You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
slashpath "path"
// checkBlockSize return the size of a single block.
// The first non-zero size is returned,
// or 0 if all blocks are size 0.
func checkBlockSize(blocks [][]byte) int {
for _, block := range blocks {
if len(block) != 0 {
return len(block)
return 0
// calculate the blockSize based on input length and total number of
// data blocks.
func getEncodedBlockLen(inputLen, dataBlocks int) (curBlockSize int) {
curBlockSize = (inputLen + dataBlocks - 1) / dataBlocks
func (xl XL) getMetaFileVersionMap(volume, path string) (diskFileVersionMap map[int]int64) {
metadataFilePath := slashpath.Join(path, metadataFile)
// Set offset to 0 to read entire file.
offset := int64(0)
metadata := make(map[string]string)
// Allocate disk index format map - do not use maps directly without allocating.
diskFileVersionMap = make(map[int]int64)
// TODO - all errors should be logged here.
// Read meta data from all disks
for index, disk := range xl.storageDisks {
diskFileVersionMap[index] = -1
metadataReader, err := disk.ReadFile(volume, metadataFilePath, offset)
if err != nil {
} else if err = json.NewDecoder(metadataReader).Decode(&metadata); err != nil {
} else if _, ok := metadata["file.version"]; !ok {
diskFileVersionMap[index] = 0
// Convert string to integer.
fileVersion, err := strconv.ParseInt(metadata["file.version"], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
diskFileVersionMap[index] = fileVersion
return diskFileVersionMap
type quorumDisk struct {
disk StorageAPI
index int
// getQuorumDisks - get the current quorum disks.
func (xl XL) getQuorumDisks(volume, path string) (quorumDisks []quorumDisk, higherVersion int64) {
diskVersionMap := xl.getMetaFileVersionMap(volume, path)
for diskIndex, formatVersion := range diskVersionMap {
if formatVersion > higherVersion {
higherVersion = formatVersion
quorumDisks = []quorumDisk{{
disk: xl.storageDisks[diskIndex],
index: diskIndex,
} else if formatVersion == higherVersion {
quorumDisks = append(quorumDisks, quorumDisk{
disk: xl.storageDisks[diskIndex],
index: diskIndex,
// getFileSize - extract file size from metadata.
func (xl XL) getFileSize(volume, path string, disk StorageAPI) (size int64, err error) {
metadataFilePath := slashpath.Join(path, metadataFile)
// set offset to 0 to read entire file
offset := int64(0)
metadata := make(map[string]string)
metadataReader, err := disk.ReadFile(volume, metadataFilePath, offset)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if err = json.NewDecoder(metadataReader).Decode(&metadata); err != nil {
return 0, err
if _, ok := metadata["file.size"]; !ok {
return 0, errors.New("missing 'file.size' in meta data")
return strconv.ParseInt(metadata["file.size"], 10, 64)
// ReadFile - read file
func (xl XL) ReadFile(volume, path string, offset int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
// Input validation.
if !isValidVolname(volume) {
return nil, errInvalidArgument
if !isValidPath(path) {
return nil, errInvalidArgument
// Acquire a read lock.
readLock := true
xl.lockNS(volume, path, readLock)
defer xl.unlockNS(volume, path, readLock)
// Check read quorum.
quorumDisks, _ := xl.getQuorumDisks(volume, path)
if len(quorumDisks) < xl.readQuorum {
return nil, errReadQuorum
// Get file size.
fileSize, err := xl.getFileSize(volume, path, quorumDisks[0].disk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
totalBlocks := xl.DataBlocks + xl.ParityBlocks // Total blocks.
readers := make([]io.ReadCloser, len(quorumDisks))
readFileError := 0
for _, quorumDisk := range quorumDisks {
erasurePart := slashpath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("part.%d", quorumDisk.index))
var erasuredPartReader io.ReadCloser
if erasuredPartReader, err = quorumDisk.disk.ReadFile(volume, erasurePart, offset); err != nil {
// We can safely allow ReadFile errors up to len(quorumDisks) - xl.readQuorum
// otherwise return failure
if readFileError < len(quorumDisks)-xl.readQuorum {
// Set the reader to 'nil' to be able to reconstruct later.
readers[quorumDisk.index] = nil
// Control reaches here we do not have quorum
// anymore. Close all the readers.
for _, reader := range readers {
if reader != nil {
return nil, errReadQuorum
readers[quorumDisk.index] = erasuredPartReader
// Initialize pipe.
pipeReader, pipeWriter := io.Pipe()
go func() {
var totalLeft = fileSize
// Read until the totalLeft.
for totalLeft > 0 {
// Figure out the right blockSize as it was encoded before.
var curBlockSize int
if erasureBlockSize < totalLeft {
curBlockSize = erasureBlockSize
} else {
curBlockSize = int(totalLeft)
// Calculate the current encoded block size.
curEncBlockSize := getEncodedBlockLen(curBlockSize, xl.DataBlocks)
enBlocks := make([][]byte, totalBlocks)
// Loop through all readers and read.
for index, reader := range readers {
if reader == nil {
// One of files missing, save it for reconstruction.
enBlocks[index] = nil
// Initialize shard slice and fill the data from each parts.
enBlocks[index] = make([]byte, curEncBlockSize)
_, err = io.ReadFull(reader, enBlocks[index])
if err != nil && err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
enBlocks[index] = nil
// TODO need to verify block512Sum.
// Check blocks if they are all zero in length.
if checkBlockSize(enBlocks) == 0 {
err = errors.New("Data likely corrupted, all blocks are zero in length.")
// Verify the blocks.
var ok bool
ok, err = xl.ReedSolomon.Verify(enBlocks)
if err != nil {
// Verification failed, blocks require reconstruction.
if !ok {
err = xl.ReedSolomon.Reconstruct(enBlocks)
if err != nil {
// Verify reconstructed blocks again.
ok, err = xl.ReedSolomon.Verify(enBlocks)
if err != nil {
if !ok {
// Blocks cannot be reconstructed, corrupted data.
err = errors.New("Verification failed after reconstruction, data likely corrupted.")
// Join the decoded blocks.
err = xl.ReedSolomon.Join(pipeWriter, enBlocks, curBlockSize)
if err != nil {
// Save what's left after reading erasureBlockSize.
totalLeft = totalLeft - erasureBlockSize
// Cleanly end the pipe after a successful decoding.
// Cleanly close all the underlying data readers.
for _, reader := range readers {
// Return the pipe for the top level caller to start reading.
return pipeReader, nil