@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"projects": { |
"default": "sandbox-devfesttoulouse", |
"prod": "devfesttoulouse-1f1dc" |
} |
} |
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ |
image: ilaborie/hugonode |
variables: |
before_script: |
- hugo version |
- echo node `node --version` |
- echo yarn `yarn --version` |
- yarn |
sandbox: |
script: |
- hugo -F |
- node tools/pdf.js |
- node tools/minify.js |
- firebase use default |
- firebase deploy --token "$FIREBASE_SANDBOX_TOKEN" |
artifacts: |
paths: |
- public |
only: |
- develop |
prod: |
variables: |
HUGO_ENV: production |
script: |
- hugo --baseURL https://2019.devfesttoulouse.fr/ |
- node tools/pdf.js |
- node tools/minify.js |
- firebase use prod |
- firebase deploy --token "$FIREBASE_PROD_TOKEN" |
artifacts: |
paths: |
- public |
only: |
- master |
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
key: ugur |
name: Uğur Arıcı |
id: D1UJEdrxhHQowlM2LoIusKF26ir2 |
feature: true |
company: 'Made by Sense' |
city: 'İstanbul, Turkey' |
photoURL: /images/speakers/ugur.jpg |
socials: |
- icon: twitter |
link: 'https://twitter.com/ugursus' |
name: ugursus |
--- |
Merhaba, adım Uğur Arıcı. Doğduğumdan beri İstanbul‘da yaşıyorum. Dijital Ürün Yöneticiliği diye bahsettiğim; yazılım üzerine analiz, planlama, geliştirme ve danışmanlık hizmetleri verdiğim bir firmam var. |
10 yılı aşan web geliştirme tecrübemi isteyen herkes için faydalı kılmaya çalışıyorum. |
Çocuk yaşta oyun olarak görüp ilgilenmeye başladığım web geliştirme teknolojileri yıllar içinde günlük uğraşım haline geldi. Yerel ve küresel birçok firmanın işlerini yaptığım ajanslardan sonra, son 4 yıldır kendi dijital dönüşüm firmamı işletiyorum. |
2015 yılından beri özgür yazılım etkinliklerinde kurslar açıyor, davet edildiğim üniversite etkinliklerinde web teknolojileri üzerine sunumlar yapıyorum. Katıldığım etkinliklerin bir listesini buradan görebilirsiniz. İnsanların bir araya gelerek birbirilerinden daha fazla öğrenebildiğine inandığımdan Laravel İstanbul ve Write the Docs İstanbul buluşmalarını düzenliyorum. |
Şimdiye değin yüzlerce katılımcıyla, yüz yüze verdiğim kurslarda bir araya geldim ve bazı dersleri YouTube canlı yayınlarıyla tekrar ettim. Bazı öğrencilerimin başarı hikayeleri YouTube kanalımda mevcut. |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
title: Jean Martineau-Figuette |
type: cfp |
subtitle: React Meetup |
photo: euzebe.jpg |
socials: |
- link: 'https://www.twitter.com/jeanMartiF' |
name: Twitter |
- link: 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/jean-martineau-figuette/' |
name: LinkedIn |
--- |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
title: Simon Chemouil |
type: cfp |
subtitle: Toulouse Rust Meetup |
photo: simon_chemouil.png |
socials: |
- link: 'https://www.twitter.com/simach' |
name: Twitter |
- link: 'https://github.com/magnet' |
name: Github |
--- |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
title: Thibault Ducret |
type: cfp |
subtitle: Python Toulouse |
photo: thibault_ducret.jpeg |
socials: |
- link: 'https://www.tducret.com' |
name: Site |
- link: 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/thibaultducret' |
name: LinkedIn |
- link: 'https://github.com/tducret' |
name: Github |
--- |
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ |
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@ -1,255 +0,0 @@ |
[ |
{ |
"id": "opening", |
"speaker": [ "Aral Balkan" ], |
"title": "Small Tech Foundation", |
"talk": "Freedom in a time of pandemics", |
"day": 0, |
"start": "11:00", |
"end": "11:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d0s1", |
"speaker": [ "Eylül Doğruel" ], |
"title": "Independent Artist", |
"talk": "At the crossroads of practice, education and advocacy: art with free software", |
"day": 0, |
"start": "12:00", |
"end": "12:50", |
"lang": "und", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d0s2", |
"speaker": ["Pınar Yolum"], |
"title": "Utrecht University", |
"talk": "AI for preserving privacy", |
"day": 0, |
"start": "13:00", |
"end": "13:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d0s3", |
"speaker": ["John Lubbock"], |
"title": "Wikimedia UK", |
"talk": "Surveillance regimes in the UK and Turkey, and how they are responding to the coronavirus", |
"day": 0, |
"start": "14:00", |
"end": "14:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d0s4", |
"speaker": ["Alexander Sander"], |
"title": "FSFE", |
"talk": "Public Money Public Code – Global problems need global solutions!", |
"day": 0, |
"start": "15:00", |
"end": "15:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d0s5t0", |
"speaker": ["Tan Siret Akıncı", "Maciaj Krüger"], |
"title": "Mercode", |
"talk": "The Absolute State of Decentralized Web compatibility in 2020: The good The Bad and The Ugly", |
"day": 0, |
"start": "16:00", |
"end": "16:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d0s5t1", |
"speaker": ["Ayşe Bilge Gündüz"], |
"title": "Computer Scientist", |
"talk": "Unexpected Adventure of a Blog Post", |
"day": 0, |
"start": "16:00", |
"end": "16:25", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 1 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d0s5t1v2", |
"speaker": ["Ayşe Bilge Gündüz", "Gülçin Yıldırım Jelinek"], |
"title": "Kadın Yazılımcı", |
"talk": "Kadın Yazılımcı nedir?", |
"day": 0, |
"start": "16:30", |
"end": "17:55", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 1 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d0s6", |
"speaker": ["Karen Sandler"], |
"title": "Software Freedom Conservancy", |
"talk": "Societal inequities during COVID-19: Can free software help?", |
"day": 0, |
"start": "17:00", |
"end": "17:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d0s7", |
"speaker": ["Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight"], |
"title": "Wikimedia", |
"talk": "Wikipedia's gender gaps", |
"day": 0, |
"start": "18:00", |
"end": "18:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s0", |
"speaker": ["Chris Stephenson"], |
"title": "Bilgi University", |
"talk": "COVID-19, Özgür Yazılım, ama kimin özgürlüğü?", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "11:00", |
"end": "11:50", |
"lang": "tur", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s1t0", |
"speaker": ["Gülçin Yıldırım Jelinek"], |
"title": "DB and Software Automation Engineer", |
"talk": "Should I stay or should I go?", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "12:00", |
"end": "12:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s1t1", |
"speaker": ["Pınar Dağ"], |
"title": "Kadir Has University", |
"talk": "Open/Data in the time of COVID-19", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "12:00", |
"end": "12:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s2", |
"speaker": ["Bager Akbay"], |
"title": "Artist, Educator", |
"talk": "Healthy Food vs Healthy Software & Hardware", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "13:00", |
"end": "13:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s3t0", |
"speaker": ["Fatih Kadir Akın", "Uğur Arıcı", "Özcan Oğuz"], |
"title": "Developer", |
"talk": "Özgürlük Çelişkisi: Özgür Yazılım Kullanmamak, Özgür Yazılım Üretmekle Çelişir mi?", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "14:00", |
"end": "14:50", |
"lang": "tur", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s3t1", |
"speaker": ["Derya Sezen"], |
"title": "Kloia", |
"talk": "Open Source Event Sourcing Framework", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "14:00", |
"end": "14:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 1 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s4t0", |
"speaker": ["Bilge Narin"], |
"title": "Hacı Bayram Veli University", |
"talk": "Dijital eşitsizlikler", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "15:00", |
"end": "15:50", |
"lang": "tur", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s4t1", |
"speaker": ["Nevit Dilmen"], |
"title": "M.D", |
"talk": "Let there be copies", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "15:00", |
"end": "15:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 1 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s5t0", |
"speaker": ["Robert Call"], |
"title": "LibreCMC", |
"talk": "The network and things you don't control: The little black boxen at the edge of the galaxy", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "16:00", |
"end": "16:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s5t1", |
"speaker": ["Dilan Çelik", "Orkut Murat Yılmaz"], |
"title": "Yer Çizenler", |
"talk": "Mapping for Everyone: Yer Çizenler", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "16:00", |
"end": "16:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s6t0", |
"speaker": ["Netha Hussain"], |
"title": "Wikimedia", |
"talk": "How is the Wikipedia responding to COVID-19 crisis?", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "17:00", |
"end": "17:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "d1s6t1", |
"speaker": ["Behlül Çalışkan"], |
"title": "New media researcher", |
"talk": "What Is a Leak, Who Is a Whistleblower?", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "17:00", |
"end": "17:50", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 1 |
}, |
{ |
"id": "closing", |
"speaker": ["Gregory Engels"], |
"title": "Pirate Parties International", |
"talk": "Privacy issues in the aftermath of COVID-19", |
"day": 1, |
"start": "18:00", |
"end": "19:00", |
"lang": "eng", |
"room": 0 |
} |
] |
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