To host multiple tenants on a single machine, run one Minio server per tenant with dedicated HTTPS port, config and data directory.
This topic provides commands to set up different configurations of hosts, nodes, and drives. The examples provided here can be used as a starting point for other configurations.
Please remember that defining and exporting credential environment variables, `MINIO_ACCESS_KEY` and `MINIO_SECRET_KEY`, is **mandatory** on distributed deployments. It is also required to define and export domain environment variable, `MINIO_DOMAIN`, if domain information is needed to be set.
For large scale multi-tenant Minio deployments, we recommend using one of the popular container orchestration platforms, e.g. Kubernetes, DC/OS or Docker Swarm. Refer [this document]( to get started with Minio on orchestration platforms.
**Note**: On distributed systems, credentials must be defined and exported using the `MINIO_ACCESS_KEY` and `MINIO_SECRET_KEY` environment variables. If a domain is required, it must be specified by defining and exporting the `MINIO_DOMAIN` environment variable.
A container orchestration platform (e.g. Kubernetes, DC/OS, or Docker Swarm) is recommended for large-scale, multi-tenant Minio deployments. See the [Minio Deployment Quickstart Guide]( to get started with Minio on orchestration platforms.