This is an attempt cleanup code and keep the top level config
functions simpler and easy to understand where as move the
notifier related code and logger setter/getter methods as part
of their own struct.
Locks are now held properly not globally by configMutex, but
instead as private variables.
Final fix for #3700
This API is precursor before implementing `minio lambda` and `mc` continous replication.
This new api is an extention to BucketNofication APIs.
// Request
GET /bucket?notificationARN=arn:minio:lambda:us-east-1:10:minio HTTP/1.1
// Response
{"Records": ...}
{"Records": ...}
* Implement basic S3 notifications through queues
Supports multiple queues and three basic queue types:
1. NilQueue -- messages don't get sent anywhere
2. LogQueue -- messages get logged
3. AmqpQueue -- messages are sent to an AMQP queue
* api: Implement bucket notification.
Supports two different queue types
- ElasticSearch.
* Add support for redis