// SystemLockState - Structure to fill the lock state of entire object storage.
// That is the total locks held, total calls blocked on locks and state of all the locks for the entire system.
TotalBlockedLocksint64`json:"totalBlockedLocks"`// count of operations which are blocked waiting for the lock to be released.
TotalAcquiredLocksint64`json:"totalAcquiredLocks"`// count of operations which has successfully acquired the lock but hasn't unlocked yet( operation in progress).
// VolumeLockInfo - Structure to contain the lock state info for volume, path pair.
LocksOnObjectint64`json:"locksOnObject"`// All locks blocked + running for given <volume,path> pair.
LocksAcquiredOnObjectint64`json:"locksAcquiredOnObject"`// count of operations which has successfully acquired the lock but hasn't unlocked yet( operation in progress).
TotalBlockedLocksint64`json:"locksBlockedOnObject"`// count of operations which are blocked waiting for the lock to be released.
LockDetailsOnObject[]OpsLockState`json:"lockDetailsOnObject"`// state information containing state of the locks for all operations on given <volume,path> pair.
// OpsLockState - structure to fill in state information of the lock.
// structure to fill in status information for each operation with given operation ID.