To run this example, you need Kubernetes version >=1.4 cluster installed and running, and that you have installed the [`kubectl`]( command line tool in your path. Please see the
[getting started guides]( for installation instructions for your platform.
## Minio Standalone Server Deployment
The following section describes the process to deploy standalone [Minio]( server on Kubernetes. The deployment uses the [official Minio Docker image]( from Docker Hub.
This section uses following core components of Kubernetes:
Minio needs persistent storage to store objects. If there is no
persistent storage, the data stored in Minio instance will be stored in the container file system and will be wiped off as soon as the container restarts.
Create a persistent volume claim (PVC) to request storage for the Minio instance. Kubernetes looks out for PVs matching the PVC request in the cluster and binds it to the PVC automatically.
This is the PVC description.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
# This name uniquely identifies the PVC. Will be used in deployment below.
A deployment encapsulates replica sets and pods—so, if a pod goes down, replication controller makes sure another pod comes up automatically. This way you won’t need to bother about pod failures and will have a stable Minio service available.
This is the deployment description.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
# This name uniquely identifies the Deployment
name: minio-deployment
type: Recreate
# Label is used as selector in the service.
app: minio
# Refer to the PVC created earlier
- name: storage
# Name of the PVC created earlier
claimName: minio-pv-claim
- name: minio
# Pulls the default Minio image from Docker Hub
image: minio/minio:RELEASE.2017-05-05T01-14-51Z
- server
- /storage
# Minio access key and secret key
value: "minio"
value: "minio123"
- containerPort: 9000
hostPort: 9000
# Mount the volume into the pod
- name: storage # must match the volume name, above
Now that you have a Minio deployment running, you may either want to access it internally (within the cluster) or expose it as a Service onto an external (outside of your cluster, maybe public internet) IP address, depending on your use case. You can achieve this using Services. There are 3 major service types—default type is ClusterIP, which exposes a service to connection from inside the cluster. NodePort and LoadBalancer are two types that expose services to external traffic.
In this example, we expose the Minio Deployment by creating a LoadBalancer service. This is the service description.
The following document describes the process to deploy [distributed Minio]( server on Kubernetes. This example uses the [official Minio Docker image]( from Docker Hub.
This example uses following core components of Kubernetes:
Headless Service controls the domain within which StatefulSets are created. The domain managed by this Service takes the form: `$(service name).$(namespace).svc.cluster.local` (where “cluster.local” is the cluster domain), and the pods in this domain take the form: `$(pod-name-{i}).$(service name).$(namespace).svc.cluster.local`. This is required to get a DNS resolvable URL for each of the pods created within the Statefulset.
A StatefulSet provides a deterministic name and a unique identity to each pod, making it easy to deploy stateful distributed applications. To launch distributed Minio you need to pass drive locations as parameters to the minio server command. Then, you’ll need to run the same command on all the participating pods. StatefulSets offer a perfect way to handle this requirement.
Now that you have a Minio statefulset running, you may either want to access it internally (within the cluster) or expose it as a Service onto an external (outside of your cluster, maybe public internet) IP address, depending on your use case. You can achieve this using Services. There are 3 major service types—default type is ClusterIP, which exposes a service to connection from inside the cluster. NodePort and LoadBalancer are two types that expose services to external traffic.
In this example, we expose the Minio Deployment by creating a LoadBalancer service. This is the service description.
The following section describes the process to deploy [Minio]( GCS Gateway on Kubernetes. The deployment uses the [official Minio Docker image]( from Docker Hub.
This section uses following core components of Kubernetes:
Create the Google Cloud Service credentials file using the steps mentioned [here](
Use the path of file generated above to create a Kubernetes `secret`.
A `secret` is intended to hold sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and ssh keys. Putting this information in a secret is safer and more flexible than putting it verbatim in a pod definition or in a docker image.
Create the Google Cloud Service credentials file using the steps mentioned [here](
Use the path of file generated above to create a Kubernetes `secret`.
A deployment encapsulates replica sets and pods—so, if a pod goes down, replication controller makes sure another pod comes up automatically. This way you won’t need to bother about pod failures and will have a stable Minio service available.
Minio Gateway uses GCS as its storage backend and need to use a GCP `projectid` to identify your credentials. Update the section `gcp_project_id` with your
GCS project ID. This is the deployment description.
Now that you have a Minio deployment running, you may either want to access it internally (within the cluster) or expose it as a Service onto an external (outside of your cluster, maybe public internet) IP address, depending on your use case. You can achieve this using Services. There are 3 major service types—default type is ClusterIP, which exposes a service to connection from inside the cluster. NodePort and LoadBalancer are two types that expose services to external traffic.
In this example, we expose the Minio Deployment by creating a LoadBalancer service. This is the service description.