- adding oauth support to MinIO browser (#8400) by @kanagaraj
- supports multi-line get/set/del for all config fields
- add support for comments, allow toggle
- add extensive validation of config before saving
- support MinIO browser to support proper claims, using STS tokens
- env support for all config parameters, legacy envs are also
supported with all documentation now pointing to latest ENVs
- preserve accessKey/secretKey from FS mode setups
- add history support implements three APIs
- ClearHistory
- RestoreHistory
- ListHistory
- add help command support for each config parameters
- all the bug fixes after migration to KV, and other bug
fixes encountered during testing.
This change will allow users to navigate to their desired locations,
including buckets and directories that haven't been "created" yet
Add tests
Change tooltip wording
Migrate to Font Awesome 5 to use path icon
Fix sidebar not closing on mobile
- "yarn eslint" will throw the error if there are any formatting issues
- "yarn format" will format the js file based on the project's
prettier configuration.
- upgraded react from v16.2.0
- upgraded react-router to v4.2.0 and re-writen the routes
- using prettier to format the code
- added jest to unit test components/reducers/selectors
This provides a skeleton to start of with. Only basic unit test
cases are added, remaining needs to be added.
In terms of functionality, it provides login, listing and searching
buckets. Remaining functionalities will be added in upcoming patches.
- Changed webpack.config.js and webpack.production.config.js
according to the migration guidelines
- Updated packages that had unmet peer dependencies after the
webpack update
This commit takes the existing remove bucket functionality written by
brendanashworth, integrates it to the current UI with a dropdown for
each bucket, and fixes small issues that were present, like the dropdown
not disappearing after the user clicks on 'Delete' for certain buckets.
This feature only deletes a bucket that is empty (that has no objects).