/ *
* Minio Cloud Storage , ( C ) 2015 Minio , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
package cmd
import (
// command specific flags.
var (
updateFlags = [ ] cli . Flag {
cli . BoolFlag {
Name : "experimental, E" ,
Usage : "Check experimental update." ,
} ,
// Check for new software updates.
var updateCmd = cli . Command {
Name : "update" ,
Usage : "Check for a new software update." ,
Action : mainUpdate ,
Flags : append ( updateFlags , globalFlags ... ) ,
CustomHelpTemplate : ` Name :
minio { { . Name } } - { { . Usage } }
minio { { . Name } } [ FLAGS ]
{ { range . Flags } } { { . } }
{ { end } }
1. Check for any new official release .
$ minio { { . Name } }
2. Check for any new experimental release .
$ minio { { . Name } } -- experimental
` ,
// update URL endpoints.
const (
minioUpdateStableURL = "https://dl.minio.io/server/minio/release"
minioUpdateExperimentalURL = "https://dl.minio.io/server/minio/experimental"
// updateMessage container to hold update messages.
type updateMessage struct {
Status string ` json:"status" `
Update bool ` json:"update" `
Download string ` json:"downloadURL" `
Version string ` json:"version" `
// String colorized update message.
func ( u updateMessage ) String ( ) string {
if ! u . Update {
updateMessage := color . New ( color . FgGreen , color . Bold ) . SprintfFunc ( )
return updateMessage ( "You are already running the most recent version of ‘minio’." )
msg := colorizeUpdateMessage ( u . Download )
return msg
// JSON jsonified update message.
func ( u updateMessage ) JSON ( ) string {
u . Status = "success"
updateMessageJSONBytes , err := json . Marshal ( u )
fatalIf ( ( err ) , "Unable to marshal into JSON." )
return string ( updateMessageJSONBytes )
func parseReleaseData ( data string ) ( time . Time , error ) {
releaseStr := strings . Fields ( data )
if len ( releaseStr ) < 2 {
return time . Time { } , errors . New ( "Update data malformed" )
releaseDate := releaseStr [ 1 ]
releaseDateSplits := strings . SplitN ( releaseDate , "." , 3 )
if len ( releaseDateSplits ) < 3 {
return time . Time { } , ( errors . New ( "Update data malformed" ) )
if releaseDateSplits [ 0 ] != "minio" {
return time . Time { } , ( errors . New ( "Update data malformed, missing minio tag" ) )
// "OFFICIAL" tag is still kept for backward compatibility.
// We should remove this for the next release.
if releaseDateSplits [ 1 ] != "RELEASE" && releaseDateSplits [ 1 ] != "OFFICIAL" {
return time . Time { } , ( errors . New ( "Update data malformed, missing RELEASE tag" ) )
dateSplits := strings . SplitN ( releaseDateSplits [ 2 ] , "T" , 2 )
if len ( dateSplits ) < 2 {
return time . Time { } , ( errors . New ( "Update data malformed, not in modified RFC3359 form" ) )
dateSplits [ 1 ] = strings . Replace ( dateSplits [ 1 ] , "-" , ":" , - 1 )
date := strings . Join ( dateSplits , "T" )
parsedDate , err := time . Parse ( time . RFC3339 , date )
if err != nil {
return time . Time { } , err
return parsedDate , nil
// User Agent should always following the below style.
// Please open an issue to discuss any new changes here.
var (
userAgentSuffix = "Minio/" + Version + " " + "Minio/" + ReleaseTag + " " + "Minio/" + CommitID
userAgentPrefix = "Minio (" + runtime . GOOS + "; " + runtime . GOARCH + ") "
userAgent = userAgentPrefix + userAgentSuffix
// Check if the operating system is a docker container.
func isDocker ( ) bool {
cgroup , err := ioutil . ReadFile ( "/proc/self/cgroup" )
if err != nil && os . IsNotExist ( err ) {
return false
fatalIf ( err , "Unable to read `cgroup` file." )
return bytes . Contains ( cgroup , [ ] byte ( "docker" ) )
// verify updates for releases.
func getReleaseUpdate ( updateURL string , duration time . Duration ) ( updateMsg updateMessage , errMsg string , err error ) {
// Construct a new update url.
newUpdateURLPrefix := updateURL + "/" + runtime . GOOS + "-" + runtime . GOARCH
newUpdateURL := newUpdateURLPrefix + "/minio.shasum"
// Get the downloadURL.
var downloadURL string
switch runtime . GOOS {
case "windows" :
// For windows.
downloadURL = newUpdateURLPrefix + "/minio.exe"
default :
// For all other operating systems.
downloadURL = newUpdateURLPrefix + "/minio"
// Initialize update message.
updateMsg = updateMessage {
Download : downloadURL ,
Version : Version ,
// Instantiate a new client with 3 sec timeout.
client := & http . Client {
Timeout : duration ,
// Parse current minio version into RFC3339.
current , err := time . Parse ( time . RFC3339 , Version )
if err != nil {
errMsg = "Unable to parse version string as time."
// Verify if current minio version is zero.
if current . IsZero ( ) {
err = errors . New ( "date should not be zero" )
errMsg = "Updates mechanism is not supported for custom builds. Please download official releases from https://minio.io/#minio"
// Initialize new request.
req , err := http . NewRequest ( "GET" , newUpdateURL , nil )
if err != nil {
// Set user agent.
req . Header . Set ( "User-Agent" , userAgent + " " + fmt . Sprintf ( "Docker/%t" , isDocker ( ) ) )
// Fetch new update.
resp , err := client . Do ( req )
if err != nil {
// Verify if we have a valid http response i.e http.StatusOK.
if resp != nil {
if resp . StatusCode != http . StatusOK {
errMsg = "Failed to retrieve update notice."
err = errors . New ( "http status : " + resp . Status )
// Read the response body.
updateBody , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( resp . Body )
if err != nil {
errMsg = "Failed to retrieve update notice. Please try again later."
errMsg = "Failed to retrieve update notice. Please try again later. Please report this issue at https://github.com/minio/minio/issues"
// Parse the date if its valid.
latest , err := parseReleaseData ( string ( updateBody ) )
if err != nil {
// Verify if the date is not zero.
if latest . IsZero ( ) {
err = errors . New ( "date should not be zero" )
// Is the update latest?.
if latest . After ( current ) {
updateMsg . Update = true
// Return update message.
return updateMsg , "" , nil
// main entry point for update command.
func mainUpdate ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
// Error out if 'update' command is issued for development based builds.
if Version == "DEVELOPMENT.GOGET" {
fatalIf ( errors . New ( "" ) , "Update mechanism is not supported for ‘go get’ based binary builds. Please download official releases from https://minio.io/#minio" )
// Check for update.
var updateMsg updateMessage
var errMsg string
var err error
var secs = time . Second * 3
if ctx . Bool ( "experimental" ) {
updateMsg , errMsg , err = getReleaseUpdate ( minioUpdateExperimentalURL , secs )
} else {
updateMsg , errMsg , err = getReleaseUpdate ( minioUpdateStableURL , secs )
fatalIf ( err , errMsg )
console . Println ( updateMsg )