@ -210,38 +210,6 @@ define BuildFirmware/DefaultDualSize/initramfs
$( call BuildFirmware/OF/initramfs,$( 1) ,$( 2) -8M,$( 3) -8M)
e n d e f
# build Seama header images
d e f i n e B u i l d F i r m w a r e / S e a m a / s q u a s h f s
$( call MkImageLzmaDtb,$( 2) ,$( 3) ,$( 5) )
$( eval output_name = $( IMG_PREFIX) -$( 2) -$( 1) -sysupgrade.bin)
cat $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) .bin.lzma $( KDIR) /root.$( 1) > $( KDIR) /img_$( 2) .$( 1) .tmp
if [ ` stat -c%s " $( KDIR) /img_ $( 2) . $( 1) .tmp " ` -gt $( 5) ] ; then \
echo " Warning: $( KDIR) /img_ $( 2) . $( 1) .tmp is too big " >& 2; \
else \
dd if = $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) .bin.lzma of = $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) .bin.lzma.padded bs = 64k conv = sync; \
( \
dd if = $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) .bin.lzma.padded bs = 1 count = ` expr \` stat -c%s $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) .bin.lzma.padded\` - 64` ; \
dd if = $( KDIR) /root.$( 1) bs = 64k conv = sync; \
) > $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) .tmp; \
$( STAGING_DIR_HOST) /bin/seama \
-i $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) .tmp \
-m "dev=/dev/mtdblock/2" -m "type=firmware" ; \
$( STAGING_DIR_HOST) /bin/seama \
-s $( call imgname,$( 1) ,$( 2) ) -factory.bin \
-m " signature= $( 4) " \
-i $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) .tmp.seama; \
dd if = $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) .bin.lzma.padded bs = 1 count = ` expr \` stat -c%s $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) .bin.lzma.padded\` - 64` of = $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) -sysupgrade.tmp; \
$( STAGING_DIR_HOST) /bin/seama \
-i $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) -sysupgrade.tmp \
-m "dev=/dev/mtdblock/2" -m "type=firmware" ; \
( \
dd if = $( KDIR) /vmlinux-$( 2) -sysupgrade.tmp.seama; \
dd if = $( KDIR) /root.$( 1) bs = 64k conv = sync; \
) > $( BIN_DIR) /$( output_name) ; \
e n d e f
B u i l d F i r m w a r e / S e a m a / initramfs = $( call BuildFirmware/OF/initramfs,$( 1) ,$( 2) ,$( 3) )
d e f i n e B u i l d F i r m w a r e / P o r a y D u a l S i z e / s q u a s h f s
$( call BuildFirmware/DefaultDualSize/$( 1) ,$( 1) ,$( 2) ,$( 3) )
if [ -e " $( call sysupname,$( 1) ,$( 2) -4M) " ] ; then \