You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package sqlparser
// analyzer.go contains utility analysis functions.
import (
// These constants are used to identify the SQL statement type.
const (
StmtSelect = iota
// Preview analyzes the beginning of the query using a simpler and faster
// textual comparison to identify the statement type.
func Preview(sql string) int {
trimmed := StripLeadingComments(sql)
firstWord := trimmed
if end := strings.IndexFunc(trimmed, unicode.IsSpace); end != -1 {
firstWord = trimmed[:end]
firstWord = strings.TrimLeftFunc(firstWord, func(r rune) bool { return !unicode.IsLetter(r) })
// Comparison is done in order of priority.
loweredFirstWord := strings.ToLower(firstWord)
switch loweredFirstWord {
case "select":
return StmtSelect
case "stream":
return StmtStream
case "insert":
return StmtInsert
case "replace":
return StmtReplace
case "update":
return StmtUpdate
case "delete":
return StmtDelete
// For the following statements it is not sufficient to rely
// on loweredFirstWord. This is because they are not statements
// in the grammar and we are relying on Preview to parse them.
// For instance, we don't want: "BEGIN JUNK" to be parsed
// as StmtBegin.
trimmedNoComments, _ := SplitMarginComments(trimmed)
switch strings.ToLower(trimmedNoComments) {
case "begin", "start transaction":
return StmtBegin
case "commit":
return StmtCommit
case "rollback":
return StmtRollback
switch loweredFirstWord {
case "create", "alter", "rename", "drop", "truncate":
return StmtDDL
case "set":
return StmtSet
case "show":
return StmtShow
case "use":
return StmtUse
case "analyze", "describe", "desc", "explain", "repair", "optimize":
return StmtOther
if strings.Index(trimmed, "/*!") == 0 {
return StmtComment
return StmtUnknown
// StmtType returns the statement type as a string
func StmtType(stmtType int) string {
switch stmtType {
case StmtSelect:
return "SELECT"
case StmtStream:
return "STREAM"
case StmtInsert:
return "INSERT"
case StmtReplace:
return "REPLACE"
case StmtUpdate:
return "UPDATE"
case StmtDelete:
return "DELETE"
case StmtDDL:
return "DDL"
case StmtBegin:
return "BEGIN"
case StmtCommit:
return "COMMIT"
case StmtRollback:
return "ROLLBACK"
case StmtSet:
return "SET"
case StmtShow:
return "SHOW"
case StmtUse:
return "USE"
case StmtOther:
return "OTHER"
return "UNKNOWN"
// IsDML returns true if the query is an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.
func IsDML(sql string) bool {
switch Preview(sql) {
case StmtInsert, StmtReplace, StmtUpdate, StmtDelete:
return true
return false
// GetTableName returns the table name from the SimpleTableExpr
// only if it's a simple expression. Otherwise, it returns "".
func GetTableName(node SimpleTableExpr) TableIdent {
if n, ok := node.(TableName); ok && n.Qualifier.IsEmpty() {
return n.Name
// sub-select or '.' expression
return NewTableIdent("")
// IsColName returns true if the Expr is a *ColName.
func IsColName(node Expr) bool {
_, ok := node.(*ColName)
return ok
// IsValue returns true if the Expr is a string, integral or value arg.
// NULL is not considered to be a value.
func IsValue(node Expr) bool {
switch v := node.(type) {
case *SQLVal:
switch v.Type {
case StrVal, HexVal, IntVal, ValArg:
return true
return false
// IsNull returns true if the Expr is SQL NULL
func IsNull(node Expr) bool {
switch node.(type) {
case *NullVal:
return true
return false
// IsSimpleTuple returns true if the Expr is a ValTuple that
// contains simple values or if it's a list arg.
func IsSimpleTuple(node Expr) bool {
switch vals := node.(type) {
case ValTuple:
for _, n := range vals {
if !IsValue(n) {
return false
return true
case ListArg:
return true
// It's a subquery
return false
// NewPlanValue builds a sqltypes.PlanValue from an Expr.
func NewPlanValue(node Expr) (sqltypes.PlanValue, error) {
switch node := node.(type) {
case *SQLVal:
switch node.Type {
case ValArg:
return sqltypes.PlanValue{Key: string(node.Val[1:])}, nil
case IntVal:
n, err := sqltypes.NewIntegral(string(node.Val))
if err != nil {
return sqltypes.PlanValue{}, fmt.Errorf("%v", err)
return sqltypes.PlanValue{Value: n}, nil
case StrVal:
return sqltypes.PlanValue{Value: sqltypes.MakeTrusted(sqltypes.VarBinary, node.Val)}, nil
case HexVal:
v, err := node.HexDecode()
if err != nil {
return sqltypes.PlanValue{}, fmt.Errorf("%v", err)
return sqltypes.PlanValue{Value: sqltypes.MakeTrusted(sqltypes.VarBinary, v)}, nil
case ListArg:
return sqltypes.PlanValue{ListKey: string(node[2:])}, nil
case ValTuple:
pv := sqltypes.PlanValue{
Values: make([]sqltypes.PlanValue, 0, len(node)),
for _, val := range node {
innerpv, err := NewPlanValue(val)
if err != nil {
return sqltypes.PlanValue{}, err
if innerpv.ListKey != "" || innerpv.Values != nil {
return sqltypes.PlanValue{}, errors.New("unsupported: nested lists")
pv.Values = append(pv.Values, innerpv)
return pv, nil
case *NullVal:
return sqltypes.PlanValue{}, nil
return sqltypes.PlanValue{}, fmt.Errorf("expression is too complex '%v'", String(node))
// StringIn is a convenience function that returns
// true if str matches any of the values.
func StringIn(str string, values ...string) bool {
for _, val := range values {
if str == val {
return true
return false
// SetKey is the extracted key from one SetExpr
type SetKey struct {
Key string
Scope string
// ExtractSetValues returns a map of key-value pairs
// if the query is a SET statement. Values can be bool, int64 or string.
// Since set variable names are case insensitive, all keys are returned
// as lower case.
func ExtractSetValues(sql string) (keyValues map[SetKey]interface{}, scope string, err error) {
stmt, err := Parse(sql)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
setStmt, ok := stmt.(*Set)
if !ok {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("ast did not yield *sqlparser.Set: %T", stmt)
result := make(map[SetKey]interface{})
for _, expr := range setStmt.Exprs {
scope := SessionStr
key := expr.Name.Lowered()
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(key, "@@global."):
scope = GlobalStr
key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, "@@global.")
case strings.HasPrefix(key, "@@session."):
key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, "@@session.")
case strings.HasPrefix(key, "@@"):
key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, "@@")
if strings.HasPrefix(expr.Name.Lowered(), "@@") {
if setStmt.Scope != "" && scope != "" {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported in set: mixed using of variable scope")
_, out := NewStringTokenizer(key).Scan()
key = string(out)
setKey := SetKey{
Key: key,
Scope: scope,
switch expr := expr.Expr.(type) {
case *SQLVal:
switch expr.Type {
case StrVal:
result[setKey] = strings.ToLower(string(expr.Val))
case IntVal:
num, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(expr.Val), 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
result[setKey] = num
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("invalid value type: %v", String(expr))
case BoolVal:
var val int64
if expr {
val = 1
result[setKey] = val
case *ColName:
result[setKey] = expr.Name.String()
case *NullVal:
result[setKey] = nil
case *Default:
result[setKey] = "default"
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("invalid syntax: %s", String(expr))
return result, strings.ToLower(setStmt.Scope), nil