mc config host add myminio-newuser http://localhost:9000 newuser newuser123 --api s3v4
mc alias set myminio-newuser http://localhost:9000 newuser newuser123 --api s3v4
mc cat myminio-newuser/my-bucketname/my-objectname
### Policy Variables
You can use policy variables in the *Resource* element and in string comparisons in the *Condition* element.
You can use a policy variable in the Resource element, but only in the resource portion of the ARN. This portion of the ARN appears after the 5th colon (:). You can't use a variable to replace parts of the ARN before the 5th colon, such as the service or account. The following policy might be attached to a group. It gives each of the users in the group full programmatic access to a user-specific object (their own "home directory") in MinIO.
If the user is authenticating using an STS credential which was authorized from OpenID connect we allow all `jwt:*` variables specified in the JWT specification, custom `jwt:*` or extensions are not supported.
List of policy variables for OpenID based STS.
Following example shows OpenID users with full programmatic access to a OpenID user-specific directory (their own "home directory") in MinIO.
If the user is authenticating using an STS credential which was authorized from AD/LDAP we allow `ldap:*` variables, currently only supports `ldap:user`. Following example shows LDAP users full programmatic access to a LDAP user-specific directory (their own "home directory") in MinIO.
- *aws:CurrentTime* - This can be used for conditions that check the date and time.
- *aws:EpochTime* - This is the date in epoch or Unix time, for use with date/time conditions.
- *aws:PrincipalType* - This value indicates whether the principal is an account (Root credential), user (MinIO user), or assumed role (STS)
- *aws:SecureTransport* - This is a Boolean value that represents whether the request was sent over TLS.
- *aws:SourceIp* - This is the requester's IP address, for use with IP address conditions. If running behind Nginx like proxies, MinIO preserve's the source IP.
- *aws:UserAgent* - This value is a string that contains information about the requester's client application. This string is generated by the client and can be unreliable. You can only use this context key from `mc` or other MinIO SDKs which standardize the User-Agent string.
- *aws:username* - This is a string containing the friendly name of the current user, this value would point to STS temporary credential in `AssumeRole`ed requests, instead use `jwt:preferred_username` in case of OpenID connect and `ldap:user` in case of AD/LDAP connect. *aws:userid* is an alias to *aws:username* in MinIO.