You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

309 lines
8.6 KiB

* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2017, 2018 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
xhttp ""
func init() {
logger.Init(GOPATH, GOROOT)
var (
gatewayCmd = cli.Command{
Name: "gateway",
Usage: "start object storage gateway",
Flags: append(serverFlags, globalFlags...),
HideHelpCommand: true,
// RegisterGatewayCommand registers a new command for gateway.
func RegisterGatewayCommand(cmd cli.Command) error {
cmd.Flags = append(append(cmd.Flags, append(cmd.Flags, serverFlags...)...), globalFlags...)
gatewayCmd.Subcommands = append(gatewayCmd.Subcommands, cmd)
return nil
// ParseGatewayEndpoint - Return endpoint.
func ParseGatewayEndpoint(arg string) (endPoint string, secure bool, err error) {
schemeSpecified := len(strings.Split(arg, "://")) > 1
if !schemeSpecified {
// Default connection will be "secure".
arg = "https://" + arg
u, err := url.Parse(arg)
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
switch u.Scheme {
case "http":
return u.Host, false, nil
case "https":
return u.Host, true, nil
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized scheme %s", u.Scheme)
// ValidateGatewayArguments - Validate gateway arguments.
func ValidateGatewayArguments(serverAddr, endpointAddr string) error {
if err := CheckLocalServerAddr(serverAddr); err != nil {
return err
if endpointAddr != "" {
// Reject the endpoint if it points to the gateway handler itself.
sameTarget, err := sameLocalAddrs(endpointAddr, serverAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
if sameTarget {
return fmt.Errorf("endpoint points to the local gateway")
return nil
// StartGateway - handler for 'minio gateway <name>'.
func StartGateway(ctx *cli.Context, gw Gateway) {
if gw == nil {
logger.FatalIf(errUnexpected, "Gateway implementation not initialized")
// Disable logging until gateway initialization is complete, any
// error during initialization will be shown as a fatal message
logger.Disable = true
// Validate if we have access, secret set through environment.
gatewayName := gw.Name()
if ctx.Args().First() == "help" {
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, gatewayName, 1)
// Get "json" flag from command line argument and
// enable json and quite modes if jason flag is turned on.
jsonFlag := ctx.IsSet("json") || ctx.GlobalIsSet("json")
if jsonFlag {
// Get quiet flag from command line argument.
quietFlag := ctx.IsSet("quiet") || ctx.GlobalIsSet("quiet")
if quietFlag {
// Fetch address option
gatewayAddr := ctx.GlobalString("address")
if gatewayAddr == ":"+globalMinioPort {
gatewayAddr = ctx.String("address")
// Handle common command args.
// Get port to listen on from gateway address
var pErr error
_, globalMinioPort, pErr = net.SplitHostPort(gatewayAddr)
if pErr != nil {
logger.FatalIf(pErr, "Unable to start gateway")
// On macOS, if a process already listens on LOCALIPADDR:PORT, net.Listen() falls back
// to IPv6 address ie minio will start listening on IPv6 address whereas another
// (non-)minio process is listening on IPv4 of given port.
// To avoid this error situation we check for port availability.
logger.FatalIf(checkPortAvailability(globalMinioPort), "Unable to start the gateway")
// Create certs path.
logger.FatalIf(createConfigDir(), "Unable to create configuration directories")
// Check and load TLS certificates.
var err error
globalPublicCerts, globalTLSCerts, globalIsSSL, err = getTLSConfig()
logger.FatalIf(err, "Invalid TLS certificate file")
// Check and load Root CAs.
globalRootCAs, err = getRootCAs(getCADir())
logger.FatalIf(err, "Failed to read root CAs (%v)", err)
// Handle common env vars.
// Validate if we have access, secret set through environment.
if !globalIsEnvCreds {
logger.Fatal(uiErrEnvCredentialsMissingGateway(nil), "Unable to start gateway")
// Set system resources to maximum.
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), setMaxResources())
initNSLock(false) // Enable local namespace lock.
router := mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true)
if globalEtcdClient != nil {
// Enable STS router if etcd is enabled.
// Enable admin router if etcd is enabled.
// Add healthcheck router
// Add server metrics router
// Register web router when its enabled.
if globalIsBrowserEnabled {
logger.FatalIf(registerWebRouter(router), "Unable to configure web browser")
// Add API router.
// Dummy endpoint representing gateway instance.
globalEndpoints = []Endpoint{{
URL: &url.URL{Path: "/minio/gateway"},
IsLocal: true,
// Initialize Admin Peers.
var getCert certs.GetCertificateFunc
if globalTLSCerts != nil {
getCert = globalTLSCerts.GetCertificate
globalHTTPServer = xhttp.NewServer([]string{gatewayAddr}, criticalErrorHandler{registerHandlers(router, globalHandlers...)}, getCert)
globalHTTPServer.UpdateBytesReadFunc = globalConnStats.incInputBytes
globalHTTPServer.UpdateBytesWrittenFunc = globalConnStats.incOutputBytes
go func() {
globalHTTPServerErrorCh <- globalHTTPServer.Start()
signal.Notify(globalOSSignalCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
newObject, err := gw.NewGatewayLayer(globalServerConfig.GetCredential())
if err != nil {
// Stop watching for any certificate changes.
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize gateway backend")
// Create a new config system.
globalConfigSys = NewConfigSys()
if globalEtcdClient != nil && gatewayName == "nas" {
// Initialize server config.
_ = globalConfigSys.Init(newObject)
} else {
// Initialize server config.
srvCfg := newServerConfig()
// Override any values from ENVs.
// Load values to cached global values.
// hold the mutex lock before a new config is assigned.
globalServerConfig = srvCfg
// Load logger subsystem
// This is only to uniquely identify each gateway deployments.
globalDeploymentID = os.Getenv("MINIO_GATEWAY_DEPLOYMENT_ID")
var cacheConfig = globalServerConfig.GetCacheConfig()
if len(cacheConfig.Drives) > 0 {
var err error
// initialize the new disk cache objects.
globalCacheObjectAPI, err = newServerCacheObjects(cacheConfig)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize disk caching")
// Re-enable logging
logger.Disable = false
// Create new IAM system.
globalIAMSys = NewIAMSys()
if globalEtcdClient != nil {
// Initialize IAM sys.
_ = globalIAMSys.Init(newObject)
// Create new policy system.
globalPolicySys = NewPolicySys()
// Initialize policy system.
go globalPolicySys.Init(newObject)
// Create new notification system.
globalNotificationSys = NewNotificationSys(globalServerConfig, globalEndpoints)
if globalEtcdClient != nil && newObject.IsNotificationSupported() {
_ = globalNotificationSys.Init(newObject)
// Once endpoints are finalized, initialize the new object api.
globalObjectAPI = newObject
// Prints the formatted startup message once object layer is initialized.
if !quietFlag {
mode := globalMinioModeGatewayPrefix + gatewayName
// Check update mode.
// Print a warning message if gateway is not ready for production before the startup banner.
if !gw.Production() {
logger.StartupMessage(colorYellow(" *** Warning: Not Ready for Production ***"))
// Print gateway startup message.
printGatewayStartupMessage(getAPIEndpoints(gatewayAddr), gatewayName)