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658 B

# $Id$
exec 2>/dev/null
umount /jffs
if [ -z "$(mount | grep jffs2)" ]; then
mtd erase OpenWrt
mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock/4 /jffs
mount /dev/mtdblock/2 /rom -o ro
cd /jffs
echo "firstboot has already been run"
echo "fixing symlinks instead"
cd /
cd /rom
find . -type d
cd -
} | xargs mkdir
for file in $(cd /rom; find * -type f; find * -type l;)
do {
ln -sf /rom/$file $file
} done
touch /tmp/resolv.conf
ln -s /tmp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
umount /rom
mount none /jffs/proc -t proc
pivot_root /jffs /jffs/rom
mount none /dev -t devfs
mount none /tmp -t ramfs
umount /rom/proc
umount /rom/tmp
umount /rom/dev