This allows MinIO containers to run properly without
expecting higher privileges in situations where following
restrictions on containers are used
- docker run --user uid:gid
- docker-compose up (with docker-compose.yml with user)
user: "1001:1001"
command: minio server /data
- All openshift containers
Wait for remote hosts to resolve instead of failing on first host
resolution error, when running in Kubernetes or Docker environment.
Note that
- Waiting is based on exponential back-off mechanism
- If run as a binary, server fails if remote host is not resolvable
This is needed because in orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, remote
hosts are started sequentially and all the hosts are not up initially,
though they are expected to come up in a short time frame
It is difficult to identify a cap on the waiting time due to
non-deterministic nature of infrastructure platforms, so the server waits
infinitely for the hosts to come up, while logging the error messages to
the console.