Sessionlar eklendi

Özcan Oğuz 4 years ago
parent 04ad429a42
commit 8a954f5464
Signed by: ooguz
GPG Key ID: 2D33E2BD3D975818
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
key: decentralized-web
title: "The Absolute State of Decentralized Web Compatibility in 2020: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: English
format: keynote
- web
- yutyo
- maciej
draft: false
The Web was free and decentralized when it was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in March 12, 1989. But today, the Web that no one could own is under the feudal invasion of big IT companies that own many of the servers existing in the world.
## What is that buzz about decentralization?
The Web was free and decentralized when it was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in March 12, 1989. But today, the Web that no one could own is under the feudal invasion of big IT companies that own many of the servers existing in the world.
## What can we do/ are we doing about it?
As a response to that problem that threatens the solidarity of the Web, there have been many projects going on. I am gonna talk about those projects, showing several examples of centralised, federative and decentralized ongoing/abandoned Web projects and making a conversation about what we can do more.

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
key: event-sourcing
title: Open Source Event Sourcing Framework
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: Turkish
format: keynote
- freedom
- derya
draft: false
Açık kaynak kodlu bir kütüphane olan EventApis Türkiye'de geliştirilmiş ve canli ortamda kullanılmaktadır. Bu konuşmada Event Sourcing in ne olduğu ve kütüphanenin desteklemesi gereken fonksiyonlardan bahsedeceğim.
Katılımcılarin event bazlı yapılar hakkında temel bilgi sahibi olması beklenmektedir.
CQRS/Event Sourcing kavramı özellikle ağır yük altında ayakta kalabilen uygulamalar geliştirmek için yeni nesil bir yaklaşımdır. Geliştirdiğimiz açık kaynak kodlu EventApis kütüphanesi ile bu dünyaya yazılımcıların daha kolay geçiş yapmasını hedefledik.
Konuşmamda, CAP teorisi, CQRS ve Event Sourcing kavramlarına bolca değinerek, açık kaynak kodlu kütüphanenin getirdiği özelliklerden bahsedeceğim.
Katılımcılardan temel Event bazlı sistemler hakkında bilgi sahibi olması beklenmektedir. CAP teorisi hakkında da on bilgi sahibi olunması sunumun efektif anlaşılması için önerilmektedir.

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
key: keynote_open
title: 'Freedom in a time of pandemics'
format: keynote
language: English
- keynote
- aral
draft: false
Covid-19 isn’t the only pandemic facing humankind in 2020. Others include fascism, capitalism, environmental destruction, and mass surveillance by corporations and governments. As we find ourselves two decades into the century that will define the character of our societies in a digital and networked world, how we respond to these crises will define what it means to be human in an age when our humanity is no longer defined by the boundaries of our physical bodies.
While technology alone will not solve any of the challenges facing us, its central role in shaping the boundaries of our freedoms cannot be emphasised enough.
Technology is a multiplier. How we fund it, design it, and the success criteria we set for it are defined by ideologies and interests. The technology that is built, in turn, amplifies the ideologies and interests of its creators.
Big Tech amplifies Big Business and Big Brother. Big Tech – funded by venture capital and sharing the same success criteria as cancer (exponential growth in a finite context) – exacerbates inequality and centralises power. Big Tech amplifies the interests of a handful of billionaires in a world in which millions die every year of malnutrition and preventable disease. A world in which, according to Oxfam, “2,153 billionaires have more wealth than the 4.6 billion people who make up 60 percent of the planet’s population.”
The problem isn’t just technology. The problem is fascism, capitalism, and neoliberalism. But if we want a progressive alternative, we cannot expect to construct it by using their tools. To paraphrase Audre Lorde, neoliberalism’s tools will never dismantle neoliberalism’s house.
So what is the alternative to Big Tech?
In this talk, I will argue that it is Small Tech.
[Small Technology]( is technology funded from the commons and owned and controlled by individuals. It works to amplify the interests of individuals, not corporations or governments.
In the digital network age, the difference between Big Tech and Small Tech is the difference between tyranny and freedom.

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
key: kimin-ozgurlugu
title: "COVID-19, Özgür Yazılım, ama kimin özgürlüğü?"
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: Turkish
format: keynote
- covid
- chris
draft: false
Covid-19, Özgür Yazılım, ama kimin özgürlüğü?
Özgür Yazılım fikri neredeyse 40 yaşında. Başarılı oldu. Dünyayı fethetti. Hedeflediği sorunları çözebildi mi? Covid19 hayatımızdaki her şeyi sorgulatan bir durum yarattı. Bu durumda yazılımcılar özgürlüğü nasıl savunabilir?
Özgür yazılımın başarıları ve faydaları. Kısa bir tarih.
Başırılı nelerden kaynaklandı? Başırı başırısızlığa nasıl döndü?
Özgür yazılımın hareketinin gör(e)mediği sorunlar. Cinsiyet, renk, yoksulluk, dil, kültür. Piyasanın dayattığı öncelikler.
Bu sorunlarlar bundan sonra nasıl uğraşılır? Özgür Yazılım tabandan bir bakış.
Covid günlerinde tehlikeler ve fırsatlar. Yenis sorunlar yeni çözümler. İmkanlar ve imkansızlar. Teknoloji ve insanlık. Teknoloji artık insanlığını düşmanı mı oldu?
Neler yapmalı?

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
key: open-data
title: Open/data in the time of COVID-19
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: English
format: keynote
- covid
- pinar
draft: false
In my session, which will last for 25 minutes, it includes how open data is used and discussed in the covid19 process. It is important to open the data, but it is more important to benefit from it. We can access a lot of data sources; including health data, but are they able to respond adequately to us in combating the epidemic? As Opendatawatch notes, the current COVID-19 pandemic raises important questions about opening, sharing and using data, and highlights the challenges associated with data use. So the session will explain whether these questions have answers.
What is the importance of open data in the fight against Covid19? What are open data sources? Which governments around the world focus on open access, open data, open state data? Why the quality of the data produced in the field of health has gained importance especially recently. What about Turkey in this context? In this context, in my session that will take 25 minutes, it includes how open data is used and discussed in the covid19 process. It is important to open the data, but it is more important to benefit from it. We can access a lot of data sources; including health data, but are they able to respond adequately to us incombating the epidemic? As Opendatawatch notes, the current COVID-19 pandemic raises important questions about opening, sharing and using data, and highlights the challenges associated with data use. The session will explain whether these questions have answers.

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
key: ozgurluk-celiskisi
title: "Özgürlük Çelişkisi: Özgür Yazılım Kullanmamak, Özgür Yazılım Üretmekle Çelişir mi?"
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: Turkish
format: keynote
- freedom
- fatih
draft: false
Birçok yazılımcı, özgür olmayan yazılımlar kullanarak kod yazarken aynı zamanda özgür yazılım / açık kaynak ekosistemlerine katkı sağlarlar. Peki bu bir çelişki mi? Özgür Yazılım üretmek mi, Özgür Yazılım kullanmak mı? Özgür yazılımlar neden sahipli yazılımlara göre daha az kullanılıyor?
Topluluk içerisinde "özgür yazılım" ya da "özgür araçlar" kullanmayarak topluluklara destek olan ve özgür yazılım / açık kaynak üreten birçok geliştirici var. Ve bu geliştiriciler özgür olmayan birçok araç kullanıyorlar. Bu araçları kullanmak özgür yazılım felsefesine olan bir "ihanet" mi? PHPStorm'la özgür yazılım üretmek bir çelişki mi? Yoksa ekosisteme katkıya giden yolda, her özgür olmayan yazılım mübah mı? Bu sorulara cevaplar arayacağız, bu "çelişkinin" altında yatan nedenleri inceleyeceğiz.
Bu konuşma temelde üretime teşviği hedefleyecektir. Üretmek kullanmaktan farklı bir alandır ve gelecekte kullanacağımız daha iyi araçlar üretebilmek için, bugün her aracı kullanabileceğimiz argümanını savunacaktır. Özgür yazılım / açık kaynak araçların kullanıcının aradığı kaliteye yükseltebilmek için neler yapacağını tartışacağız.

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
key: public_money_public_code
title: Public Money Public Code – Global problems need global solutions!
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: English
format: keynote
- pmpc
- sander
draft: false
In a time when humanity needs to work together to find solutions for a crisis, we cannot afford to reinvent the wheel again and again. Global problems need global solutions! It is Free Software that enables global cooperation for code development. Any proprietary solution will inevitably lead to countless isolated solutions and waste energy and time which we as humanity cannot afford in such a critical situation.
Free Software licences allow sharing of code in any jurisdiction. Solutions developed in one country can be reused and adapted in another one. International development agencies and humanitarian movements can help to contain the spread of COVID-19 in any country around the world with the availability of Free Software solutions.
Already before this crisis hundreds of organisations and tens of thousands of people demanded that publicly financed software developed for the public sector must be made publicly available under Free Software licences. It is now even more important than ever before to tackle this crisis.
Do you want to promote Free Software as well? Then the campaign framework of "Public Money? Public Code!" might be the right choice for you; no matter if you want to do it as an individual or as a group; no matter if you have a small or large time budget.

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
key: should-i-stay-or-go
title: Should I stay or should I go?
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: English
format: keynote
- gender
- gulcin
draft: false
This talk will describe the dilemmas a new mom in tech is facing. It is based on personal experiences and observations of a woman who worked in IT for 10 years before having a baby. The talk aims to give a perspective of what are the challenges a new mother faces and what can be done to improve the lives of mothers who are returning to work in tech.
- A short career story of the speaker
- A background story of being part of women in IT movement in Turkey
- Inequalities between the partners when it comes to parenting and its effects on the career of primary care-taker
- Going back to work after maternity leave
- Interviews and the perceptions of recruiters
- Shaming, judgment and other societal pressures on mothers returning to work
- Changes in the professional life of a working mom (part-time work, self-employment, work from home) and reduced opportunities (not being able to travel or work extra hours, increased wage gap, being passed over for promotion)
- Lack of mental health support and taboos around seeking help
- What can be done to make digital cultures more inclusive towards working parents
- Summary

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
key: societal-inequities
title: "Societal inequities during Covid-19: can free software help?"
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: English
format: keynote
- covid
- karen
draft: false
Karen Sandler is the executive director of the Software Freedom Conservancy, former executive director of the GNOME Foundation, an attorney, and former general counsel of the Software Freedom Law Center.

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
key: surveillance-regimes-uk-turkey
title: Surveillance regimes in the UK and Turkey, and how they are responding to the coronavirus
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: English
format: keynote
- wikimedia
- john
draft: false
I will compare and contrast the surveillance regimes operated by the UK and Turkish states, looking at their development since the start of the century. Both systems emerge from the different historical contexts of the West and Turkey in their 20th century development but are developing in similar authoritarian ways. Both states are using their existing surveillance capabilities to track citizens during the Coronavirus pandemic, but it is hard to tell as yet what result this will have.
This talk will look at the differing surveillance regimes in Turkey and the UK, surveying the literature on their capabilities and how they operate to stifle dissent and achieve state aims. I will then look at how these models are or may being used to respond to the social upheaval caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.
I have written about the surveillance legislation which has been enacted by the UK government for various publications since 2013, when the Snowden leaks occurred. This shed significant light on the surveillance programmes of the UK and USA, and revealed the extend of their powers. Subsequent legislation has expanded these powers. This history is interesting to compare to the development of a similar but contrasting regime in Turkey, and one which is much more obvious because its threatening presence is intended to have a chilling effect on dissent. Given the respective past development of these two systems, I will attempt to speculate about how they may evolve in future and be used to suppress dissent created by the current global pandemic and its attendant economic crisis.

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
key: the-network-and-things-you-dont-control
title: "The network and things you don't control: The little black boxen at the edge of the galaxy"
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: English
format: keynote
- freedom
- robert
draft: false
The world is flooded with "smart" and embedded devices, many of which play a crucial role in
modern society. The reality is this "future" came with the cost of lost freedoms and
lack of security. Device manufactures, OEMs and ISPs are all guilty of enticing users to
accept that our modern way of life should be built on a foundation of black boxes that we can't
control. This session will cover a wide range of topics in relation to the freedom issues around "smart" and embedded devices.
The world is flooded with "smart" and embedded devices, many of which play a crucial role in
modern society. The reality is this "future" came with the cost of lost freedoms and
lack of security. Device manufactures, OEMs and ISPs are all guilty of enticing users to
accept that our modern way of life should be built on a foundation of black boxes that we can't
control, sometimes requiring the usage of a proprietary app or connecting to a server when
the device is in our very own living room. In many cases, the lack of support and critical
security updates can turn these convenient devices into weapons that can have a greater impact
on users and society at large.
This session will cover a wide range of topics in relation to the freedom issues presented with
embedded / "smart" devices and how some of these issues can be mitigated using Free Software.

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
key: unexpected-adventure
title: Unexpected Adventure of a Blog Post
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: English
format: keynote
- freedom
- ayse
draft: false
"Unexpected Adventure of a Blog Post" is a talk which aims to demonstrate the importance of information sharing. This is a story of how a tiny information sharing created a butterfly effect reached out to New York and bring back as an exciting computer vision project to me. In this story, I’ll explain the technical basis of my blog post which I referred to as tiny information sharing. Then I’ll explain how it reached to a startup in New York and became a computer vision project and how much it affected our lives during and even later the project.

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
key: what-is-a-leak
title: What is a Leak, Who is a Whistleblower?
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: English
format: keynote
- freedom
- behlul
draft: false
This study discusses the terms "leak" and "whistleblowing" within the scope of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, Can Dündar and MİT Trucks Case.
Information leaks and the revelation of government secrets by hackers have become issues of note in Turkey’s political sphere during the course of the last ten years. Turkey has also witnessed a steady flow of leaks in recent years. Of these, the MİT (The National Intelligence Organization) trucks case, concerning the role of the Turkish secret service in supplying weapons to jihadist militants in Syria, has perhaps been the most distinctive. This study discusses whether the MİT Trucks scandal can be regarded as a whistleblowing leak serving the public interest in terms of its revelations, the identities of its sources, its wider political entanglements, and the timing of its emergence into the public domain.

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
key: wikipedia-gender-gaps
title: Wikipedia’s gender gaps
id: 6E03tbU6L5w0IyjMi7yF
language: English
format: keynote
- wikimedia
- rosie
draft: false
Wikipedia has been criticized for exhibiting systemic bias in regards to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This presentation focuses on Wikipedia’s gender gaps: the low percentage of women who read Wikipedia, and who edit Wikipedia, and the low percentage of articles about women, their works, and their issues.
Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free encyclopedia based on a model of openly editable content; it is the largest and most popular general reference work on the Internet. Jimmy Wales, the co-founder of Wikipedia says,- “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing.” But we can't accomplish this goal while facing multiple gender inequity issues. Rosie will give an overview on the topic, will summarize key findings from research studies, and will give examples of how a “group of nobodys” from around the world are making a difference.

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
key: robert
name: Robert Call
id: D1UJEdrxhHQowlM2LoIusKF26ir2
feature: true
company: 'LibreCMC'
city: 'Boston, USA'
photoURL: /images/speakers/robert.png
Robert Call was a co-founder of the LibreWRT project and is the Lead Developer of the [libreCMC]( project. When he is not hacking on libreCMC, his time is spent breaking things, working on other free culture works and advising companies about software freedom issues.

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- key: conference
name: 'Conference '
id: 4c0d8a93-a0fb-5fe4-ab31-7cc56e05e942
- key: keynote
name: Keynote
- key: lunch
name: Lunch
- key: talk
name: Talk
- key: short-talk
name: Short Talk
- key: office-hours
name: Office Hours
- key: open

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Subproject commit 23ccfc3c4345e2c57851a1b9c7483895d9e71523
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