@ -17,6 +17,14 @@ proto_qmi_init_config() {
proto_config_add_string modes
qmi_disconnect( ) {
# disable previous autoconnect state using the global handle
# do not reuse previous wds client id to prevent hangs caused by stale data
uqmi -s -d " $device " \
--stop-network 0xffffffff \
--autoconnect > /dev/null
proto_qmi_setup( ) {
local interface = " $1 "
@ -68,6 +76,8 @@ proto_qmi_setup() {
return 1
echo "Waiting for network registration"
while uqmi -s -d " $device " --get-serving-system | grep '"searching"' > /dev/null; do
sleep 5;
@ -83,24 +93,17 @@ proto_qmi_setup() {
proto_block_restart " $interface "
return 1
uci_set_state network $interface cid " $cid "
pdh = ` uqmi -s -d " $device " --set-client-id wds," $cid " --start-network " $apn " \
${ auth : +--auth-type $auth } \
${ username : +--username $username } \
${ password : +--password $password } `
[ $? -ne 0 ] && {
echo "Unable to connect, check APN and authentication"
proto_notify_error " $interface " NO_PDH
proto_block_restart " $interface "
return 1
uci_set_state network $interface pdh " $pdh "
uqmi -s -d " $device " --set-client-id wds," $cid " \
--start-network " $apn " \
${ auth : +--auth-type $auth } \
${ username : +--username $username } \
${ password : +--password $password } \
--autoconnect > /dev/null
if ! uqmi -s -d " $device " --get-data-status | grep '"connected"' > /dev/null; then
echo "Connection lost"
proto_notify_error " $interface " NOT_CONNECTED
proto_block_restart " $interface "
return 1
@ -129,14 +132,10 @@ proto_qmi_teardown() {
local device
json_get_vars device
local cid = $( uci_get_state network $interface cid)
local pdh = $( uci_get_state network $interface pdh)
echo "Stopping network"
[ -n " $cid " ] && {
[ -n " $pdh " ] && {
uqmi -s -d " $device " --set-client-id wds," $cid " --stop-network " $pdh "
uci_revert_state network $interface pdh
uqmi -s -d " $device " --set-client-id wds," $cid " --release-client-id wds
uci_revert_state network $interface cid