Final update to all messages across sub-systems
after final review, the only change here is that
NATS now has TLS and TLSSkipVerify to be consistent
for all other notification targets.
This PR adds support below metrics
- Cache Hit Count
- Cache Miss Count
- Data served from Cache (in Bytes)
- Bytes received from AWS S3
- Bytes sent to AWS S3
- Number of requests sent to AWS S3
level - this PR builds on #8120 which
added PutBucketObjectLockConfiguration and
GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration APIS
This PR implements PutObjectRetention,
GetObjectRetention API and enhances
PUT and GET API operations to display
governance metadata if permissions allow.
- Migrate and save only settings which are enabled
- Rename logger_http to logger_webhook and
logger_http_audit to audit_webhook
- No more pretty printing comments, comment
is a key=value pair now.
- Avoid quotes on values which do not have space in them
- `state="on"` is implicit for all SetConfigKV unless
specified explicitly as `state="off"`
- Disabled IAM users should be disabled always
This PR implements locking from a global entity into
a more localized set level entity, allowing for locks
to be held only on the resources which are writing
to a collection of disks rather than a global level.
In this process this PR also removes the top-level
limit of 32 nodes to an unlimited number of nodes. This
is a precursor change before bring in bucket expansion.
This PR fixes issues found in config migration
- StorageClass migration error when rrs is empty
- Plain-text migration of older config
- Do not run in safe mode with incorrect credentials
- Update logger_http documentation for _STATE env
Refer more reported issues at #8434
This PR refactors object layer handling such
that upon failure in sub-system initialization
server reaches a stage of safe-mode operation
wherein only certain API operations are enabled
and available.
This allows for fixing many scenarios such as
- incorrect configuration in vault, etcd,
notification targets
- missing files, incomplete config migrations
unable to read encrypted content etc
- any other issues related to notification,
policies, lifecycle etc
- Supports migrating only when the credential ENVs are set,
so any FS mode deployments which do not have ENVs set will
continue to remain as is.
- Credential ENVs can be rotated using MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_OLD
and MINIO_SECRET_KEY_OLD envs, in such scenarios it allowed
to rotate the encrypted content to a new admin key.
- adding oauth support to MinIO browser (#8400) by @kanagaraj
- supports multi-line get/set/del for all config fields
- add support for comments, allow toggle
- add extensive validation of config before saving
- support MinIO browser to support proper claims, using STS tokens
- env support for all config parameters, legacy envs are also
supported with all documentation now pointing to latest ENVs
- preserve accessKey/secretKey from FS mode setups
- add history support implements three APIs
- ClearHistory
- RestoreHistory
- ListHistory
- add help command support for each config parameters
- all the bug fixes after migration to KV, and other bug
fixes encountered during testing.
The measures are consolidated to the following metrics
- `disk_storage_used` : Disk space used by the disk.
- `disk_storage_available`: Available disk space left on the disk.
- `disk_storage_total`: Total disk space on the disk.
- `disks_offline`: Total number of offline disks in current MinIO instance.
- `disks_total`: Total number of disks in current MinIO instance.
- `s3_requests_total`: Total number of s3 requests in current MinIO instance.
- `s3_errors_total`: Total number of errors in s3 requests in current MinIO instance.
- `s3_requests_current`: Total number of active s3 requests in current MinIO instance.
- `internode_rx_bytes_total`: Total number of internode bytes received by current MinIO server instance.
- `internode_tx_bytes_total`: Total number of bytes sent to the other nodes by current MinIO server instance.
- `s3_rx_bytes_total`: Total number of s3 bytes received by current MinIO server instance.
- `s3_tx_bytes_total`: Total number of s3 bytes sent by current MinIO server instance.
- `minio_version_info`: Current MinIO version with commit-id.
- `s3_ttfb_seconds_bucket`: Histogram that holds the latency information of the requests.
And this PR also modifies the current StorageInfo queries
- Decouples StorageInfo from ServerInfo .
- StorageInfo is enhanced to give endpoint information.
specific errors, `application` errors or `all` by default.
console logging on server by default lists all logs -
enhance admin console API to accept `type` as query parameter to
subscribe to application/minio logs.
This PR additionally also adds support for missing
- Session policy support for AD/LDAP
- Add API request/response parameters detail
- Update example to take ldap username,
password input from the command line
- Fixes session policy handling for
ClientGrants and WebIdentity
This commit removes the SSE-S3 key rotation functionality
from CopyObject since there will be a dedicated Admin-API
for this purpose.
Also update the security documentation to link to mc and
the admin documentation.