/ *
* Minio Cloud Storage , ( C ) 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 Minio , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
package cmd
import (
accessPolicy: Implement Put, Get, Delete access policy.
This patch implements Get,Put,Delete bucket policies
Supporting - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-policy-language-overview.html
Currently supports following actions.
"*": true,
"s3:*": true,
"s3:GetObject": true,
"s3:ListBucket": true,
"s3:PutObject": true,
"s3:CreateBucket": true,
"s3:GetBucketLocation": true,
"s3:DeleteBucket": true,
"s3:DeleteObject": true,
"s3:AbortMultipartUpload": true,
"s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads": true,
"s3:ListMultipartUploadParts": true,
following conditions for "StringEquals" and "StringNotEquals"
"s3:prefix", "s3:max-keys"
9 years ago
accessPolicy: Implement Put, Get, Delete access policy.
This patch implements Get,Put,Delete bucket policies
Supporting - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-policy-language-overview.html
Currently supports following actions.
"*": true,
"s3:*": true,
"s3:GetObject": true,
"s3:ListBucket": true,
"s3:PutObject": true,
"s3:CreateBucket": true,
"s3:GetBucketLocation": true,
"s3:DeleteBucket": true,
"s3:DeleteObject": true,
"s3:AbortMultipartUpload": true,
"s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads": true,
"s3:ListMultipartUploadParts": true,
following conditions for "StringEquals" and "StringNotEquals"
"s3:prefix", "s3:max-keys"
9 years ago
etcd "github.com/coreos/etcd/client"
// Check if there are buckets on server without corresponding entry in etcd backend and
// make entries. Here is the general flow
// - Range over all the available buckets
// - Check if a bucket has an entry in etcd backend
// -- If no, make an entry
// -- If yes, check if the IP of entry matches local IP. This means entry is for this instance.
// -- If IP of the entry doesn't match, this means entry is for another instance. Log an error to console.
func initFederatorBackend ( objLayer ObjectLayer ) {
b , err := objLayer . ListBuckets ( context . Background ( ) )
if err != nil {
logger . LogIf ( context . Background ( ) , err )
g := errgroup . WithNErrs ( len ( b ) )
for index := range b {
index := index
g . Go ( func ( ) error {
r , gerr := globalDNSConfig . Get ( b [ index ] . Name )
if gerr != nil {
if etcd . IsKeyNotFound ( gerr ) || gerr == dns . ErrNoEntriesFound {
return globalDNSConfig . Put ( b [ index ] . Name )
return gerr
if globalDomainIPs . Intersection ( set . CreateStringSet ( getHostsSlice ( r ) ... ) ) . IsEmpty ( ) {
// There is already an entry for this bucket, with all IP addresses different. This indicates a bucket name collision. Log an error and continue.
return fmt . Errorf ( "Unable to add bucket DNS entry for bucket %s, an entry exists for the same bucket. Use one of these IP addresses %v to access the bucket" , b [ index ] . Name , globalDomainIPs . ToSlice ( ) )
return nil
} , index )
for _ , err := range g . Wait ( ) {
if err != nil {
logger . LogIf ( context . Background ( ) , err )
// GetBucketLocationHandler - GET Bucket location.
// -------------------------
// This operation returns bucket location.
func ( api objectAPIHandlers ) GetBucketLocationHandler ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
ctx := newContext ( r , "GetBucketLocation" )
vars := mux . Vars ( r )
bucket := vars [ "bucket" ]
objectAPI := api . ObjectAPI ( )
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrServerNotInitialized , r . URL )
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType ( ctx , r , policy . GetBucketLocationAction , bucket , "" ) ; s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse ( w , s3Error , r . URL )
bucketLock := globalNSMutex . NewNSLock ( bucket , "" )
if err := bucketLock . GetRLock ( globalObjectTimeout ) ; err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
defer bucketLock . RUnlock ( )
getBucketInfo := objectAPI . GetBucketInfo
if api . CacheAPI ( ) != nil {
getBucketInfo = api . CacheAPI ( ) . GetBucketInfo
if _ , err := getBucketInfo ( ctx , bucket ) ; err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
// Generate response.
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse ( LocationResponse { } )
config/main: Re-write config files - add to new config v3
- New config format.
"version": "3",
"address": ":9000",
"backend": {
"type": "fs",
"disk": "/path"
"credential": {
"accessKey": "WLGDGYAQYIGI833EV05A",
"secretKey": "BYvgJM101sHngl2uzjXS/OBF/aMxAN06JrJ3qJlF"
"region": "us-east-1",
"logger": {
"file": {
"enable": false,
"fileName": "",
"level": "error"
"syslog": {
"enable": false,
"address": "",
"level": "debug"
"console": {
"enable": true,
"level": "fatal"
New command lines in lieu of supporting XL.
Minio initialize filesystem backend.
$ minio init fs <path>
Minio initialize XL backend.
$ minio init xl <url1>...<url16>
For 'fs' backend it starts the server.
$ minio server
For 'xl' backend it waits for servers to join.
$ minio server
... [PROGRESS BAR] of servers connecting
Now on other servers execute 'join' and they connect.
minio join <url1> -- from <url2> && minio server
minio join <url1> -- from <url3> && minio server
minio join <url1> -- from <url16> && minio server
9 years ago
// Get current region.
region := globalServerConfig . GetRegion ( )
if region != globalMinioDefaultRegion {
encodedSuccessResponse = encodeResponse ( LocationResponse {
config/main: Re-write config files - add to new config v3
- New config format.
"version": "3",
"address": ":9000",
"backend": {
"type": "fs",
"disk": "/path"
"credential": {
"accessKey": "WLGDGYAQYIGI833EV05A",
"secretKey": "BYvgJM101sHngl2uzjXS/OBF/aMxAN06JrJ3qJlF"
"region": "us-east-1",
"logger": {
"file": {
"enable": false,
"fileName": "",
"level": "error"
"syslog": {
"enable": false,
"address": "",
"level": "debug"
"console": {
"enable": true,
"level": "fatal"
New command lines in lieu of supporting XL.
Minio initialize filesystem backend.
$ minio init fs <path>
Minio initialize XL backend.
$ minio init xl <url1>...<url16>
For 'fs' backend it starts the server.
$ minio server
For 'xl' backend it waits for servers to join.
$ minio server
... [PROGRESS BAR] of servers connecting
Now on other servers execute 'join' and they connect.
minio join <url1> -- from <url2> && minio server
minio join <url1> -- from <url3> && minio server
minio join <url1> -- from <url16> && minio server
9 years ago
Location : region ,
} )
// Write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML ( w , encodedSuccessResponse )
// ListMultipartUploadsHandler - GET Bucket (List Multipart uploads)
// -------------------------
// This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. An in-progress
// multipart upload is a multipart upload that has been initiated,
// using the Initiate Multipart Upload request, but has not yet been
// completed or aborted. This operation returns at most 1,000 multipart
// uploads in the response.
func ( api objectAPIHandlers ) ListMultipartUploadsHandler ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
ctx := newContext ( r , "ListMultipartUploads" )
vars := mux . Vars ( r )
bucket := vars [ "bucket" ]
objectAPI := api . ObjectAPI ( )
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrServerNotInitialized , r . URL )
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType ( ctx , r , policy . ListBucketMultipartUploadsAction , bucket , "" ) ; s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse ( w , s3Error , r . URL )
objectAPI: Fix object API interface, remove unnecessary structs.
ObjectAPI changes.
ListObjects(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectsInfo, *probe.Error)
ListMultipartUploads(bucket, objectPrefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (ListMultipartsInfo, *probe.Error)
ListObjectParts(bucket, object, uploadID string, partNumberMarker, maxParts int) (ListPartsInfo, *probe.Error)
CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket string, object string, uploadID string, parts []completePart) (ObjectInfo, *probe.Error)
9 years ago
prefix , keyMarker , uploadIDMarker , delimiter , maxUploads , _ := getBucketMultipartResources ( r . URL . Query ( ) )
if maxUploads < 0 {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrInvalidMaxUploads , r . URL )
if keyMarker != "" {
// Marker not common with prefix is not implemented.
if ! hasPrefix ( keyMarker , prefix ) {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrNotImplemented , r . URL )
listMultipartsInfo , err := objectAPI . ListMultipartUploads ( ctx , bucket , prefix , keyMarker , uploadIDMarker , delimiter , maxUploads )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
// generate response
objectAPI: Fix object API interface, remove unnecessary structs.
ObjectAPI changes.
ListObjects(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectsInfo, *probe.Error)
ListMultipartUploads(bucket, objectPrefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (ListMultipartsInfo, *probe.Error)
ListObjectParts(bucket, object, uploadID string, partNumberMarker, maxParts int) (ListPartsInfo, *probe.Error)
CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket string, object string, uploadID string, parts []completePart) (ObjectInfo, *probe.Error)
9 years ago
response := generateListMultipartUploadsResponse ( bucket , listMultipartsInfo )
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse ( response )
// write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML ( w , encodedSuccessResponse )
// ListBucketsHandler - GET Service.
// -----------
// This implementation of the GET operation returns a list of all buckets
// owned by the authenticated sender of the request.
func ( api objectAPIHandlers ) ListBucketsHandler ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
ctx := newContext ( r , "ListBuckets" )
objectAPI := api . ObjectAPI ( )
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrServerNotInitialized , r . URL )
listBuckets := objectAPI . ListBuckets
if api . CacheAPI ( ) != nil {
listBuckets = api . CacheAPI ( ) . ListBuckets
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType ( ctx , r , policy . ListAllMyBucketsAction , "" , "" ) ; s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse ( w , s3Error , r . URL )
// If etcd, dns federation configured list buckets from etcd.
var bucketsInfo [ ] BucketInfo
if globalDNSConfig != nil {
dnsBuckets , err := globalDNSConfig . List ( )
if err != nil && ! etcd . IsKeyNotFound ( err ) && err != dns . ErrNoEntriesFound {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
bucketSet := set . NewStringSet ( )
for _ , dnsRecord := range dnsBuckets {
if bucketSet . Contains ( dnsRecord . Key ) {
bucketsInfo = append ( bucketsInfo , BucketInfo {
Name : strings . Trim ( dnsRecord . Key , slashSeparator ) ,
Created : dnsRecord . CreationDate ,
} )
bucketSet . Add ( dnsRecord . Key )
} else {
// Invoke the list buckets.
var err error
bucketsInfo , err = listBuckets ( ctx )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
// Generate response.
response := generateListBucketsResponse ( bucketsInfo )
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse ( response )
// Write response.
writeSuccessResponseXML ( w , encodedSuccessResponse )
// DeleteMultipleObjectsHandler - deletes multiple objects.
func ( api objectAPIHandlers ) DeleteMultipleObjectsHandler ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
ctx := newContext ( r , "DeleteMultipleObjects" )
vars := mux . Vars ( r )
bucket := vars [ "bucket" ]
objectAPI := api . ObjectAPI ( )
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrServerNotInitialized , r . URL )
var s3Error APIErrorCode
if s3Error = checkRequestAuthType ( ctx , r , policy . DeleteObjectAction , bucket , "" ) ; s3Error != ErrNone {
// In the event access is denied, a 200 response should still be returned
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html
if s3Error != ErrAccessDenied {
writeErrorResponse ( w , s3Error , r . URL )
// Content-Length is required and should be non-zero
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html
if r . ContentLength <= 0 {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMissingContentLength , r . URL )
// Content-Md5 is requied should be set
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html
if _ , ok := r . Header [ "Content-Md5" ] ; ! ok {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMissingContentMD5 , r . URL )
// Allocate incoming content length bytes.
var deleteXMLBytes [ ] byte
const maxBodySize = 2 * 1000 * 1024 // The max. XML contains 1000 object names (each at most 1024 bytes long) + XML overhead
if r . ContentLength > maxBodySize { // Only allocated memory for at most 1000 objects
deleteXMLBytes = make ( [ ] byte , maxBodySize )
} else {
deleteXMLBytes = make ( [ ] byte , r . ContentLength )
// Read incoming body XML bytes.
if _ , err := io . ReadFull ( r . Body , deleteXMLBytes ) ; err != nil {
logger . LogIf ( ctx , err )
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrInternalError , r . URL )
// Unmarshal list of keys to be deleted.
deleteObjects := & DeleteObjectsRequest { }
if err := xml . Unmarshal ( deleteXMLBytes , deleteObjects ) ; err != nil {
logger . LogIf ( ctx , err )
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMalformedXML , r . URL )
// Deny if WORM is enabled
if globalWORMEnabled {
// Not required to check whether given objects exist or not, because
// DeleteMultipleObject is always successful irrespective of object existence.
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMethodNotAllowed , r . URL )
var wg = & sync . WaitGroup { } // Allocate a new wait group.
var dErrs = make ( [ ] error , len ( deleteObjects . Objects ) )
// Delete all requested objects in parallel.
for index , object := range deleteObjects . Objects {
wg . Add ( 1 )
go func ( i int , obj ObjectIdentifier ) {
defer wg . Done ( )
// If the request is denied access, each item
// should be marked as 'AccessDenied'
if s3Error == ErrAccessDenied {
dErrs [ i ] = PrefixAccessDenied {
Bucket : bucket ,
Object : obj . ObjectName ,
deleteObject := objectAPI . DeleteObject
if api . CacheAPI ( ) != nil {
deleteObject = api . CacheAPI ( ) . DeleteObject
dErr := deleteObject ( ctx , bucket , obj . ObjectName )
if dErr != nil {
dErrs [ i ] = dErr
} ( index , object )
wg . Wait ( )
// Collect deleted objects and errors if any.
var deletedObjects [ ] ObjectIdentifier
var deleteErrors [ ] DeleteError
for index , err := range dErrs {
object := deleteObjects . Objects [ index ]
// Success deleted objects are collected separately.
if err == nil {
deletedObjects = append ( deletedObjects , object )
if _ , ok := err . ( ObjectNotFound ) ; ok {
// If the object is not found it should be
// accounted as deleted as per S3 spec.
deletedObjects = append ( deletedObjects , object )
// Error during delete should be collected separately.
deleteErrors = append ( deleteErrors , DeleteError {
Code : errorCodeResponse [ toAPIErrorCode ( err ) ] . Code ,
Message : errorCodeResponse [ toAPIErrorCode ( err ) ] . Description ,
Key : object . ObjectName ,
} )
// Generate response
response := generateMultiDeleteResponse ( deleteObjects . Quiet , deletedObjects , deleteErrors )
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse ( response )
// Write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML ( w , encodedSuccessResponse )
// Get host and port from Request.RemoteAddr failing which
// fill them with empty strings.
host , port , err := net . SplitHostPort ( handlers . GetSourceIP ( r ) )
if err != nil {
host , port = "" , ""
// Notify deleted event for objects.
for _ , dobj := range deletedObjects {
sendEvent ( eventArgs {
EventName : event . ObjectRemovedDelete ,
BucketName : bucket ,
Object : ObjectInfo {
Name : dobj . ObjectName ,
} ,
ReqParams : extractReqParams ( r ) ,
UserAgent : r . UserAgent ( ) ,
Host : host ,
Port : port ,
} )
// PutBucketHandler - PUT Bucket
// ----------
// This implementation of the PUT operation creates a new bucket for authenticated request
func ( api objectAPIHandlers ) PutBucketHandler ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
ctx := newContext ( r , "PutBucket" )
objectAPI := api . ObjectAPI ( )
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrServerNotInitialized , r . URL )
vars := mux . Vars ( r )
bucket := vars [ "bucket" ]
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType ( ctx , r , policy . CreateBucketAction , bucket , "" ) ; s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse ( w , s3Error , r . URL )
// Parse incoming location constraint.
location , s3Error := parseLocationConstraint ( r )
if s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse ( w , s3Error , r . URL )
// Validate if location sent by the client is valid, reject
// requests which do not follow valid region requirements.
if ! isValidLocation ( location ) {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrInvalidRegion , r . URL )
if globalDNSConfig != nil {
if _ , err := globalDNSConfig . Get ( bucket ) ; err != nil {
if etcd . IsKeyNotFound ( err ) || err == dns . ErrNoEntriesFound {
// Proceed to creating a bucket.
if err = objectAPI . MakeBucketWithLocation ( ctx , bucket , location ) ; err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
if err = globalDNSConfig . Put ( bucket ) ; err != nil {
objectAPI . DeleteBucket ( ctx , bucket )
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
// Make sure to add Location information here only for bucket
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Location" , getObjectLocation ( r , globalDomainName , bucket , "" ) )
writeSuccessResponseHeadersOnly ( w )
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou , r . URL )
// Proceed to creating a bucket.
err := objectAPI . MakeBucketWithLocation ( ctx , bucket , location )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
// Make sure to add Location information here only for bucket
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Location" , path . Clean ( r . URL . Path ) ) // Clean any trailing slashes.
writeSuccessResponseHeadersOnly ( w )
// PostPolicyBucketHandler - POST policy
// ----------
// This implementation of the POST operation handles object creation with a specified
// signature policy in multipart/form-data
func ( api objectAPIHandlers ) PostPolicyBucketHandler ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
ctx := newContext ( r , "PostPolicyBucket" )
objectAPI := api . ObjectAPI ( )
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrServerNotInitialized , r . URL )
bucket := mux . Vars ( r ) [ "bucket" ]
// Require Content-Length to be set in the request
size := r . ContentLength
if size < 0 {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMissingContentLength , r . URL )
resource , err := getResource ( r . URL . Path , r . Host , globalDomainName )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrInvalidRequest , r . URL )
// Make sure that the URL does not contain object name.
if bucket != filepath . Clean ( resource [ 1 : ] ) {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMethodNotAllowed , r . URL )
// Here the parameter is the size of the form data that should
// be loaded in memory, the remaining being put in temporary files.
reader , err := r . MultipartReader ( )
if err != nil {
logger . LogIf ( ctx , err )
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMalformedPOSTRequest , r . URL )
// Read multipart data and save in memory and in the disk if needed
form , err := reader . ReadForm ( maxFormMemory )
if err != nil {
logger . LogIf ( ctx , err )
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMalformedPOSTRequest , r . URL )
// Remove all tmp files creating during multipart upload
defer form . RemoveAll ( )
// Extract all form fields
fileBody , fileName , fileSize , formValues , err := extractPostPolicyFormValues ( ctx , form )
if err != nil {
logger . LogIf ( ctx , err )
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMalformedPOSTRequest , r . URL )
// Check if file is provided, error out otherwise.
if fileBody == nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrPOSTFileRequired , r . URL )
// Close multipart file
defer fileBody . Close ( )
formValues . Set ( "Bucket" , bucket )
if fileName != "" && strings . Contains ( formValues . Get ( "Key" ) , "${filename}" ) {
// S3 feature to replace ${filename} found in Key form field
// by the filename attribute passed in multipart
formValues . Set ( "Key" , strings . Replace ( formValues . Get ( "Key" ) , "${filename}" , fileName , - 1 ) )
object := formValues . Get ( "Key" )
successRedirect := formValues . Get ( "success_action_redirect" )
successStatus := formValues . Get ( "success_action_status" )
var redirectURL * url . URL
if successRedirect != "" {
redirectURL , err = url . Parse ( successRedirect )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMalformedPOSTRequest , r . URL )
// Verify policy signature.
apiErr := doesPolicySignatureMatch ( formValues )
if apiErr != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse ( w , apiErr , r . URL )
policyBytes , err := base64 . StdEncoding . DecodeString ( formValues . Get ( "Policy" ) )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMalformedPOSTRequest , r . URL )
postPolicyForm , err := parsePostPolicyForm ( string ( policyBytes ) )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrMalformedPOSTRequest , r . URL )
// Make sure formValues adhere to policy restrictions.
if apiErr = checkPostPolicy ( formValues , postPolicyForm ) ; apiErr != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse ( w , apiErr , r . URL )
// Ensure that the object size is within expected range, also the file size
// should not exceed the maximum single Put size (5 GiB)
lengthRange := postPolicyForm . Conditions . ContentLengthRange
if lengthRange . Valid {
if fileSize < lengthRange . Min {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( errDataTooSmall ) , r . URL )
if fileSize > lengthRange . Max || isMaxObjectSize ( fileSize ) {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( errDataTooLarge ) , r . URL )
// Extract metadata to be saved from received Form.
metadata , err := extractMetadataFromHeader ( ctx , formValues )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrInternalError , r . URL )
hashReader , err := hash . NewReader ( fileBody , fileSize , "" , "" )
if err != nil {
logger . LogIf ( ctx , err )
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
if objectAPI . IsEncryptionSupported ( ) {
if hasSSECustomerHeader ( formValues ) && ! hasSuffix ( object , slashSeparator ) { // handle SSE-C requests
var reader io . Reader
var key [ ] byte
key , err = ParseSSECustomerHeader ( formValues )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
reader , err = newEncryptReader ( hashReader , key , metadata )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
info := ObjectInfo { Size : fileSize }
hashReader , err = hash . NewReader ( reader , info . EncryptedSize ( ) , "" , "" ) // do not try to verify encrypted content
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
objInfo , err := objectAPI . PutObject ( ctx , bucket , object , hashReader , metadata )
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
location := getObjectLocation ( r , globalDomainName , bucket , object )
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "ETag" , ` " ` + objInfo . ETag + ` " ` )
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Location" , location )
// Get host and port from Request.RemoteAddr.
host , port , err := net . SplitHostPort ( handlers . GetSourceIP ( r ) )
if err != nil {
host , port = "" , ""
// Notify object created event.
defer sendEvent ( eventArgs {
EventName : event . ObjectCreatedPost ,
BucketName : objInfo . Bucket ,
Object : objInfo ,
ReqParams : extractReqParams ( r ) ,
UserAgent : r . UserAgent ( ) ,
Host : host ,
Port : port ,
} )
if successRedirect != "" {
// Replace raw query params..
redirectURL . RawQuery = getRedirectPostRawQuery ( objInfo )
writeRedirectSeeOther ( w , redirectURL . String ( ) )
// Decide what http response to send depending on success_action_status parameter
switch successStatus {
case "201" :
resp := encodeResponse ( PostResponse {
Bucket : objInfo . Bucket ,
Key : objInfo . Name ,
ETag : ` " ` + objInfo . ETag + ` " ` ,
Location : location ,
} )
writeResponse ( w , http . StatusCreated , resp , "application/xml" )
case "200" :
writeSuccessResponseHeadersOnly ( w )
default :
writeSuccessNoContent ( w )
// HeadBucketHandler - HEAD Bucket
// ----------
// This operation is useful to determine if a bucket exists.
// The operation returns a 200 OK if the bucket exists and you
// have permission to access it. Otherwise, the operation might
// return responses such as 404 Not Found and 403 Forbidden.
func ( api objectAPIHandlers ) HeadBucketHandler ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
ctx := newContext ( r , "HeadBucket" )
vars := mux . Vars ( r )
bucket := vars [ "bucket" ]
objectAPI := api . ObjectAPI ( )
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponseHeadersOnly ( w , ErrServerNotInitialized )
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType ( ctx , r , policy . ListBucketAction , bucket , "" ) ; s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponseHeadersOnly ( w , s3Error )
accessPolicy: Implement Put, Get, Delete access policy.
This patch implements Get,Put,Delete bucket policies
Supporting - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-policy-language-overview.html
Currently supports following actions.
"*": true,
"s3:*": true,
"s3:GetObject": true,
"s3:ListBucket": true,
"s3:PutObject": true,
"s3:CreateBucket": true,
"s3:GetBucketLocation": true,
"s3:DeleteBucket": true,
"s3:DeleteObject": true,
"s3:AbortMultipartUpload": true,
"s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads": true,
"s3:ListMultipartUploadParts": true,
following conditions for "StringEquals" and "StringNotEquals"
"s3:prefix", "s3:max-keys"
9 years ago
getBucketInfo := objectAPI . GetBucketInfo
if api . CacheAPI ( ) != nil {
getBucketInfo = api . CacheAPI ( ) . GetBucketInfo
if _ , err := getBucketInfo ( ctx , bucket ) ; err != nil {
writeErrorResponseHeadersOnly ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) )
writeSuccessResponseHeadersOnly ( w )
// DeleteBucketHandler - Delete bucket
func ( api objectAPIHandlers ) DeleteBucketHandler ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
ctx := newContext ( r , "DeleteBucket" )
vars := mux . Vars ( r )
bucket := vars [ "bucket" ]
objectAPI := api . ObjectAPI ( )
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , ErrServerNotInitialized , r . URL )
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType ( ctx , r , policy . DeleteBucketAction , bucket , "" ) ; s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse ( w , s3Error , r . URL )
deleteBucket := objectAPI . DeleteBucket
if api . CacheAPI ( ) != nil {
deleteBucket = api . CacheAPI ( ) . DeleteBucket
// Attempt to delete bucket.
if err := deleteBucket ( ctx , bucket ) ; err != nil {
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
accessPolicy: Implement Put, Get, Delete access policy.
This patch implements Get,Put,Delete bucket policies
Supporting - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-policy-language-overview.html
Currently supports following actions.
"*": true,
"s3:*": true,
"s3:GetObject": true,
"s3:ListBucket": true,
"s3:PutObject": true,
"s3:CreateBucket": true,
"s3:GetBucketLocation": true,
"s3:DeleteBucket": true,
"s3:DeleteObject": true,
"s3:AbortMultipartUpload": true,
"s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads": true,
"s3:ListMultipartUploadParts": true,
following conditions for "StringEquals" and "StringNotEquals"
"s3:prefix", "s3:max-keys"
9 years ago
globalNotificationSys . RemoveNotification ( bucket )
globalPolicySys . Remove ( bucket )
globalNotificationSys . DeleteBucket ( ctx , bucket )
if globalDNSConfig != nil {
if err := globalDNSConfig . Delete ( bucket ) ; err != nil {
// Deleting DNS entry failed, attempt to create the bucket again.
objectAPI . MakeBucketWithLocation ( ctx , bucket , "" )
writeErrorResponse ( w , toAPIErrorCode ( err ) , r . URL )
accessPolicy: Implement Put, Get, Delete access policy.
This patch implements Get,Put,Delete bucket policies
Supporting - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-policy-language-overview.html
Currently supports following actions.
"*": true,
"s3:*": true,
"s3:GetObject": true,
"s3:ListBucket": true,
"s3:PutObject": true,
"s3:CreateBucket": true,
"s3:GetBucketLocation": true,
"s3:DeleteBucket": true,
"s3:DeleteObject": true,
"s3:AbortMultipartUpload": true,
"s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads": true,
"s3:ListMultipartUploadParts": true,
following conditions for "StringEquals" and "StringNotEquals"
"s3:prefix", "s3:max-keys"
9 years ago
// Write success response.
writeSuccessNoContent ( w )