Return bit-rot verified data instead of re-reading from disk (#5568)

- Data from disk was being read after bitrot verification to return
  data for GetObject. Strictly speaking this does not guarantee bitrot
  protection, as disks may return bad data even temporarily.

- This fix reads data from disk, verifies data for bitrot and then
  returns data to the client directly.
Aditya Manthramurthy 7 years ago committed by Harshavardhana
parent 52eea7b9c1
commit ea8973b7d7
  1. 101
  2. 255
  3. 8
  4. 53
  5. 2
  6. 20
  7. 25
  8. 4

@ -70,67 +70,70 @@ func (s ErasureStorage) HealFile(staleDisks []StorageAPI, volume, path string, b
writeErrors := make([]error, len(s.disks))
// Read part file data on each disk
chunksize := ceilFrac(blocksize, int64(s.dataBlocks))
numBlocks := ceilFrac(size, blocksize)
readLen := chunksize * (numBlocks - 1)
lastChunkSize := chunksize
hasSmallerLastBlock := size%blocksize != 0
if hasSmallerLastBlock {
lastBlockLen := size % blocksize
lastChunkSize = ceilFrac(lastBlockLen, int64(s.dataBlocks))
readLen += lastChunkSize
var buffers [][]byte
buffers, _, err = s.readConcurrent(volume, path, 0, readLen, verifiers)
if err != nil {
return f, err
// Scan part files on disk, block-by-block reconstruct it and
// write to stale disks.
chunksize := getChunkSize(blocksize, s.dataBlocks)
blocks := make([][]byte, len(s.disks))
for i := range blocks {
blocks[i] = make([]byte, chunksize)
var chunkOffset, blockOffset int64
// The for loop below is entered when size == 0 and
// blockOffset == 0 to allow for reconstructing empty files.
for ; blockOffset == 0 || blockOffset < size; blockOffset += blocksize {
// last iteration may have less than blocksize data
// left, so chunksize needs to be recomputed.
if size < blockOffset+blocksize {
chunksize = getChunkSize(size-blockOffset, s.dataBlocks)
for i := range blocks {
blocks[i] = blocks[i][:chunksize]
if numBlocks > 1 {
// Allocate once for all the equal length blocks. The
// last block may have a different length - allocation
// for this happens inside the for loop below.
for i := range blocks {
if len(buffers[i]) == 0 {
blocks[i] = make([]byte, chunksize)
// read a chunk from each disk, until we have
// `s.dataBlocks` number of chunks set to non-nil in
// `blocks`
numReads := 0
for i, disk := range s.disks {
// skip reading from unavailable or stale disks
if disk == nil || staleDisks[i] != nil {
blocks[i] = blocks[i][:0] // mark shard as missing
_, err = disk.ReadFile(volume, path, chunkOffset, blocks[i], verifiers[i])
if err != nil {
// LOG FIXME: add a conditional log
// for read failures, once per-disk
// per-function-invocation.
blocks[i] = blocks[i][:0] // mark shard as missing
if numReads == s.dataBlocks {
// we have enough data to reconstruct
// mark all other blocks as missing
for j := i + 1; j < len(blocks); j++ {
blocks[j] = blocks[j][:0] // mark shard as missing
var buffOffset int64
for blockNumber := int64(0); blockNumber < numBlocks; blockNumber++ {
if blockNumber == numBlocks-1 && lastChunkSize != chunksize {
for i := range blocks {
if len(buffers[i]) == 0 {
blocks[i] = make([]byte, lastChunkSize)
// advance the chunk offset to prepare for next loop
// iteration
chunkOffset += chunksize
for i := range blocks {
if len(buffers[i]) == 0 {
blocks[i] = blocks[i][0:0]
// reconstruct data - this computes all data and
// parity shards - but we skip this step if we are
// reconstructing an empty file.
if chunksize > 0 {
if err = s.ErasureDecodeDataAndParityBlocks(blocks); err != nil {
return f, err
csize := chunksize
if blockNumber == numBlocks-1 {
csize = lastChunkSize
for i := range blocks {
if len(buffers[i]) != 0 {
blocks[i] = buffers[i][buffOffset : buffOffset+csize]
buffOffset += csize
if err = s.ErasureDecodeDataAndParityBlocks(blocks); err != nil {
return f, err
// write computed shards as chunks on file in each
// stale disk

@ -22,10 +22,74 @@ import (
// ReadFile reads as much data as requested from the file under the given volume and path and writes the data to the provided writer.
// The algorithm and the keys/checksums are used to verify the integrity of the given file. ReadFile will read data from the given offset
// up to the given length. If parts of the file are corrupted ReadFile tries to reconstruct the data.
func (s ErasureStorage) ReadFile(writer io.Writer, volume, path string, offset, length int64, totalLength int64, checksums [][]byte, algorithm BitrotAlgorithm, blocksize int64) (f ErasureFileInfo, err error) {
type errIdx struct {
idx int
err error
func (s ErasureStorage) readConcurrent(volume, path string, offset, length int64,
verifiers []*BitrotVerifier) (buffers [][]byte, needsReconstruction bool,
err error) {
errChan := make(chan errIdx)
stageBuffers := make([][]byte, len(s.disks))
buffers = make([][]byte, len(s.disks))
readDisk := func(i int) {
stageBuffers[i] = make([]byte, length)
disk := s.disks[i]
if disk == OfflineDisk {
errChan <- errIdx{i, errors.Trace(errDiskNotFound)}
_, rerr := disk.ReadFile(volume, path, offset, stageBuffers[i], verifiers[i])
errChan <- errIdx{i, rerr}
var finishedCount, successCount, launchIndex int
for ; launchIndex < s.dataBlocks; launchIndex++ {
go readDisk(launchIndex)
for finishedCount < launchIndex {
select {
case errVal := <-errChan:
if errVal.err != nil {
// TODO: meaningfully log the disk read error
// A disk failed to return data, so we
// request an additional disk if possible
if launchIndex < s.dataBlocks+s.parityBlocks {
needsReconstruction = true
// requiredBlocks++
go readDisk(launchIndex)
} else {
buffers[errVal.idx] = stageBuffers[errVal.idx]
stageBuffers[errVal.idx] = nil
if successCount != s.dataBlocks {
// Not enough disks returns data.
err = errors.Trace(errXLReadQuorum)
// ReadFile reads as much data as requested from the file under the
// given volume and path and writes the data to the provided writer.
// The algorithm and the keys/checksums are used to verify the
// integrity of the given file. ReadFile will read data from the given
// offset up to the given length. If parts of the file are corrupted
// ReadFile tries to reconstruct the data.
func (s ErasureStorage) ReadFile(writer io.Writer, volume, path string, offset,
length, totalLength int64, checksums [][]byte, algorithm BitrotAlgorithm,
blocksize int64) (f ErasureFileInfo, err error) {
if offset < 0 || length < 0 {
return f, errors.Trace(errUnexpected)
@ -44,117 +108,122 @@ func (s ErasureStorage) ReadFile(writer io.Writer, volume, path string, offset,
verifiers[i] = NewBitrotVerifier(algorithm, checksums[i])
errChans := make([]chan error, len(s.disks))
for i := range errChans {
errChans[i] = make(chan error, 1)
chunksize := ceilFrac(blocksize, int64(s.dataBlocks))
// We read all whole-blocks of erasure coded data containing
// the requested data range.
// The start index of the erasure coded block containing the
// `offset` byte of data is:
partDataStartIndex := (offset / blocksize) * chunksize
// The start index of the erasure coded block containing the
// (last) byte of data at the index `offset + length - 1` is:
blockStartIndex := ((offset + length - 1) / blocksize) * chunksize
// However, we need the end index of the e.c. block containing
// the last byte - we need to check if that block is the last
// block in the part (in that case, it may be have a different
// chunk size)
isLastBlock := (totalLength-1)/blocksize == (offset+length-1)/blocksize
var partDataEndIndex int64
if isLastBlock {
lastBlockChunkSize := chunksize
if totalLength%blocksize != 0 {
lastBlockChunkSize = ceilFrac(totalLength%blocksize, int64(s.dataBlocks))
partDataEndIndex = blockStartIndex + lastBlockChunkSize - 1
} else {
partDataEndIndex = blockStartIndex + chunksize - 1
// Thus, the length of data to be read from the part file(s) is:
partDataLength := partDataEndIndex - partDataStartIndex + 1
// The calculation above does not apply when length == 0:
if length == 0 {
partDataLength = 0
var buffers [][]byte
var needsReconstruction bool
buffers, needsReconstruction, err = s.readConcurrent(volume, path,
partDataStartIndex, partDataLength, verifiers)
if err != nil {
// Could not read enough disks.
lastBlock := totalLength / blocksize
startOffset := offset % blocksize
chunksize := getChunkSize(blocksize, s.dataBlocks)
numChunks := ceilFrac(partDataLength, chunksize)
blocks := make([][]byte, len(s.disks))
for i := range blocks {
blocks[i] = make([]byte, chunksize)
if needsReconstruction && numChunks > 1 {
// Allocate once for all the equal length blocks. The
// last block may have a different length - allocation
// for this happens inside the for loop below.
for i := range blocks {
if len(buffers[i]) == 0 {
blocks[i] = make([]byte, chunksize)
for off := offset / blocksize; length > 0; off++ {
blockOffset := off * chunksize
if currentBlock := (offset + f.Size) / blocksize; currentBlock == lastBlock {
blocksize = totalLength % blocksize
chunksize = getChunkSize(blocksize, s.dataBlocks)
var buffOffset int64
for chunkNumber := int64(0); chunkNumber < numChunks; chunkNumber++ {
if chunkNumber == numChunks-1 && partDataLength%chunksize != 0 {
chunksize = partDataLength % chunksize
// We allocate again as the last chunk has a
// different size.
for i := range blocks {
blocks[i] = blocks[i][:chunksize]
if len(buffers[i]) == 0 {
blocks[i] = make([]byte, chunksize)
err = s.readConcurrent(volume, path, blockOffset, blocks, verifiers, errChans)
if err != nil {
return f, errors.Trace(errXLReadQuorum)
for i := range blocks {
if len(buffers[i]) == 0 {
blocks[i] = blocks[i][0:0]
writeLength := blocksize - startOffset
if length < writeLength {
writeLength = length
for i := range blocks {
if len(buffers[i]) != 0 {
blocks[i] = buffers[i][buffOffset : buffOffset+chunksize]
buffOffset += chunksize
if needsReconstruction {
if err = s.ErasureDecodeDataBlocks(blocks); err != nil {
return f, errors.Trace(err)
var writeStart int64
if chunkNumber == 0 {
writeStart = offset % blocksize
writeLength := blocksize - writeStart
if chunkNumber == numChunks-1 {
lastBlockLength := (offset + length) % blocksize
if lastBlockLength != 0 {
writeLength = lastBlockLength - writeStart
n, err := writeDataBlocks(writer, blocks, s.dataBlocks, startOffset, writeLength)
n, err := writeDataBlocks(writer, blocks, s.dataBlocks, writeStart, writeLength)
if err != nil {
return f, err
startOffset = 0
f.Size += n
length -= n
f.Algorithm = algorithm
for i, disk := range s.disks {
if disk == OfflineDisk {
if disk == OfflineDisk || buffers[i] == nil {
f.Checksums[i] = verifiers[i].Sum(nil)
return f, nil
func erasureCountMissingBlocks(blocks [][]byte, limit int) int {
missing := 0
for i := range blocks[:limit] {
if len(blocks[i]) == 0 {
return missing
// readConcurrent reads all requested data concurrently from the disks into blocks. It returns an error if
// too many disks failed while reading.
func (s *ErasureStorage) readConcurrent(volume, path string, offset int64, blocks [][]byte, verifiers []*BitrotVerifier, errChans []chan error) (err error) {
errs := make([]error, len(s.disks))
erasureReadBlocksConcurrent(s.disks[:s.dataBlocks], volume, path, offset, blocks[:s.dataBlocks], verifiers[:s.dataBlocks], errs[:s.dataBlocks], errChans[:s.dataBlocks])
missingDataBlocks := erasureCountMissingBlocks(blocks, s.dataBlocks)
mustReconstruct := missingDataBlocks > 0
if mustReconstruct {
requiredReads := s.dataBlocks + missingDataBlocks
if requiredReads > s.dataBlocks+s.parityBlocks {
return errXLReadQuorum
erasureReadBlocksConcurrent(s.disks[s.dataBlocks:requiredReads], volume, path, offset, blocks[s.dataBlocks:requiredReads], verifiers[s.dataBlocks:requiredReads], errs[s.dataBlocks:requiredReads], errChans[s.dataBlocks:requiredReads])
if erasureCountMissingBlocks(blocks, requiredReads) > 0 {
erasureReadBlocksConcurrent(s.disks[requiredReads:], volume, path, offset, blocks[requiredReads:], verifiers[requiredReads:], errs[requiredReads:], errChans[requiredReads:])
if err = reduceReadQuorumErrs(errs, []error{}, s.dataBlocks); err != nil {
return err
if mustReconstruct {
if err = s.ErasureDecodeDataBlocks(blocks); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// erasureReadBlocksConcurrent reads all data from each disk to each data block in parallel.
// Therefore disks, blocks, verifiers errors and locks must have the same length.
func erasureReadBlocksConcurrent(disks []StorageAPI, volume, path string, offset int64, blocks [][]byte, verifiers []*BitrotVerifier, errors []error, errChans []chan error) {
for i := range errChans {
go erasureReadFromFile(disks[i], volume, path, offset, blocks[i], verifiers[i], errChans[i])
for i := range errChans {
errors[i] = <-errChans[i] // blocks until the go routine 'i' is done - no data race
if errors[i] != nil {
disks[i] = OfflineDisk
blocks[i] = blocks[i][:0] // mark shard as missing
// erasureReadFromFile reads data from the disk to buffer in parallel.
// It sends the returned error through the error channel.
func erasureReadFromFile(disk StorageAPI, volume, path string, offset int64, buffer []byte, verifier *BitrotVerifier, errChan chan<- error) {
if disk == OfflineDisk {
errChan <- errors.Trace(errDiskNotFound)
_, err := disk.ReadFile(volume, path, offset, buffer, verifier)
errChan <- err

@ -98,11 +98,3 @@ func writeDataBlocks(dst io.Writer, enBlocks [][]byte, dataBlocks int, offset in
// Success.
return totalWritten, nil
// chunkSize is roughly BlockSize/DataBlocks.
// chunkSize is calculated such that chunkSize*DataBlocks accommodates BlockSize bytes.
// So chunkSize*DataBlocks can be slightly larger than BlockSize if BlockSize is not divisible by
// DataBlocks. The extra space will have 0-padding.
func getChunkSize(blockSize int64, dataBlocks int) int64 {
return (blockSize + int64(dataBlocks) - 1) / int64(dataBlocks)

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import "testing"
// Tests validate the output of getChunkSize.
func TestGetChunkSize(t *testing.T) {
// Refer to comments on getChunkSize() for details.
testCases := []struct {
blockSize int64
dataBlocks int
// expected result.
expectedChunkSize int64
// Verify getChunkSize() for the test cases.
for i, testCase := range testCases {
got := getChunkSize(testCase.blockSize, testCase.dataBlocks)
if testCase.expectedChunkSize != got {
t.Errorf("Test %d : expected=%d got=%d", i+1, testCase.expectedChunkSize, got)

@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ func (s *posix) ReadFile(volume, path string, offset int64, buffer []byte, verif
return 0, errIsNotRegular
if verifier != nil && !verifier.IsVerified() {
if verifier != nil {
bufp := s.pool.Get().(*[]byte)
defer s.pool.Put(bufp)

@ -294,3 +294,23 @@ func jsonSave(f interface {
return nil
// ceilFrac takes a numerator and denominator representing a fraction
// and returns its ceiling. If denominator is 0, it returns 0 instead
// of crashing.
func ceilFrac(numerator, denominator int64) (ceil int64) {
if denominator == 0 {
// do nothing on invalid input
// Make denominator positive
if denominator < 0 {
numerator = -numerator
denominator = -denominator
ceil = numerator / denominator
if numerator > 0 && numerator%denominator != 0 {

@ -409,3 +409,28 @@ func TestJSONSave(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatal("Size should not differ after jsonSave()", fi1.Size(), fi2.Size(), f.Name())
// Test ceilFrac
func TestCeilFrac(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
numerator, denominator, ceiling int64
{0, 1, 0},
{-1, 2, 0},
{1, 2, 1},
{1, 1, 1},
{3, 2, 2},
{54, 11, 5},
{45, 11, 5},
{-4, 3, -1},
{4, -3, -1},
{-4, -3, 2},
{3, 0, 0},
for i, testCase := range cases {
ceiling := ceilFrac(testCase.numerator, testCase.denominator)
if ceiling != testCase.ceiling {
t.Errorf("Case %d: Unexpected result: %d", i, ceiling)

@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ func (xl xlObjects) isObject(bucket, prefix string) (ok bool) {
// Calculate the space occupied by an object in a single disk
func (xl xlObjects) sizeOnDisk(fileSize int64, blockSize int64, dataBlocks int) int64 {
numBlocks := fileSize / blockSize
chunkSize := getChunkSize(blockSize, dataBlocks)
chunkSize := ceilFrac(blockSize, int64(dataBlocks))
sizeInDisk := numBlocks * chunkSize
remaining := fileSize % blockSize
if remaining > 0 {
sizeInDisk += getChunkSize(remaining, dataBlocks)
sizeInDisk += ceilFrac(remaining, int64(dataBlocks))
return sizeInDisk
