Sid value can be any unicode character support it (#6676)

Fixes #6476
Harshavardhana 6 years ago committed by Nitish Tiwari
parent 32bd1b31e9
commit b99aaab42e
  1. 11
  2. 10

@ -19,22 +19,15 @@ package policy
import (
var idRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^[[:alnum:]]+$")
// ID - policy ID.
type ID string
// IsValid - checks if ID is valid or not.
func (id ID) IsValid() bool {
// Allow empty string as ID.
if string(id) == "" {
return true
return idRegexp.MatchString(string(id))
return utf8.ValidString(string(id))
// MarshalJSON - encodes ID to JSON data.

@ -29,13 +29,14 @@ func TestIDIsValid(t *testing.T) {
{ID("DenyEncryptionSt1"), true},
{ID(""), true},
{ID("aa\xe2"), false},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
result :=
if result != testCase.expectedResult {
t.Fatalf("case %v: result: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)
t.Errorf("case %v: result: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)
@ -46,10 +47,9 @@ func TestIDMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
expectedResult []byte
expectErr bool
{ID("foo"), []byte(`"foo"`), false},
{ID("1234"), []byte(`"1234"`), false},
{ID("DenyEncryptionSt1"), []byte(`"DenyEncryptionSt1"`), false},
{ID(""), []byte(`""`), false},
{ID("aa\xe2"), nil, true}, // invalid utf-8
for i, testCase := range testCases {
@ -74,11 +74,9 @@ func TestIDUnmarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
expectedResult ID
expectErr bool
{[]byte(`"foo"`), ID("foo"), false},
{[]byte(`"1234"`), ID("1234"), false},
{[]byte(`"DenyEncryptionSt1"`), ID("DenyEncryptionSt1"), false},
{[]byte(`""`), ID(""), false},
{[]byte(`"foo bar"`), ID(""), true},
{[]byte(`"aa\xe2"`), ID(""), true},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
