You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

552 lines
18 KiB

* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2015-2019 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
xhttp ""
// ServerFlags - server command specific flags
var ServerFlags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "address",
Value: ":" + globalMinioDefaultPort,
Usage: "bind to a specific ADDRESS:PORT, ADDRESS can be an IP or hostname",
var serverCmd = cli.Command{
Name: "server",
Usage: "start object storage server",
Flags: append(ServerFlags, GlobalFlags...),
Action: serverMain,
CustomHelpTemplate: `NAME:
{{.HelpName}} - {{.Usage}}
{{.HelpName}} {{if .VisibleFlags}}[FLAGS] {{end}}DIR1 [DIR2..]
{{.HelpName}} {{if .VisibleFlags}}[FLAGS] {{end}}DIR{1...64}
{{.HelpName}} {{if .VisibleFlags}}[FLAGS] {{end}}DIR{1...64} DIR{65...128}
DIR points to a directory on a filesystem. When you want to combine
multiple drives into a single large system, pass one directory per
filesystem separated by space. You may also use a '...' convention
to abbreviate the directory arguments. Remote directories in a
distributed setup are encoded as HTTP(s) URIs.
{{if .VisibleFlags}}
{{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}}
1. Start minio server on "/home/shared" directory.
{{.Prompt}} {{.HelpName}} /home/shared
2. Start single node server with 64 local drives "/mnt/data1" to "/mnt/data64".
{{.Prompt}} {{.HelpName}} /mnt/data{1...64}
3. Start distributed minio server on an 32 node setup with 32 drives each, run following command on all the nodes
{{.Prompt}} {{.EnvVarSetCommand}} MINIO_ACCESS_KEY{{.AssignmentOperator}}minio
{{.Prompt}} {{.EnvVarSetCommand}} MINIO_SECRET_KEY{{.AssignmentOperator}}miniostorage
{{.Prompt}} {{.HelpName}} http://node{1...32}{1...32}
4. Start distributed minio server in an expanded setup, run the following command on all the nodes
{{.Prompt}} {{.EnvVarSetCommand}} MINIO_ACCESS_KEY{{.AssignmentOperator}}minio
{{.Prompt}} {{.EnvVarSetCommand}} MINIO_SECRET_KEY{{.AssignmentOperator}}miniostorage
{{.Prompt}} {{.HelpName}} http://node{1...16}{1...32} \
// Checks if endpoints are either available through environment
// or command line, returns false if both fails.
func endpointsPresent(ctx *cli.Context) bool {
endpoints := env.Get(config.EnvEndpoints, strings.Join(ctx.Args(), config.ValueSeparator))
return len(endpoints) != 0
func serverHandleCmdArgs(ctx *cli.Context) {
// Handle common command args.
logger.FatalIf(CheckLocalServerAddr(globalCLIContext.Addr), "Unable to validate passed arguments")
var setupType SetupType
var err error
globalMinioAddr = globalCLIContext.Addr
globalMinioHost, globalMinioPort = mustSplitHostPort(globalMinioAddr)
endpoints := strings.Fields(env.Get(config.EnvEndpoints, ""))
if len(endpoints) > 0 {
globalEndpoints, globalXLSetDriveCount, setupType, err = createServerEndpoints(globalCLIContext.Addr, endpoints...)
} else {
globalEndpoints, globalXLSetDriveCount, setupType, err = createServerEndpoints(globalCLIContext.Addr, ctx.Args()...)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Invalid command line arguments")
// On macOS, if a process already listens on LOCALIPADDR:PORT, net.Listen() falls back
// to IPv6 address ie minio will start listening on IPv6 address whereas another
// (non-)minio process is listening on IPv4 of given port.
// To avoid this error situation we check for port availability.
logger.FatalIf(checkPortAvailability(globalMinioHost, globalMinioPort), "Unable to start the server")
globalIsXL = (setupType == XLSetupType)
globalIsDistXL = (setupType == DistXLSetupType)
if globalIsDistXL {
globalIsXL = true
func serverHandleEnvVars() {
// Handle common environment variables.
func newAllSubsystems() {
// Create new notification system and initialize notification targets
globalNotificationSys = NewNotificationSys(globalEndpoints)
// Create a new config system.
globalConfigSys = NewConfigSys()
// Create new IAM system.
globalIAMSys = NewIAMSys()
// Create new policy system.
globalPolicySys = NewPolicySys()
// Create new lifecycle system.
globalLifecycleSys = NewLifecycleSys()
// Create new bucket encryption subsystem
globalBucketSSEConfigSys = NewBucketSSEConfigSys()
// Create new bucket quota subsystem
globalBucketQuotaSys = NewBucketQuotaSys()
func initSafeMode() (err error) {
newObject := newObjectLayerWithoutSafeModeFn()
// Make sure to hold lock for entire migration to avoid
// such that only one server should migrate the entire config
// at a given time, this big transaction lock ensures this
// appropriately. This is also true for rotation of encrypted
// content.
txnLk := newObject.NewNSLock(GlobalContext, minioMetaBucket, minioConfigPrefix+"/transaction.lock")
defer func(txnLk RWLocker) {
if err != nil {
var cerr config.Err
// For any config error, we don't need to drop into safe-mode
// instead its a user error and should be fixed by user.
if errors.As(err, &cerr) {
// Prints the formatted startup message in safe mode operation.
// Drops-into safe mode where users need to now manually recover
// the server.
printStartupSafeModeMessage(getAPIEndpoints(), err)
// Initialization returned error reaching safe mode and
// not proceeding waiting for admin action.
// **** WARNING ****
// Migrating to encrypted backend should happen before initialization of any
// sub-systems, make sure that we do not move the above codeblock elsewhere.
// Create cancel context to control 'newRetryTimer' go routine.
retryCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(GlobalContext)
// Indicate to our routine to exit cleanly upon return.
defer cancel()
// Initializing sub-systems needs a retry mechanism for
// the following reasons:
// - Read quorum is lost just after the initialization
// of the object layer.
// - Write quorum not met when upgrading configuration
// version is needed, migration is needed etc.
rquorum := InsufficientReadQuorum{}
wquorum := InsufficientWriteQuorum{}
for range newRetryTimerSimple(retryCtx) {
// let one of the server acquire the lock, if not let them timeout.
// which shall be retried again by this loop.
if err = txnLk.GetLock(leaderLockTimeout); err != nil {
logger.Info("Waiting for all MinIO sub-systems to be initialized.. trying to acquire lock")
logger.Info("Waiting for all MinIO sub-systems to be initialized.. lock acquired")
// Migrate all backend configs to encrypted backend configs, optionally
// handles rotating keys for encryption, if there is any retriable failure
// that shall be retried if there is an error.
if err = handleEncryptedConfigBackend(newObject, true); err == nil {
// Upon success migrating the config, initialize all sub-systems
// if all sub-systems initialized successfully return right away
if err = initAllSubsystems(newObject); err == nil {
// All successful return.
return nil
// One of these retriable errors shall be retried.
if errors.Is(err, errDiskNotFound) ||
errors.Is(err, errConfigNotFound) ||
errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) ||
errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) ||
errors.As(err, &rquorum) ||
errors.As(err, &wquorum) ||
isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
logger.Info("Waiting for all MinIO sub-systems to be initialized.. possible cause (%v)", err)
txnLk.Unlock() // Unlock the transaction lock and allow other nodes to acquire the lock if possible.
// Any other unhandled return right here.
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize sub-systems: %w", err)
// Return an error when retry is canceled or deadlined
if err = retryCtx.Err(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize sub-systems: %w", err)
// Retry was canceled successfully.
return errors.New("Initializing sub-systems stopped gracefully")
func initAllSubsystems(newObject ObjectLayer) (err error) {
// %w is used by all error returns here to make sure
// we wrap the underlying error, make sure when you
// are modifying this code that you do so, if and when
// you want to add extra context to your error. This
// ensures top level retry works accordingly.
var buckets []BucketInfo
if globalIsDistXL || globalIsXL {
// List buckets to heal, and be re-used for loading configs.
buckets, err = newObject.ListBucketsHeal(GlobalContext)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to list buckets to heal: %w", err)
// Attempt a heal if possible and re-use the bucket names
// to reload their config.
wquorum := &InsufficientWriteQuorum{}
rquorum := &InsufficientReadQuorum{}
for _, bucket := range buckets {
if err = newObject.MakeBucketWithLocation(GlobalContext, bucket.Name, ""); err != nil {
if errors.As(err, &wquorum) || errors.As(err, &rquorum) {
// Retrun the error upwards for the caller to retry.
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to heal bucket: %w", err)
if _, ok := err.(BucketExists); !ok {
// ignore any other error and log for investigation.
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
// Bucket already exists, nothing that needs to be done.
} else {
buckets, err = newObject.ListBuckets(GlobalContext)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to list buckets: %w", err)
// Initialize config system.
if err = globalConfigSys.Init(newObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize config system: %w", err)
if globalEtcdClient != nil {
// **** WARNING ****
// Migrating to encrypted backend on etcd should happen before initialization of
// IAM sub-systems, make sure that we do not move the above codeblock elsewhere.
if err = migrateIAMConfigsEtcdToEncrypted(GlobalContext, globalEtcdClient); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to handle encrypted backend for iam and policies: %w", err)
if err = globalIAMSys.Init(GlobalContext, newObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize IAM system: %w", err)
// Initialize notification system.
if err = globalNotificationSys.Init(buckets, newObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize notification system: %w", err)
// Initialize policy system.
if err = globalPolicySys.Init(buckets, newObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize policy system: %w", err)
// Initialize bucket object lock.
if err = initBucketObjectLockConfig(buckets, newObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize object lock system: %w", err)
// Initialize lifecycle system.
if err = globalLifecycleSys.Init(buckets, newObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize lifecycle system: %w", err)
// Initialize bucket encryption subsystem.
if err = globalBucketSSEConfigSys.Init(buckets, newObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize bucket encryption subsystem: %w", err)
// Initialize bucket quota system.
if err = globalBucketQuotaSys.Init(buckets, newObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize bucket quota system: %w", err)
// Populate existing buckets to the etcd backend
if globalDNSConfig != nil {
initFederatorBackend(buckets, newObject)
return nil
func startBackgroundOps(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) {
// Make sure only 1 crawler is running on the cluster.
locker := objAPI.NewNSLock(ctx, minioMetaBucket, "leader")
for {
err := locker.GetLock(leaderLockTimeout)
if err != nil {
// No unlock for "leader" lock.
if globalIsXL {
initGlobalHeal(ctx, objAPI)
initDataUsageStats(ctx, objAPI)
initDailyLifecycle(ctx, objAPI)
initQuotaEnforcement(ctx, objAPI)
// serverMain handler called for 'minio server' command.
func serverMain(ctx *cli.Context) {
if ctx.Args().First() == "help" || !endpointsPresent(ctx) {
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "server", 1)
// Initialize globalConsoleSys system
globalConsoleSys = NewConsoleLogger(GlobalContext)
signal.Notify(globalOSSignalCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
// Handle all server command args.
// Handle all server environment vars.
// Set node name, only set for distributed setup.
// Initialize all help
// Check and load TLS certificates.
var err error
globalPublicCerts, globalTLSCerts, globalIsSSL, err = getTLSConfig()
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to load the TLS configuration")
// Check and load Root CAs.
globalRootCAs, err = config.GetRootCAs(globalCertsCADir.Get())
logger.FatalIf(err, "Failed to read root CAs (%v)", err)
globalMinioEndpoint = func() string {
host := globalMinioHost
if host == "" {
host = sortIPs(localIP4.ToSlice())[0]
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", getURLScheme(globalIsSSL), net.JoinHostPort(host, globalMinioPort))
// Is distributed setup, error out if no certificates are found for HTTPS endpoints.
if globalIsDistXL {
if globalEndpoints.HTTPS() && !globalIsSSL {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrNoCertsAndHTTPSEndpoints(nil), "Unable to start the server")
if !globalEndpoints.HTTPS() && globalIsSSL {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrCertsAndHTTPEndpoints(nil), "Unable to start the server")
if !globalCLIContext.Quiet {
// Check for new updates from
if !globalActiveCred.IsValid() && globalIsDistXL {
"Unable to initialize the server in distributed mode")
// Set system resources to maximum.
if err = setMaxResources(); err != nil {
logger.Info("Unable to set system resources to maximum %s", err)
if globalIsXL {
// Init global heal state
globalAllHealState = initHealState()
globalBackgroundHealState = initHealState()
Move admin APIs to new path and add redesigned heal APIs (#5351) - Changes related to moving admin APIs - admin APIs now have an endpoint under /minio/admin - admin APIs are now versioned - a new API to server the version is added at "GET /minio/admin/version" and all API operations have the path prefix /minio/admin/v1/<operation> - new service stop API added - credentials change API is moved to /minio/admin/v1/config/credential - credentials change API and configuration get/set API now require TLS so that credentials are protected - all API requests now receive JSON - heal APIs are disabled as they will be changed substantially - Heal API changes Heal API is now provided at a single endpoint with the ability for a client to start a heal sequence on all the data in the server, a single bucket, or under a prefix within a bucket. When a heal sequence is started, the server returns a unique token that needs to be used for subsequent 'status' requests to fetch heal results. On each status request from the client, the server returns heal result records that it has accumulated since the previous status request. The server accumulates upto 1000 records and pauses healing further objects until the client requests for status. If the client does not request any further records for a long time, the server aborts the heal sequence automatically. A heal result record is returned for each entity healed on the server, such as system metadata, object metadata, buckets and objects, and has information about the before and after states on each disk. A client may request to force restart a heal sequence - this causes the running heal sequence to be aborted at the next safe spot and starts a new heal sequence.
7 years ago
// Configure server.
var handler http.Handler
enableBucketQuotaOps := env.Get(envDataUsageCrawlConf, config.EnableOn) == config.EnableOn
handler, err = configureServerHandler(globalEndpoints, enableBucketQuotaOps)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrUnexpectedError(err), "Unable to configure one of server's RPC services")
var getCert certs.GetCertificateFunc
if globalTLSCerts != nil {
getCert = globalTLSCerts.GetCertificate
httpServer := xhttp.NewServer([]string{globalMinioAddr}, criticalErrorHandler{handler}, getCert)
httpServer.BaseContext = func(listener net.Listener) context.Context {
return GlobalContext
go func() {
globalHTTPServerErrorCh <- httpServer.Start()
globalHTTPServer = httpServer
if globalIsDistXL && globalEndpoints.FirstLocal() {
for {
// Additionally in distributed setup, validate the setup and configuration.
err := verifyServerSystemConfig(globalEndpoints)
if err == nil {
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err, "Unable to initialize distributed setup")
select {
case <-GlobalContext.Done():
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
newObject, err := newObjectLayer(GlobalContext, globalEndpoints)
if err != nil {
// Stop watching for any certificate changes.
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to initialize backend")
// Once endpoints are finalized, initialize the new object api in safe mode.
globalSafeMode = true
globalObjectAPI = newObject
// Enable healing to heal drives if possible
if globalIsXL {
initBackgroundHealing(GlobalContext, newObject)
initLocalDisksAutoHeal(GlobalContext, newObject)
go startBackgroundOps(GlobalContext, newObject)
logger.FatalIf(initSafeMode(), "Unable to initialize server switching into safe-mode")
if globalCacheConfig.Enabled {
// initialize the new disk cache objects.
var cacheAPI CacheObjectLayer
cacheAPI, err = newServerCacheObjects(GlobalContext, globalCacheConfig)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize disk caching")
globalCacheObjectAPI = cacheAPI
// Disable safe mode operation, after all initialization is over.
globalSafeMode = false
// Prints the formatted startup message once object layer is initialized.
if globalActiveCred.Equal(auth.DefaultCredentials) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Detected default credentials '%s', please change the credentials immediately using 'MINIO_ACCESS_KEY' and 'MINIO_SECRET_KEY'", globalActiveCred)
// Initialize object layer with the supplied disks, objectLayer is nil upon any error.
func newObjectLayer(ctx context.Context, endpointZones EndpointZones) (newObject ObjectLayer, err error) {
// For FS only, directly use the disk.
if endpointZones.NEndpoints() == 1 {
// Initialize new FS object layer.
return NewFSObjectLayer(endpointZones[0].Endpoints[0].Path)
return newXLZones(ctx, endpointZones)