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# Copyright (C) 2014
nand_takeover() {
. /lib/upgrade/
mtd=$(find_mtd_index "$CI_UBIPART")
esize=$(cat /proc/mtd | grep mtd$mtd |cut -d" " -f 3)
[ -z "$esize" ] && return 1
esize=$(printf "%d" 0x$esize)
for a in `seq 0 64`; do
mtd -o $((a * esize)) -l 400 dump /dev/mtd$mtd > /tmp/takeover.hdr
MAGIC=$(dd if=/tmp/takeover.hdr bs=1 skip=261 count=5 2> /dev/null)
SIZE=$(printf "%d" 0x$(dd if=/tmp/takeover.hdr bs=4 count=1 2> /dev/null | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '1/1 "%02x"'))
[ "$MAGIC" = "ustar" ] && {
mtd -o $((a * esize)) -l $((SIZE + 4)) dump /dev/mtd$mtd | dd bs=1 skip=4 of=/tmp/sysupgrade.tar
nand_do_upgrade_stage2 /tmp/sysupgrade.tar
boot_hook_add initramfs nand_takeover