* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
// Reply date format
const (
rfcFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
// takes an array of Bucketmetadata information for serialization
// input:
// array of bucket metadata
// output:
// populated struct that can be serialized to match xml and json api spec output
func generateListBucketsResponse(buckets []fs.BucketMetadata) ListBucketsResponse {
var listbuckets []*Bucket
var data = ListBucketsResponse{}
var owner = Owner{}
owner.ID = "minio"
owner.DisplayName = "minio"
for _, bucket := range buckets {
var listbucket = &Bucket{}
listbucket.Name = bucket.Name
listbucket.CreationDate = bucket.Created.Format(rfcFormat)
listbuckets = append(listbuckets, listbucket)
data.Owner = owner
data.Buckets.Bucket = listbuckets
return data
// generates an AccessControlPolicy response for the said ACL.
func generateAccessControlPolicyResponse(acl fs.BucketACL) AccessControlPolicyResponse {
accessCtrlPolicyResponse := AccessControlPolicyResponse{}
accessCtrlPolicyResponse.Owner = Owner{
ID: "minio",
DisplayName: "minio",
defaultGrant := Grant{}
defaultGrant.Grantee.ID = "minio"
defaultGrant.Grantee.DisplayName = "minio"
defaultGrant.Permission = "FULL_CONTROL"
accessCtrlPolicyResponse.AccessControlList.Grant = append(accessCtrlPolicyResponse.AccessControlList.Grant, defaultGrant)
switch {
case acl.IsPublicRead():
publicReadGrant := Grant{}
publicReadGrant.Grantee.ID = "minio"
publicReadGrant.Grantee.DisplayName = "minio"
publicReadGrant.Grantee.URI = "http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers"
publicReadGrant.Permission = "READ"
accessCtrlPolicyResponse.AccessControlList.Grant = append(accessCtrlPolicyResponse.AccessControlList.Grant, publicReadGrant)
case acl.IsPublicReadWrite():
publicReadGrant := Grant{}
publicReadGrant.Grantee.ID = "minio"
publicReadGrant.Grantee.DisplayName = "minio"
publicReadGrant.Grantee.URI = "http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers"
publicReadGrant.Permission = "READ"
publicReadWriteGrant := Grant{}
publicReadWriteGrant.Grantee.ID = "minio"
publicReadWriteGrant.Grantee.DisplayName = "minio"
publicReadWriteGrant.Grantee.URI = "http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers"
publicReadWriteGrant.Permission = "WRITE"
accessCtrlPolicyResponse.AccessControlList.Grant = append(accessCtrlPolicyResponse.AccessControlList.Grant, publicReadGrant)
accessCtrlPolicyResponse.AccessControlList.Grant = append(accessCtrlPolicyResponse.AccessControlList.Grant, publicReadWriteGrant)
return accessCtrlPolicyResponse
// generates an ListObjects response for the said bucket with other enumerated options.
func generateListObjectsResponse(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int, resp fs.ListObjectsResult) ListObjectsResponse {
var contents []*Object
var prefixes []*CommonPrefix
var owner = Owner{}
var data = ListObjectsResponse{}
owner.ID = "minio"
owner.DisplayName = "minio"
for _, object := range resp.Objects {
var content = &Object{}
if object.Object == "" {
content.Key = object.Object
content.LastModified = object.Created.Format(rfcFormat)
content.ETag = "\"" + object.Md5 + "\""
content.Size = object.Size
content.StorageClass = "STANDARD"
content.Owner = owner
contents = append(contents, content)
// TODO - support EncodingType in xml decoding
data.Name = bucket
data.Contents = contents
data.Prefix = prefix
data.Marker = marker
data.Delimiter = delimiter
data.MaxKeys = maxKeys
data.NextMarker = resp.NextMarker
data.IsTruncated = resp.IsTruncated
for _, prefix := range resp.Prefixes {
var prefixItem = &CommonPrefix{}
prefixItem.Prefix = prefix
prefixes = append(prefixes, prefixItem)
data.CommonPrefixes = prefixes
return data
// generateInitiateMultipartUploadResponse
func generateInitiateMultipartUploadResponse(bucket, key, uploadID string) InitiateMultipartUploadResponse {
return InitiateMultipartUploadResponse{
Bucket: bucket,
Key: key,
UploadID: uploadID,
// generateCompleteMultipartUploadResponse
func generateCompleteMultpartUploadResponse(bucket, key, location, etag string) CompleteMultipartUploadResponse {
return CompleteMultipartUploadResponse{
Location: location,
Bucket: bucket,
Key: key,
ETag: etag,
// generateListPartsResult
func generateListPartsResponse(objectMetadata fs.ObjectResourcesMetadata) ListPartsResponse {
// TODO - support EncodingType in xml decoding
listPartsResponse := ListPartsResponse{}
listPartsResponse.Bucket = objectMetadata.Bucket
listPartsResponse.Key = objectMetadata.Object
listPartsResponse.UploadID = objectMetadata.UploadID
listPartsResponse.StorageClass = "STANDARD"
listPartsResponse.Initiator.ID = "minio"
listPartsResponse.Initiator.DisplayName = "minio"
listPartsResponse.Owner.ID = "minio"
listPartsResponse.Owner.DisplayName = "minio"
listPartsResponse.MaxParts = objectMetadata.MaxParts
listPartsResponse.PartNumberMarker = objectMetadata.PartNumberMarker
listPartsResponse.IsTruncated = objectMetadata.IsTruncated
listPartsResponse.NextPartNumberMarker = objectMetadata.NextPartNumberMarker
listPartsResponse.Part = make([]*Part, len(objectMetadata.Part))
for _, part := range objectMetadata.Part {
newPart := &Part{}
newPart.PartNumber = part.PartNumber
newPart.ETag = "\"" + part.ETag + "\""
newPart.Size = part.Size
newPart.LastModified = part.LastModified.Format(rfcFormat)
listPartsResponse.Part = append(listPartsResponse.Part, newPart)
return listPartsResponse
// generateListMultipartUploadsResponse
func generateListMultipartUploadsResponse(bucket string, metadata fs.BucketMultipartResourcesMetadata) ListMultipartUploadsResponse {
listMultipartUploadsResponse := ListMultipartUploadsResponse{}
listMultipartUploadsResponse.Bucket = bucket
listMultipartUploadsResponse.Delimiter = metadata.Delimiter
listMultipartUploadsResponse.IsTruncated = metadata.IsTruncated
listMultipartUploadsResponse.EncodingType = metadata.EncodingType
listMultipartUploadsResponse.Prefix = metadata.Prefix
listMultipartUploadsResponse.KeyMarker = metadata.KeyMarker
listMultipartUploadsResponse.NextKeyMarker = metadata.NextKeyMarker
listMultipartUploadsResponse.MaxUploads = metadata.MaxUploads
listMultipartUploadsResponse.NextUploadIDMarker = metadata.NextUploadIDMarker
listMultipartUploadsResponse.UploadIDMarker = metadata.UploadIDMarker
listMultipartUploadsResponse.Upload = make([]*Upload, len(metadata.Upload))
for _, upload := range metadata.Upload {
newUpload := &Upload{}
newUpload.UploadID = upload.UploadID
newUpload.Key = upload.Object
newUpload.Initiated = upload.Initiated.Format(rfcFormat)
listMultipartUploadsResponse.Upload = append(listMultipartUploadsResponse.Upload, newUpload)
return listMultipartUploadsResponse
// writeSuccessResponse write success headers and response if any.
func writeSuccessResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, response []byte) {
if response == nil {
// writeSuccessNoContent write success headers with http status 204
func writeSuccessNoContent(w http.ResponseWriter) {
// writeErrorRespone write error headers
func writeErrorResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, errorType int, resource string) {
error := getErrorCode(errorType)
// generate error response
errorResponse := getErrorResponse(error, resource)
encodedErrorResponse := encodeErrorResponse(errorResponse)
// set common headers
// write Header
// HEAD should have no body, do not attempt to write to it
if req.Method != "HEAD" {
// write error body