The DevFest, or "Developers Festival", is a technical conference for developers.
It is aimed at students, professionals or simply curious technophiles.
Throughout the day, renowned speakers will present a variety of topics: around mobile development, the web, data, connected objects, the cloud, DevOps, etc... as well as good development practices.
Pauses are used to engage in dialogue and deepen the topics presented.
Software development is a very broad subject and our selection committee is committed to providing a varied and interesting program.
This day will be an opportunity to meet speakers of international but also national renown, indeed we also aim to make an important place for local speakers.
The partnership file is currently available but only in :fr: [dossier de partenariat](
Speakers are invited to join the speaker booth after their conference, where they can interact with spectators who wish to continue the dialogue.
For conferences given at the very end of the day, 10 minutes of questions and answers are scheduled in the same audience after the 40 minutes of the conference.
Yes, on the CFP website, if you are not alone during the presentation, fill in the e-mail of the other speakers, they must have previously registered on the CFP with the same address.
For practical reasons, we do not accept topics involving more than three speakers.
If your subject (conference or lightning talk) has been selected, we offer you your entry to DevFest, so you do not have to buy your ticket in advance.
If you are presenting a multi-party talk, **two** tickets will be offered per conference, other speakers will have to buy their own seats (in the absence of other accepted conferences.)
Speakers presenting a full conference (40 minutes) may request reimbursement of their expenses (travel and accommodation) upon presentation of invoices, and up to a maximum of 250€ per conference (and not per speaker).
For lightning talks, travel expenses are not reimbursed.
You can present your conference from your own computer, or provide us with the slides in PDF format in advance.
The slides theme is entirely free, and the presentations will then be broadcast on the YouTube channel GDG France, which already hosts the presentations of previous years.