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246 lines
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#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2007
dhcp_calc() {
local ip="$1"
local res=0
while [ -n "$ip" ]; do
res="$(($res * 256))"
res="$(($res + $part))"
[ "${ip%.*}" != "$ip" ] && ip="${ip#*.}" || ip=
echo "$res"
append_bool() {
local section="$1"
local option="$2"
local value="$3"
local _tmp
config_get_bool _tmp "$section" "$option"
[ "$_tmp" -gt 0 ] && append args "$3"
dnsmasq() {
local cfg="$1"
append_bool "$cfg" authoritative "-K"
append_bool "$cfg" nodaemon "-d"
append_bool "$cfg" domainneeded "-D"
append_bool "$cfg" filterwin2k "-f"
append_bool "$cfg" nohosts "-h"
append_bool "$cfg" nonegcache "-N"
append_bool "$cfg" strictorder "-o"
append_bool "$cfg" logqueries "-q"
append_bool "$cfg" noresolv "-R"
append_bool "$cfg" localise_queries "-y"
append_bool "$cfg" readethers "-Z"
append_bool "$cfg" dbus "-l"
config_get dnsforwardmax "$cfg" dnsforwardmax
append args "-0 $dnsforwardmax"
config_get port "$cfg" port
append args "-p $port"
config_get ednspacket_max "$cfg" ednspacket_max
append args "-P $ednspacket_max"
config_get dhcpleasemax "$cfg" dhcpleasemax
append args "-X $dhcpleasemax"
config_get addnhosts "$cfg" addnhosts
config_get interface "$cfg" interface
config_get exceptinterface "$cfg" exceptinterface
config_get queryport "$cfg" queryport
config_get domain "$cfg" domain
dhcp_subscrid_add() {
local cfg="$1"
config_get name "$cfg" name
[ -n "$name" ] || return 0
config_get subscriberid "$cfg" subscriberid
[ -n "$subscriberid" ] || return 0
append args "--dhcp-subscrid=$name,$subscriberid"
dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$name"
dhcp_remoteid_add() {
local cfg="$1"
config_get name "$cfg" name
[ -n "$name" ] || return 0
config_get remoteid "$cfg" remoteid
[ -n "$remoteid" ] || return 0
append args "--dhcp-remoteid=$name,$remoteid"
dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$name"
dhcp_circuitid_add() {
local cfg="$1"
config_get name "$cfg" name
[ -n "$name" ] || return 0
config_get circuitid "$cfg" circuitid
[ -n "$circuitid" ] || return 0
append args "--dhcp-circuitid=$name,$circuitid"
dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$name"
dhcp_userclass_add() {
local cfg="$1"
config_get name "$cfg" name
[ -n "$name" ] || return 0
config_get userclass "$cfg" userclass
[ -n "$userclass" ] || return 0
append args "--dhcp-userclass=$name,$userclass"
dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$name"
dhcp_vendorclass_add() {
local cfg="$1"
config_get name "$cfg" name
[ -n "$name" ] || return 0
config_get vendorclass "$cfg" vendorclass
[ -n "$vendorclass" ] || return 0
append args "--dhcp-vendorclass=$name,$vendorclass"
dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$name"
dhcp_host_add() {
local cfg="$1"
config_get name "$cfg" name
[ -n "$name" ] || return 0
config_get mac "$cfg" mac
[ -n "$mac" ] || return 0
append args "--dhcp-host=$mac,$ip"
dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$name"
dhcp_mac_add() {
local cfg="$1"
config_get name "$cfg" name
[ -n "$name" ] || return 0
config_get mac "$cfg" mac
[ -n "$mac" ] || return 0
append args "--dhcp-mac=$name,$mac"
dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$name"
dhcp_add() {
local cfg="$1"
config_get net "$cfg" interface
[ -n "$net" ] || return 0
config_get name "$cfg" name
[ -n "$name" ] || name="$net"
config_get ifname "$net" ifname
[ -n "$ifname" ] || return 0
append_bool "$cfg" ignore "-I $ifname"
config_get proto "$net" proto
[ static = "$proto" ] || return 0
config_get ipaddr "$net" ipaddr
config_get netmask "$net" netmask
#check for an already active dhcp server on the interface, unless 'force' is set
config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
[ "$force" -gt 0 ] || {
udhcpc -n -q -R -s /bin/true -t 1 -i $ifname >&- && return 0
config_get start "$cfg" start
config_get limit "$cfg" limit
config_get leasetime "$cfg" leasetime
config_get options "$cfg" options
start="$(dhcp_calc "${start:-100}")"
limit="$((${limit:-150} + 1))"
eval "$( $ipaddr $netmask $start $end)"
append args "--dhcp-range=$name,$START,$END,$NETMASK,$leasetime${options:+ $options}"
dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$name"
dhcp_option_add () {
local cfg="$1"
local name="$2"
for count in $(seq 0 100); do
eval current_value=\$CONFIG_"$cfg"_dhcp"$count"
if [ -z "$current_value" ]; then
let "count-=1"
append args "-O $name","$current_value"
start() {
include /lib/network
config_load dhcp
config_foreach dnsmasq dnsmasq
config_foreach dhcp_host_add host
config_foreach dhcp_mac_add mac
config_foreach dhcp_vendorclass_add vendorclass
config_foreach dhcp_userclass_add userclass
config_foreach dhcp_circuitid_add circuitid
config_foreach dhcp_remoteid_add remoteid
config_foreach dhcp_subscrid_add subscrid
config_foreach dhcp_add dhcp
/usr/sbin/dnsmasq $args && {
rm -f /tmp/resolv.conf
cat > /tmp/resolv.conf <<EOF
search lan
stop() {
killall dnsmasq