You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

252 lines
7.0 KiB

* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2018 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
// This file implements and supports ellipses pattern for
// `minio server` command line arguments.
// Maximum number of unique args supported on the command line.
const (
serverCommandLineArgsMax = 32
// Endpoint set represents parsed ellipses values, also provides
// methods to get the sets of endpoints.
type endpointSet struct {
argPatterns []ellipses.ArgPattern
endpoints []string // Endpoints saved from previous GetEndpoints().
setIndexes [][]uint64 // All the sets.
// Supported set sizes this is used to find the optimal
// single set size.
var setSizes = []uint64{4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}
// getDivisibleSize - returns a greatest common divisor of
// all the ellipses sizes.
func getDivisibleSize(totalSizes []uint64) (result uint64) {
gcd := func(x, y uint64) uint64 {
for y != 0 {
x, y = y, x%y
return x
result = totalSizes[0]
for i := 1; i < len(totalSizes); i++ {
result = gcd(result, totalSizes[i])
return result
// getSetIndexes returns list of indexes which provides the set size
// on each index, this function also determines the final set size
// The final set size has the affinity towards choosing smaller
// indexes (total sets)
func getSetIndexes(args []string, totalSizes []uint64) (setIndexes [][]uint64, err error) {
if len(totalSizes) == 0 || len(args) == 0 {
return nil, errInvalidArgument
setIndexes = make([][]uint64, len(totalSizes))
for i, totalSize := range totalSizes {
// Check if totalSize has minimum range upto setSize
if totalSize < setSizes[0] {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid inputs (%s). Ellipses range or number of args %d should be atleast divisible by least possible set size %d",
args[i], totalSize, setSizes[0])
var setSize uint64
commonSize := getDivisibleSize(totalSizes)
if commonSize > setSizes[len(setSizes)-1] {
prevD := commonSize / setSizes[0]
for _, i := range setSizes {
if commonSize%i == 0 {
d := commonSize / i
if d <= prevD {
prevD = d
setSize = i
} else {
setSize = commonSize
// isValidSetSize - checks whether given count is a valid set size for erasure coding.
isValidSetSize := func(count uint64) bool {
return (count >= setSizes[0] && count <= setSizes[len(setSizes)-1] && count%2 == 0)
// Check whether setSize is with the supported range.
if !isValidSetSize(setSize) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid inputs (%s). Ellipses range or number of args %d should be atleast divisible by least possible set size %d",
args, setSize, setSizes[0])
for i := range totalSizes {
for j := uint64(0); j < totalSizes[i]/setSize; j++ {
setIndexes[i] = append(setIndexes[i], setSize)
return setIndexes, nil
// Returns all the expanded endpoints, each argument is expanded separately.
func (s endpointSet) getEndpoints() (endpoints []string) {
if len(s.endpoints) != 0 {
return s.endpoints
for _, argPattern := range s.argPatterns {
for _, lbls := range argPattern.Expand() {
endpoints = append(endpoints, strings.Join(lbls, ""))
s.endpoints = endpoints
return endpoints
// Get returns the sets representation of the endpoints
// this function also intelligently decides on what will
// be the right set size etc.
func (s endpointSet) Get() (sets [][]string) {
var k = uint64(0)
endpoints := s.getEndpoints()
for i := range s.setIndexes {
for j := range s.setIndexes[i] {
sets = append(sets, endpoints[k:s.setIndexes[i][j]+k])
k = s.setIndexes[i][j] + k
return sets
// Return the total size for each argument patterns.
func getTotalSizes(argPatterns []ellipses.ArgPattern) []uint64 {
var totalSizes []uint64
for _, argPattern := range argPatterns {
var totalSize uint64 = 1
for _, p := range argPattern {
totalSize = totalSize * uint64(len(p.Seq))
totalSizes = append(totalSizes, totalSize)
return totalSizes
// Parses all arguments and returns an endpointSet which is a collection
// of endpoints following the ellipses pattern, this is what is used
// by the object layer for initializing itself.
func parseEndpointSet(args ...string) (ep endpointSet, err error) {
var argPatterns = make([]ellipses.ArgPattern, len(args))
for i, arg := range args {
patterns, err := ellipses.FindEllipsesPatterns(arg)
if err != nil {
return endpointSet{}, err
argPatterns[i] = patterns
ep.setIndexes, err = getSetIndexes(args, getTotalSizes(argPatterns))
if err != nil {
return endpointSet{}, err
ep.argPatterns = argPatterns
return ep, nil
// Parses all ellipses input arguments, expands them into corresponding
// list of endpoints chunked evenly in accordance with a specific
// set size.
// For example: {1...64} is divided into 4 sets each of size 16.
// This applies to even distributed setup syntax as well.
func getAllSets(args ...string) ([][]string, error) {
if len(args) == 0 {
return nil, errInvalidArgument
var setArgs [][]string
if !ellipses.HasEllipses(args...) {
var setIndexes [][]uint64
// Check if we have more one args.
if len(args) > 1 {
var err error
setIndexes, err = getSetIndexes(args, []uint64{uint64(len(args))})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// We are in FS setup, proceed forward.
setIndexes = [][]uint64{[]uint64{uint64(len(args))}}
s := endpointSet{
endpoints: args,
setIndexes: setIndexes,
setArgs = s.Get()
} else {
s, err := parseEndpointSet(args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
setArgs = s.Get()
uniqueArgs := set.NewStringSet()
for _, sargs := range setArgs {
for _, arg := range sargs {
if uniqueArgs.Contains(arg) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Input args (%s) has duplicate ellipses", args)
return setArgs, nil
// CreateServerEndpoints - validates and creates new endpoints from input args, supports
// both ellipses and without ellipses transparently.
func createServerEndpoints(serverAddr string, args ...string) (string, EndpointList, SetupType, int, int, error) {
setArgs, err := getAllSets(args...)
if err != nil {
return serverAddr, nil, -1, 0, 0, err
var endpoints EndpointList
var setupType SetupType
serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, err = CreateEndpoints(serverAddr, setArgs...)
if err != nil {
return serverAddr, nil, -1, 0, 0, err
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, len(setArgs), len(setArgs[0]), nil