Source-Makefile: feeds/packages/admin/netatop/Makefile Package: kmod-netatop Submenu: Netfilter Extensions Version: +2.0-1 Depends: Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: kernel Category: Kernel modules Title: netatop netfilter module Maintainer: Toni Uhlig Source: netatop-2.0.tar.gz License: GPL-2.0 Type: ipkg Description: The optional kernel module netatop can be loaded to gather statistics about the TCP and UDP packets that have been transmitted/received per process and per thread. As soon as atop discovers that this module is active, it shows the columns SNET and RNET in the generic screen for the number of transmitted and received packets per process. When the 'n' key is pressed, it shows detailed counters about the number packets transmitted/received via TCP and UDP, the average sizes of these packets, and the total bandwidth consumed for input and output per process/thread. Toni Uhlig @@ Package: netatop Version: 2.0-1 Depends: +libc +GCC_LIBSSP:libssp +USE_GLIBC:librt +USE_GLIBC:libpthread +zlib +kmod-netatop Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: admin Category: Administration Repository: base Title: network counter for atop Maintainer: Toni Uhlig Source: netatop-2.0.tar.gz License: GPL-2.0 Type: ipkg Description: The daemon netatopd is packaged with the netatop kernel module. This daemon takes care that information is gathered about processes that are finished. For every finished process that has transferred network packets, a binary record is written to a dedicated logfile. The added records in the logfile are read by atop with every sample to show information about the network activity of finished processes as well. Toni Uhlig @@