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# Copyright (c) 2012
. /lib/
. /lib/functions/
. /lib/functions/
config_load network6
local NAT="ip6tables -t nat"
conf_get() {
local __return="$1"
local __device="$2"
local __option="$3"
local __value=$(cat "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/$device/$option")
eval "$__return=$__value"
conf_set() {
local device="$1"
local option="$2"
local value="$3"
echo "$value" > "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/$device/$option"
stop_service() {
local __exe="$1"
local __return="$3"
service_check "$__exe" && {
service_stop "$__exe"
[ -n "$__return" ] && eval "$__return=1"
start_service() {
local cmd="$1"
local pidfile="$2"
service_start $cmd
resolve_network_add() {
local __section="$1"
local __device="$2"
local __return="$3"
local __cdevice
network_get_device __cdevice "$__section"
[ "$__cdevice" != "$__device" ] && return
eval "$__return"'="'"$__section"'"'
resolve_network() {
local __return="$1"
local __device="$2"
config_foreach resolve_network_add interface "$__device" "$__return"
setup_masquerading() {
local cmd="$1"
local chain="network6_masquerade_$2"
local device="$3"
$NAT -D POSTROUTING -j "$chain" 2>/dev/null && {
$NAT -F "$chain" 2>/dev/null
$NAT -X "$chain" 2>/dev/null
[ "$cmd" != "stop" ] && {
$NAT -N "$chain"
$NAT -A "$chain" -o "$device" -j MASQUERADE
$NAT -A POSTROUTING -j "$chain"
setup_npt_chain() {
local cmd="$1"
local network="$2"
local chain="network6_npt_$network"
[ "$cmd" != "start" ] && {
$NAT -D POSTROUTING -j "$chain" 2>/dev/null && {
$NAT -D PREROUTING -j "$chain" 2>/dev/null
$NAT -F "$chain" 2>/dev/null
$NAT -X "$chain" 2>/dev/null
[ "$cmd" != "stop" ] && {
$NAT -N "$chain" 2>/dev/null && {
$NAT -A PREROUTING -j "$chain"
$NAT -A POSTROUTING -j "$chain"
announce_prefix() {
local prefix="$1"
local network="$2"
local cmd="$3"
local type="$4"
local addr=$(echo "$prefix" | cut -d/ -f1)
local rem=$(echo "$prefix" | cut -d/ -f2)
local length=$(echo "$rem" | cut -d, -f1)
local prefer=""
local valid=""
# If preferred / valid provided
[ "$rem" != "$length" ] && {
prefer=$(echo "$rem" | cut -d, -f2)
valid=$(echo "$rem" | cut -d, -f3)
# Get prefix configuration
local ula=""
local prefix_action=""
config_get ula global ula_prefix
config_get prefix_action "$network" prefix_action
[ -z "$prefix_action" ] && prefix_action="distribute"
# Always announce the ULA when doing NPT
[ "$prefix" == "$ula" -a "$prefix_action" == "npt" ] && prefix_action="distribute"
[ "$prefix_action" == "distribute" -o "$prefix_action" == "npt" ] && {
local msg='{"network": "'"$network"'", "prefix": "'"$addr"'", "length": '"$length"
[ -n "$valid" ] && msg="$msg"', "valid": '"$valid"', "preferred": '"$prefer"
[ -z "$cmd" ] && cmd=newprefix
[ "$prefix_action" == "npt" ] && msg="$msg"', "npt": 1'
[ "$type" == "secondary" ] && msg="$msg"', "secondary": 1'
ubus call 6distributed "$cmd" "$msg}"
[ "$prefix_action" == "npt" ] && {
local chain="network6_npt_$network"
local ula_addr=$(echo "$ula" | cut -d/ -f1)
local ula_rem=$(echo "$ula" | cut -d/ -f2)
local ula_length=$(echo "$ula_rem" | cut -d, -f1)
local device=""
network_get_device device "$network"
[ "$length" -lt "$ula_length" ] && length="$ula_length"
[ "$cmd" == "delprefix" ] && cmd="-D $chain" || cmd="-A $chain"
local in="-i $device -d $addr/$length -j NETMAP --to $ula_addr/$ula_length"
local out="-o $device -s $ula_addr/$ula_length -j NETMAP --to $addr/$length"
setup_npt_chain start "$network"
$NAT $cmd $in
$NAT $cmd $out
disable_router() {
local network="$1"
# Notify the address distribution daemon
ubus call 6distributed deliface '{"network": "'"$network"'"}'
# Disable advertisement daemon
stop_service /usr/sbin/6relayd "/var/run/ipv6-router-$"
restart_relay_slave() {
local __section="$1"
local __master="$2"
network_is_up "$__section" || return
local __device=""
network_get_device __device "$__section"
local __cmaster=""
config_get __cmaster "$__section" relay_master
[ "$__master" == "$__cmaster" ] && {
disable_interface "$__section"
enable_interface "$__section" "$__device"
add_relay_slave() {
local __section="$1"
local __return="$2"
local __master="$3"
local __mode="$4"
network_is_up "$__section" || return
# Get device
local __device=""
network_get_device __device "$__section"
# Match master network
local __cmaster=""
config_get __cmaster "$__section" relay_master
[ "$__master" == "$__cmaster" ] || return
# Test slave mode
local __cmode=""
config_get __cmode "$__section" mode
[ "$__cmode" == "downstream" ] && __cmode="router"
# Don't start fallback interfaces if we are in forced-relay mode
[ "$__cmode" == "relay" -o "$__mode" == "fallback" ] || return
# Don't make non-relay or non-router interfaces slaves
[ "$__cmode" == "relay" -o "$__cmode" == "router" ] || return
# Disable any active distribution
[ "$__cmode" == "router" ] && disable_router "$__section"
# Configure interface to accept RA and send RS
conf_set "$__device" accept_ra 2
conf_set "$__device" forwarding 2
eval "$__return"'="$'"$__return"' '"$__device"'"'
stop_relay() {
local network="$1"
local pid_fallback="/var/run/ipv6-relay-fallback-$"
local pid_forced="/var/run/ipv6-relay-forced-$"
local was_fallback=""
stop_service /usr/sbin/6relayd "$pid_fallback" was_fallback
stop_service /usr/sbin/6relayd "$pid_forced"
# Reenable normal distribution on slave interfaces
[ -n "$was_fallback" ] && config_foreach restart_relay_slave interface "$network"
detect_forced_relay_mode() {
local __section="$1"
local __mode="$2"
local __cmode
config_get __cmode "$__section" mode
[ "$__cmode" == "relay" ] && eval "$__mode=forced"
restart_relay() {
local network="$1"
local mode="$2"
# Stop last active relay
stop_relay "$network"
# Detect if we have a forced-relay
[ -z "$mode" ] && config_foreach detect_forced_relay_mode interface mode
# Don't start without a mode
[ -z "$mode" ] && return
# Detect master device
local device=""
network_get_device device "$network"
# Generate command string
local cmd="/usr/sbin/6relayd -A $device"
local ifaces=""
config_foreach add_relay_slave interface ifaces "$network" "$mode"
# Start relay
local pid="/var/run/ipv6-relay-$mode-$"
[ -n "$ifaces" ] && start_service "$cmd $ifaces" "$pid"
# There are no slave interface, however indicate that we want to relay
[ -z "$ifaces" ] && touch "$pid"
setup_prefix_fallback() {
local cmd="$1"
local network="$2"
local device="$3"
stop_relay "$network"
restart_relay "$network"
setup_masquerading stop "$network"
[ "$cmd" != "stop" ] && {
local fallback=""
config_get fallback "$network" prefix_fallback
[ "$fallback" == "relay" ] && restart_relay "$network" fallback
[ "$fallback" == "masquerade" ] && setup_masquerading start "$network" "$device"
restart_master_relay() {
local network="$1"
local mode="$2"
local pid_fallback="/var/run/ipv6-relay-fallback-$"
local pid_forced="/var/run/ipv6-relay-forced-$"
# Disable active relaying to this interface
config_get relay_master "$network" relay_master
[ -z "$relay_master" ] && return
network_is_up "$relay_master" || return
# Detect running mode
[ -z "$mode" && -f "$pid_fallback" ] && mode="fallback"
[ -z "$mode" && -f "$pid_forced" ] && mode="forced"
# Restart relay if running or start requested
[ -n "$mode" ] && restart_relay "$relay_master" "$mode"
disable_interface() {
local network="$1"
# Delete all prefixes routed to this interface
ubus call 6distributed delprefix '{"network": "'"$network"'"}'
# Restart Relay
restart_master_relay "$network"
# Disable distribution
disable_router "$network"
# Disable any active relays, masquerading rules and NPT rules
stop_relay "$network"
setup_masquerading stop "$network"
setup_npt_chain stop "$network"
# Disable DHCPv6 client if enabled, state script will take care
stop_service /usr/sbin/odhcp6c "/var/run/ipv6-dhcpv6-$"
enable_ula_prefix() {
local network="$1"
local ula="$2"
[ -z "$ula" ] && ula="global"
# ULA-integration
local ula_prefix=""
config_get ula_prefix "$ula" ula_prefix
# ULA auto configuration (first init)
[ "$ula_prefix" == "auto" ] && {
local r1=""
local r2=""
local r3=""
# Sometimes results are empty, therefore try until it works...
while [ -z "$r1" -o -z "$r2" -o -z "$r3" ]; do
r1=$(printf "%02x" $(($(</dev/urandom tr -dc 0-9 | dd bs=9 count=1) % 256)))
r2=$(printf "%01x" $(($(</dev/urandom tr -dc 0-9 | dd bs=9 count=1) % 65536)))
r3=$(printf "%01x" $(($(</dev/urandom tr -dc 0-9 | dd bs=9 count=1) % 65536)))
# Save prefix so it will be preserved across reboots
config_set "$ula" ula_prefix "$ula_prefix"
uci_set network6 "$ula" ula_prefix "$ula_prefix"
uci_commit network6
# Announce ULA
[ -n "$ula_prefix" ] && announce_prefix "$ula_prefix" "$network" newprefix secondary
enable_static() {
local network="$1"
local device="$2"
# Enable global forwarding
local global_forward
conf_get global_forward all forwarding
[ "$global_forward" != "1" ] && conf_set all forwarding 1
# Configure device
conf_set "$device" accept_ra 1
conf_set "$device" forwarding 1
# Enable ULA
enable_ula_prefix "$network"
# Compatibility (deprecated)
enable_ula_prefix "$network" "$network"
# Announce all static prefixes
config_list_foreach "$network" static_prefix announce_prefix $network
# start relay if there are forced relay members
restart_relay "$network"
enable_router() {
local network="$1"
local device="$2"
# Get IPv6 prefixes
local length
config_get length "$network" advertise_prefix
[ -z "$length" ] && length=64
[ "$length" -ne "0" ] && ubus call 6distributed newiface '{"network": "'"$network"'", "iface": "'"$device"'", "length": '"$length"'}'
# Start RD & DHCPv6 service
local pid="/var/run/ipv6-router-$"
start_service "/usr/sbin/6relayd -S . $device" "$pid"
# Try relaying if necessary
restart_master_relay "$network"
enable_dhcpv6() {
local network="$1"
local device="$2"
# Configure device
conf_set "$device" accept_ra 2
conf_set "$device" forwarding 2
# Trigger RS
conf_set "$device" disable_ipv6 1
conf_set "$device" disable_ipv6 0
# Configure DHCPv6-client
local dhcp6_opts="$device"
# Configure DHCPv6-client (e.g. requested prefix)
local request_prefix
config_get request_prefix "$network" request_prefix
[ -z "$request_prefix" ] && request_prefix="auto"
[ "$request_prefix" != "no" ] && {
[ "$request_prefix" == "auto" ] && request_prefix=0
dhcp6_opts="-P$request_prefix $dhcp6_opts"
# Start DHCPv6 client
local pid="/var/run/ipv6-dhcpv6-$"
start_service "/usr/sbin/odhcp6c -s/lib/ipv6/ $dhcp6_opts" "$pid"
# Refresh RA on all interfaces
for pid in /var/run/ipv6-router-*.pid; do
kill -SIGUSR1 $(cat "$pid")
enable_6to4() {
local network="$1"
local device="$2"
local mode="$3"
local prefixlen="48"
[ "$mode" == "6rd" ] && {
local ip4prefix=$(uci_get network "$network" ip4prefixlen 0)
local ip6prefix=$(uci_get network "$network" ip6prefixlen 32)
prefixlen=$(($ip6prefix + 32 - $ip4prefix))
local prefix=""
network_get_ipaddr6 prefix "$network"
announce_prefix "$prefix/$prefixlen" "$network"
local network="$1"
local device="$2"
local mode=""
config_get mode "$network" mode
[ -n "$mode" -a "$mode" != "none" ] || return
# Compatibility with old mode names
[ "$mode" == "downstream" ] && mode=router
[ "$mode" == "upstream" ] && mode=dhcpv6
# Run mode startup code
enable_static "$network" "$device"
[ "$mode" == "dhcpv6" ] && enable_dhcpv6 "$network" "$device"
[ "$mode" == "router" ] && enable_router "$network" "$device"
[ "$mode" == "6to4" -o "$mode" == "6rd" ] && enable_6to4 "$network" "$device" "$mode"
[ "$mode" == "relay" ] && restart_master_relay "$network" forced