/ *
* MinIO Cloud Storage , ( C ) 2018 - 2019 MinIO , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
package config
// UI errors
var (
ErrInvalidBrowserValue = newErrFn (
"Invalid browser value" ,
"Please check the passed value" ,
"Browser can only accept `on` and `off` values. To disable web browser access, set this value to `off`" ,
ErrInvalidDomainValue = newErrFn (
"Invalid domain value" ,
"Please check the passed value" ,
"Domain can only accept DNS compatible values" ,
ErrInvalidErasureSetSize = newErrFn (
"Invalid erasure set size" ,
"Please check the passed value" ,
"Erasure set can only accept any of [4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16] values" ,
ErrInvalidWormValue = newErrFn (
"Invalid WORM value" ,
"Please check the passed value" ,
"WORM can only accept `on` and `off` values. To enable WORM, set this value to `on`" ,
ErrInvalidCacheDrivesValue = newErrFn (
"Invalid cache drive value" ,
"Please check the value in this ENV variable" ,
"MINIO_CACHE_DRIVES: Mounted drives or directories are delimited by `;`" ,
ErrInvalidCacheExcludesValue = newErrFn (
"Invalid cache excludes value" ,
"Please check the passed value" ,
"MINIO_CACHE_EXCLUDE: Cache exclusion patterns are delimited by `;`" ,
ErrInvalidCacheExpiryValue = newErrFn (
"Invalid cache expiry value" ,
"Please check the passed value" ,
"MINIO_CACHE_EXPIRY: Valid cache expiry duration must be in days" ,
ErrInvalidCacheQuota = newErrFn (
"Invalid cache quota value" ,
"Please check the passed value" ,
"MINIO_CACHE_QUOTA: Valid cache quota value must be between 0-100" ,
ErrInvalidCacheEncryptionKey = newErrFn (
"Invalid cache encryption master key value" ,
"Please check the passed value" ,
"MINIO_CACHE_ENCRYPTION_MASTER_KEY: For more information, please refer to https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-disk-cache-guide" ,
ErrInvalidRotatingCredentialsBackendEncrypted = newErrFn (
"Invalid rotating credentials" ,
"Please set correct rotating credentials in the environment for decryption" ,
` Detected encrypted config backend, correct old access and secret keys should be specified via environment variables MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_OLD and MINIO_SECRET_KEY_OLD to be able to re-encrypt the MinIO config, user IAM and policies with new credentials ` ,
ErrInvalidCredentialsBackendEncrypted = newErrFn (
"Invalid credentials" ,
"Please set correct credentials in the environment for decryption" ,
` Detected encrypted config backend, correct access and secret keys should be specified via environment variables MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY to be able to decrypt the MinIO config, user IAM and policies ` ,
ErrMissingCredentialsBackendEncrypted = newErrFn (
"Credentials missing" ,
"Please set your credentials in the environment" ,
` Detected encrypted config backend, access and secret keys should be specified via environment variables MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY to be able to decrypt the MinIO config, user IAM and policies ` ,
ErrInvalidCredentials = newErrFn (
"Invalid credentials" ,
"Please provide correct credentials" ,
` Access key length should be at least 3, and secret key length at least 8 characters ` ,
ErrEnvCredentialsMissingGateway = newErrFn (
"Credentials missing" ,
"Please set your credentials in the environment" ,
` In Gateway mode, access and secret keys should be specified via environment variables MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY respectively ` ,
ErrEnvCredentialsMissingDistributed = newErrFn (
"Credentials missing" ,
"Please set your credentials in the environment" ,
` In distributed server mode, access and secret keys should be specified via environment variables MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY respectively ` ,
ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints = newErrFn (
"Invalid endpoint(s) in erasure mode" ,
"Please provide correct combination of local/remote paths" ,
"For more information, please refer to https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-erasure-code-quickstart-guide" ,
ErrInvalidNumberOfErasureEndpoints = newErrFn (
"Invalid total number of endpoints for erasure mode" ,
"Please provide an even number of endpoints greater or equal to 4" ,
"For more information, please refer to https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-erasure-code-quickstart-guide" ,
ErrStorageClassValue = newErrFn (
"Invalid storage class value" ,
"Please check the value" ,
` MINIO_STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD : Format "EC:<Default_Parity_Standard_Class>" ( e . g . "EC:3" ) . This sets the number of parity disks for MinIO server in Standard mode . Objects are stored in Standard mode , if storage class is not defined in Put request
MINIO_STORAGE_CLASS_RRS : Format "EC:<Default_Parity_Reduced_Redundancy_Class>" ( e . g . "EC:3" ) . This sets the number of parity disks for MinIO server in Reduced Redundancy mode . Objects are stored in Reduced Redundancy mode , if Put request specifies RRS storage class
Refer to the link https : //github.com/minio/minio/tree/master/docs/erasure/storage-class for more information`,
ErrUnexpectedBackendVersion = newErrFn (
"Backend version seems to be too recent" ,
"Please update to the latest MinIO version" ,
"" ,
ErrInvalidAddressFlag = newErrFn (
"--address input is invalid" ,
"Please check --address parameter" ,
` -- address binds to a specific ADDRESS : PORT , ADDRESS can be an IPv4 / IPv6 address or hostname ( default port is ' : 9000 ' )
Examples : -- address ' : 443 '
-- address ' 172.16 .34 .31 : 9000 '
-- address ' [ fe80 : : da00 : a6c8 : e3ae : ddd7 ] : 9000 ' ` ,
ErrInvalidFSEndpoint = newErrFn (
"Invalid endpoint for standalone FS mode" ,
"Please check the FS endpoint" ,
` FS mode requires only one writable disk path
Example 1 :
$ minio server / data / minio / ` ,
ErrUnableToWriteInBackend = newErrFn (
"Unable to write to the backend" ,
"Please ensure MinIO binary has write permissions for the backend" ,
` Verify if MinIO binary is running as the same user who has write permissions for the backend ` ,
ErrPortAlreadyInUse = newErrFn (
"Port is already in use" ,
"Please ensure no other program uses the same address/port" ,
"" ,
ErrPortAccess = newErrFn (
"Unable to use specified port" ,
"Please ensure MinIO binary has 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' permissions" ,
` Use 'sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /path/to/minio' to provide sufficient permissions ` ,
ErrNoPermissionsToAccessDirFiles = newErrFn (
"Missing permissions to access the specified path" ,
"Please ensure the specified path can be accessed" ,
"" ,
ErrSSLUnexpectedError = newErrFn (
"Invalid TLS certificate" ,
"Please check the content of your certificate data" ,
` Only PEM (x.509) format is accepted as valid public & private certificates ` ,
ErrSSLUnexpectedData = newErrFn (
"Invalid TLS certificate" ,
"Please check your certificate" ,
"" ,
ErrSSLNoPassword = newErrFn (
"Missing TLS password" ,
"Please set the password to environment variable `MINIO_CERT_PASSWD` so that the private key can be decrypted" ,
"" ,
ErrNoCertsAndHTTPSEndpoints = newErrFn (
"HTTPS specified in endpoints, but no TLS certificate is found on the local machine" ,
"Please add TLS certificate or use HTTP endpoints only" ,
"Refer to https://docs.min.io/docs/how-to-secure-access-to-minio-server-with-tls for information about how to load a TLS certificate in your server" ,
ErrCertsAndHTTPEndpoints = newErrFn (
"HTTP specified in endpoints, but the server in the local machine is configured with a TLS certificate" ,
"Please remove the certificate in the configuration directory or switch to HTTPS" ,
"" ,
ErrSSLWrongPassword = newErrFn (
"Unable to decrypt the private key using the provided password" ,
"Please set the correct password in environment variable `MINIO_CERT_PASSWD`" ,
"" ,
ErrUnexpectedDataContent = newErrFn (
"Unexpected data content" ,
"Please contact MinIO at https://slack.min.io" ,
"" ,
ErrUnexpectedError = newErrFn (
"Unexpected error" ,
"Please contact MinIO at https://slack.min.io" ,
"" ,
ErrInvalidCompressionIncludesValue = newErrFn (
"Invalid compression include value" ,
"Please check the passed value" ,
"Compress extensions/mime-types are delimited by `,`. For eg, MINIO_COMPRESS_MIME_TYPES=\"A,B,C\"" ,
ErrInvalidGWSSEValue = newErrFn (
"Invalid gateway SSE value" ,
"Please check the passed value" ,
"MINIO_GATEWAY_SSE: Gateway SSE accepts only C and S3 as valid values. Delimit by `;` to set more than one value" ,
ErrInvalidGWSSEEnvValue = newErrFn (
"Invalid gateway SSE configuration" ,
"" ,
"Refer to https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-kms-quickstart-guide.html for setting up SSE" ,