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# Configuration update functions - AWK API
# Copyright (C) 2006 by Fokus Fraunhofer <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 by Felix Fietkau <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# parameters: 1
function config_load(package, var) {
while (("/bin/ash -c '. /etc/; unset NO_EXPORT; config_load \""package"\"; env | grep \"^CONFIG_\"'" | getline) == 1) {
sub("^CONFIG_", "")
if (match($0, "=") == 0) {
if (var != "") CONFIG[var] = CONFIG[var] "\n" $0
var=substr($0, 1, RSTART-1)
CONFIG[var] = substr($0, RSTART+1, length($0) - RSTART)
# parameters: 2
function config_get(package, option) {
return CONFIG[package "_" option]
# parameters: 3
function config_get_bool(package, option, default, var) {
var = config_get(package, option);
if ((var == "enabled") || (var == "true") || (var == "1") || (var == "on")) return 1
if ((var == "disabled") || (var == "false") || (var == "0") || (var == "off")) return 1
return (var && var != "0" ? 1 : 0)
function read_file(filename, result) {
while ((getline <filename) == 1) {
result = result $0 "\n"
gsub(/\n*$/, "", result)
return result
function uci_cmd2option(str, tmp) {
if (match(str,"=")!=0) {
res = "\toption " substr(str,1,RSTART-1) "\t'" substr(str,RSTART+1) "'"
} else {
res= ""
return res
function uci_cmd2config(atype, aname) {
return "config \"" atype "\" \"" aname "\""
function uci_update_config(cfg, update, \
lines, line, l, n, i, i2, section, scnt, remove, tmp, aidx, rest) {
scnt = 1
linecnt=split(cfg "\n", lines, "\n")
cfg = ""
for (n = 1; n < linecnt; n++) {
# stupid parser for quoted arguments (e.g. for the type string).
# not to be used to gather variable values (backslash escaping doesn't work)
line = lines[n]
gsub(/^[ \t]*/, "", line)
gsub(/#.*$/, "", line)
i2 = 1
delete l
rest = line
while (length(rest)) {
if (match(rest, /[ \t\"]+/)) {
if (RSTART>1) {
l[i2] = substr(rest,1,RSTART-1)
if (aidx>=RSTART && aidx<=RSTART+RLENGTH) {
# find the end of the string
} else {
l[i2] = rest
rest = ""
line = lines[n]
# when a command wants to set a config value for the current
# section and a blank line is encountered before an option with
# the same name, insert it here to maintain some coherency between
# manually and automatically created option lines
# if an option with the same name appears after this point, simply
# ignore it, because it is already set.
if ((section != "") && (l[1] != "option")) {
if (line ~ /^[ \t]*$/) {
if (update ~ "^" section "\\.") {
gsub("^" section ".", "", update)
cfg = cfg uci_cmd2option(update) "\n"
gsub(/=.*$/, "", update)
update = "-" section "." update
if (l[1] == "config") {
# look for all unset values
if (section != "") {
if (update ~ "^" section "\\.") {
gsub("^" section ".", "", update)
cfg = cfg uci_cmd2option(update) "\n"
update = "-" section "." update
if (flag!=0) cfg = cfg "\n"
remove = ""
section = l[3]
if (!length(section)) {
section = "cfg" scnt
if (update == "-" section) {
remove = "section"
update = ""
} else if (update ~ "^@" section "=") {
update = ""
} else if (update ~ "^&" section "=") {
gsub("^&" section "=", "", update)
line = uci_cmd2config(l[2],update)
update = ""
if (remove == "option") remove = ""
if (l[1] == "option") {
if (update ~ "^-" section "\\." l[2] "$") remove = "option"
# if a supplied config value already exists, replace the whole line
if (match(update, "^" section "." l[2] "=")) {
gsub("^" section ".", "", update)
line = uci_cmd2option(update)
update = ""
if (remove == "") cfg = cfg line "\n"
# any new options for the last section??
if (section != "") {
if (update ~ "^" section "\\.") {
gsub("^" section ".", "", update)
cfg = cfg uci_cmd2option(update) "\n"
update = "-" section "." update
if (update ~ "^@") {
# new section
section = stype = substr(update,2)
cfg = cfg "\nconfig \"" stype "\" \"" section "\"\n"
return cfg