto config.json // on a local node. func (lc localAdminClient) CommitConfig(tmpFileName string) error { configFile := getConfigFile() tmpConfigFile := filepath.Join(getConfigDir(), tmpFileName) err := os.Rename(tmpConfigFile, configFile) reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("tmpConfigFile", tmpConfigFile) reqInfo.AppendTags("configFile", configFile) ctx := logger.SetReqInfo(context.Background(), reqInfo) logger.LogIf(ctx, err) return err } // CommitConfig - Move the new config in tmpFileName onto config.json // on a remote node. func (rc remoteAdminClient) CommitConfig(tmpFileName string) error { cArgs := CommitConfigArgs{ FileName: tmpFileName, } cReply := CommitConfigReply{} err := rc.Call(commitConfigRPC, &cArgs, &cReply) if err != nil { logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err) return err } return nil } // adminPeer - represents an entity that implements admin API RPCs. type adminPeer struct { addr string cmdRunner adminCmdRunner isLocal bool } // type alias for a collection of adminPeer. type adminPeers []adminPeer // makeAdminPeers - helper function to construct a collection of adminPeer. func makeAdminPeers(endpoints EndpointList) (adminPeerList adminPeers) { thisPeer := globalMinioAddr if globalMinioHost == "" { thisPeer = net.JoinHostPort("localhost", globalMinioPort) } adminPeerList = append(adminPeerList, adminPeer{ thisPeer, localAdminClient{}, true, }) hostSet := set.CreateStringSet(globalMinioAddr) cred := globalServerConfig.GetCredential() serviceEndpoint := path.Join(minioReservedBucketPath, adminPath) for _, host := range GetRemotePeers(endpoints) { if hostSet.Contains(host) { continue } hostSet.Add(host) adminPeerList = append(adminPeerList, adminPeer{ addr: host, cmdRunner: &remoteAdminClient{newAuthRPCClient(authConfig{ accessKey: cred.AccessKey, secretKey: cred.SecretKey, serverAddr: host, serviceEndpoint: serviceEndpoint, secureConn: globalIsSSL, serviceName: "Admin", })}, }) } return adminPeerList } // peersReInitFormat - reinitialize remote object layers to new format. func peersReInitFormat(peers adminPeers, dryRun bool) error { errs := make([]error, len(peers)) // Send ReInitFormat RPC call to all nodes. // for local adminPeer this is a no-op. wg := sync.WaitGroup{} for i, peer := range peers { wg.Add(1) go func(idx int, peer adminPeer) { defer wg.Done() if !peer.isLocal { errs[idx] = peer.cmdRunner.ReInitFormat(dryRun) } }(i, peer) } wg.Wait() return nil } // Initialize global adminPeer collection. func initGlobalAdminPeers(endpoints EndpointList) { globalAdminPeers = makeAdminPeers(endpoints) } // invokeServiceCmd - Invoke Restart/Stop command. func invokeServiceCmd(cp adminPeer, cmd serviceSignal) (err error) { switch cmd { case serviceRestart, serviceStop: err = cp.cmdRunner.SignalService(cmd) } return err } // sendServiceCmd - Invoke Restart command on remote peers // adminPeer followed by on the local peer. func sendServiceCmd(cps adminPeers, cmd serviceSignal) { // Send service command like stop or restart to all remote nodes and finally run on local node. errs := make([]error, len(cps)) var wg sync.WaitGroup remotePeers := cps[1:] for i := range remotePeers { wg.Add(1) go func(idx int) { defer wg.Done() // we use idx+1 because remotePeers slice is 1 position shifted w.r.t cps errs[idx+1] = invokeServiceCmd(remotePeers[idx], cmd) }(i) } wg.Wait() errs[0] = invokeServiceCmd(cps[0], cmd) } // listPeerLocksInfo - fetch list of locks held on the given bucket, // matching prefix held longer than duration from all peer servers. func listPeerLocksInfo(peers adminPeers, bucket, prefix string, duration time.Duration) ([]VolumeLockInfo, error) { // Used to aggregate volume lock information from all nodes. allLocks := make([][]VolumeLockInfo, len(peers)) errs := make([]error, len(peers)) var wg sync.WaitGroup localPeer := peers[0] remotePeers := peers[1:] for i, remotePeer := range remotePeers { wg.Add(1) go func(idx int, remotePeer adminPeer) { defer wg.Done() // `remotePeers` is right-shifted by one position relative to `peers` allLocks[idx], errs[idx] = remotePeer.cmdRunner.ListLocks(bucket, prefix, duration) }(i+1, remotePeer) } wg.Wait() allLocks[0], errs[0] = localPeer.cmdRunner.ListLocks(bucket, prefix, duration) // Summarizing errors received for ListLocks RPC across all // nodes. N B the possible unavailability of quorum in errors // applies only to distributed setup. errCount, err := reduceErrs(errs, []error{}) if err != nil { if errCount >= (len(peers)/2 + 1) { return nil, err } return nil, InsufficientReadQuorum{} } // Group lock information across nodes by (bucket, object) // pair. For readability only. paramLockMap := make(map[nsParam][]VolumeLockInfo) for _, nodeLocks := range allLocks { for _, lockInfo := range nodeLocks { param := nsParam{ volume: lockInfo.Bucket, path: lockInfo.Object, } paramLockMap[param] = append(paramLockMap[param], lockInfo) } } groupedLockInfos := []VolumeLockInfo{} for _, volLocks := range paramLockMap { groupedLockInfos = append(groupedLockInfos, volLocks...) } return groupedLockInfos, nil } // uptimeSlice - used to sort uptimes in chronological order. type uptimeSlice []struct { err error uptime time.Duration } func (ts uptimeSlice) Len() int { return len(ts) } func (ts uptimeSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return ts[i].uptime < ts[j].uptime } func (ts uptimeSlice) Swap(i, j int) { ts[i], ts[j] = ts[j], ts[i] } // getPeerUptimes - returns the uptime since the last time read quorum // was established on success. Otherwise returns errXLReadQuorum. func getPeerUptimes(peers adminPeers) (time.Duration, error) { // In a single node Erasure or FS backend setup the uptime of // the setup is the uptime of the single minio server // instance. if !globalIsDistXL { return UTCNow().Sub(globalBootTime), nil } uptimes := make(uptimeSlice, len(peers)) // Get up time of all servers. wg := sync.WaitGroup{} for i, peer := range peers { wg.Add(1) go func(idx int, peer adminPeer) { defer wg.Done() serverInfoData, rpcErr := peer.cmdRunner.ServerInfoData() uptimes[idx].uptime, uptimes[idx].err = serverInfoData.Properties.Uptime, rpcErr }(i, peer) } wg.Wait() // Sort uptimes in chronological order. sort.Sort(uptimes) // Pick the readQuorum'th uptime in chronological order. i.e, // the time at which read quorum was (re-)established. readQuorum := len(uptimes) / 2 validCount := 0 latestUptime := time.Duration(0) for _, uptime := range uptimes { if uptime.err != nil { logger.LogIf(context.Background(), uptime.err) continue } validCount++ if validCount >= readQuorum { latestUptime = uptime.uptime break } } // Less than readQuorum "Admin.Uptime" RPC call returned // successfully, so read-quorum unavailable. if validCount < readQuorum { return time.Duration(0), InsufficientReadQuorum{} } return latestUptime, nil } // getPeerConfig - Fetches config.json from all nodes in the setup and // returns the one that occurs in a majority of them. func getPeerConfig(peers adminPeers) ([]byte, error) { if !globalIsDistXL { return peers[0].cmdRunner.GetConfig() } errs := make([]error, len(peers)) configs := make([][]byte, len(peers)) // Get config from all servers. wg := sync.WaitGroup{} for i, peer := range peers { wg.Add(1) go func(idx int, peer adminPeer) { defer wg.Done() configs[idx], errs[idx] = peer.cmdRunner.GetConfig() }(i, peer) } wg.Wait() // Find the maximally occurring config among peers in a // distributed setup. serverConfigs := make([]serverConfig, len(peers)) for i, configBytes := range configs { if errs[i] != nil { continue } // Unmarshal the received config files. err := json.Unmarshal(configBytes, &serverConfigs[i]) if err != nil { reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("peerAddress", peers[i].addr) ctx := logger.SetReqInfo(context.Background(), reqInfo) logger.LogIf(ctx, err) return nil, err } } configJSON, err := getValidServerConfig(serverConfigs, errs) if err != nil { logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err) return nil, err } // Return the config.json that was present quorum or more // number of disks. return json.Marshal(configJSON) } // getValidServerConfig - finds the server config that is present in // quorum or more number of servers. func getValidServerConfig(serverConfigs []serverConfig, errs []error) (scv serverConfig, e error) { // majority-based quorum quorum := len(serverConfigs)/2 + 1 // Count the number of disks a config.json was found in. configCounter := make([]int, len(serverConfigs)) // We group equal serverConfigs by the lowest index of the // same value; e.g, let us take the following serverConfigs // in a 4-node setup, // serverConfigs == [c1, c2, c1, c1] // configCounter == [3, 1, 0, 0] // c1, c2 are the only distinct values that appear. c1 is // identified by 0, the lowest index it appears in and c2 is // identified by 1. So, we need to find the number of times // each of these distinct values occur. // Invariants: // 1. At the beginning of the i-th iteration, the number of // unique configurations seen so far is equal to the number of // non-zero counter values in config[:i]. // 2. At the beginning of the i-th iteration, the sum of // elements of configCounter[:i] is equal to the number of // non-error configurations seen so far. // For each of the serverConfig ... for i := range serverConfigs { // Skip nodes where getConfig failed. if errs[i] != nil { continue } // Check if it is equal to any of the configurations // seen so far. If j == i is reached then we have an // unseen configuration. for j := 0; j <= i; j++ { if j < i && configCounter[j] == 0 { // serverConfigs[j] is known to be // equal to a value that was already // seen. See example above for // clarity. continue } else if j < i && serverConfigs[i].ConfigDiff(&serverConfigs[j]) == "" { // serverConfigs[i] is equal to // serverConfigs[j], update // serverConfigs[j]'s counter since it // is the lower index. configCounter[j]++ break } else if j == i { // serverConfigs[i] is equal to no // other value seen before. It is // unique so far. configCounter[i] = 1 break } // else invariants specified above are violated. } } // We find the maximally occurring server config and check if // there is quorum. var configJSON serverConfig maxOccurrence := 0 for i, count := range configCounter { if maxOccurrence < count { maxOccurrence = count configJSON = serverConfigs[i] } } // If quorum nodes don't agree. if maxOccurrence < quorum { return scv, errXLWriteQuorum } return configJSON, nil } // Write config contents into a temporary file on all nodes. func writeTmpConfigPeers(peers adminPeers, tmpFileName string, configBytes []byte) []error { // For a single-node minio server setup. if !globalIsDistXL { err := peers[0].cmdRunner.WriteTmpConfig(tmpFileName, configBytes) return []error{err} } errs := make([]error, len(peers)) // Write config into temporary file on all nodes. wg := sync.WaitGroup{} for i, peer := range peers { wg.Add(1) go func(idx int, peer adminPeer) { defer wg.Done() errs[idx] = peer.cmdRunner.WriteTmpConfig(tmpFileName, configBytes) }(i, peer) } wg.Wait() // Return bytes written and errors (if any) during writing // temporary config file. return errs } // Move config contents from the given temporary file onto config.json // on all nodes. func commitConfigPeers(peers adminPeers, tmpFileName string) []error { // For a single-node minio server setup. if !globalIsDistXL { return []error{peers[0].cmdRunner.CommitConfig(tmpFileName)} } errs := make([]error, len(peers)) // Rename temporary config file into configDir/config.json on // all nodes. wg := sync.WaitGroup{} for i, peer := range peers { wg.Add(1) go func(idx int, peer adminPeer) { defer wg.Done() errs[idx] = peer.cmdRunner.CommitConfig(tmpFileName) }(i, peer) } wg.Wait() // Return errors (if any) received during rename. return errs }