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key: sander
name: Alexander Sander
id: D1UJEdrxhHQowlM2LoIusKF26ir2
feature: true
company: 'FSFE'
city: 'Berlin, Germany'
photoURL: /images/speakers/sander.jpg
- icon: twitter
link: 'https://twitter.com/lexelas'
name: lexelas
Alexander, FSFE EU public policy programme manager, has studied politics in Marburg, Germany, and later has been an MEP Assistant in Brussels for three years and the General Manager of Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. in Berlin for four years. Furthermore he is the founder of NoPNR!, a campaign against the retention of travel data. He is also a Member of the Advisory Board of the ZMI Gießen and the Initiative gegen Totalüberwachung.