/ *
* Minio Cloud Storage , ( C ) 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 Minio , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
package cmd
import (
// global flags for minio.
var globalFlags = [ ] cli . Flag {
cli . StringFlag {
Name : "config-dir, C" ,
Value : getConfigDir ( ) ,
Usage : func ( ) string {
usage := "Path to configuration directory."
if getConfigDir ( ) == "" {
usage = usage + " This option must be set."
return usage
} ( ) ,
} ,
cli . BoolFlag {
Name : "quiet" ,
Usage : "Disable startup information." ,
} ,
cli . BoolFlag {
Name : "anonymous" ,
Usage : "Hide sensitive information from logging." ,
} ,
cli . BoolFlag {
Name : "json" ,
Usage : "Output server logs and startup information in json format." ,
} ,
// Help template for minio.
var minioHelpTemplate = ` NAME :
{ { . Name } } - { { . Usage } }
{ { . Description } }
{ { . HelpName } } { { if . VisibleFlags } } [ FLAGS ] { { end } } COMMAND { { if . VisibleFlags } } { { end } } [ ARGS ... ]
{ { range . VisibleCommands } } { { join . Names ", " } } { { "\t" } } { { . Usage } }
{ { end } } { { if . VisibleFlags } }
{ { range . VisibleFlags } } { { . } }
{ { end } } { { end } }
` + Version +
` {{ "\n" }} `
func newApp ( name string ) * cli . App {
// Collection of minio commands currently supported are.
commands := [ ] cli . Command { }
// Collection of minio commands currently supported in a trie tree.
commandsTree := trie . NewTrie ( )
// registerCommand registers a cli command.
registerCommand := func ( command cli . Command ) {
commands = append ( commands , command )
commandsTree . Insert ( command . Name )
findClosestCommands := func ( command string ) [ ] string {
var closestCommands [ ] string
for _ , value := range commandsTree . PrefixMatch ( command ) {
closestCommands = append ( closestCommands , value . ( string ) )
sort . Strings ( closestCommands )
// Suggest other close commands - allow missed, wrongly added and
// even transposed characters
for _ , value := range commandsTree . Walk ( commandsTree . Root ( ) ) {
if sort . SearchStrings ( closestCommands , value . ( string ) ) < len ( closestCommands ) {
// 2 is arbitrary and represents the max
// allowed number of typed errors
if words . DamerauLevenshteinDistance ( command , value . ( string ) ) < 2 {
closestCommands = append ( closestCommands , value . ( string ) )
return closestCommands
// Register all commands.
registerCommand ( serverCmd )
registerCommand ( gatewayCmd )
registerCommand ( updateCmd )
registerCommand ( versionCmd )
// Set up app.
cli . HelpFlag = cli . BoolFlag {
Name : "help, h" ,
Usage : "Show help." ,
app := cli . NewApp ( )
app . Name = name
app . Author = "Minio.io"
app . Version = Version
app . Usage = "Cloud Storage Server."
app . Description = ` Minio is an Amazon S3 compatible object storage server. Use it to store photos, videos, VMs, containers, log files, or any blob of data as objects. `
app . Flags = globalFlags
app . HideVersion = true // Hide `--version` flag, we already have `minio version`.
app . HideHelpCommand = true // Hide `help, h` command, we already have `minio --help`.
app . Commands = commands
app . CustomAppHelpTemplate = minioHelpTemplate
app . CommandNotFound = func ( ctx * cli . Context , command string ) {
console . Printf ( "‘%s’ is not a minio sub-command. See ‘minio --help’.\n" , command )
closestCommands := findClosestCommands ( command )
if len ( closestCommands ) > 0 {
console . Println ( )
console . Println ( "Did you mean one of these?" )
for _ , cmd := range closestCommands {
console . Printf ( "\t‘%s’\n" , cmd )
os . Exit ( 1 )
return app
// Main main for minio server.
func Main ( args [ ] string ) {
// Set the minio app name.
appName := filepath . Base ( args [ 0 ] )
// Run the app - exit on error.
if err := newApp ( appName ) . Run ( args ) ; err != nil {
os . Exit ( 1 )