TestNewWebHookNotify wasn't passing in my local machine. The reason is
that the test expects the POST handler (as a webhook endpoint) is always
running on port 80, which is not always the case.
This change introduces following simplified steps to follow
during config migration.
// Steps to move from version N to version N+1
// 1. Add new struct serverConfigVN+1 in config-versions.go
// 2. Set configCurrentVersion to "N+1"
// 3. Set serverConfigCurrent to serverConfigVN+1
// 4. Add new migration function (ex. func migrateVNToVN+1()) in config-migrate.go
// 5. Call migrateVNToVN+1() from migrateConfig() in config-migrate.go
// 6. Make changes in config-current_test.go for any test change
Since go1.8 os.RemoveAll and os.MkdirAll both support long
path names i.e UNC path on windows. The code we are carrying
was directly borrowed from `pkg/os` package and doesn't need
to be in our repo anymore. As a side affect this also
addresses our codecoverage issue.
Refer #4658
Ignore any network errors when registering a webhook
notifier during Minio startup sequence. This way server
can be started even if the webhook endpoint is not available
and unreachable.
This is an attempt cleanup code and keep the top level config
functions simpler and easy to understand where as move the
notifier related code and logger setter/getter methods as part
of their own struct.
Locks are now held properly not globally by configMutex, but
instead as private variables.
Final fix for #3700
This is a consolidation effort, avoiding usage
of naked strings in codebase. Whenever possible
use constants which can be repurposed elsewhere.
This also fixes `goconst ./...` reported issues.