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alias debug=${DEBUG:-:}
# allow env to override nvram
nvram_get () {
eval "echo \${$1:-\$(nvram get $1)}"
. /etc/nvram.overrides
# valid interface?
if_valid () (
[ "${1%%[0-9]}" = "vlan" ] && {
hwname=$(nvram_get vlan${i}hwname)
hwaddr=$(nvram_get ${hwname}macaddr)
[ -z "$hwaddr" ] && return 1
vif=$(ifconfig -a | awk '/^eth.*'$hwaddr'/ {print $1; exit}' IGNORECASE=1)
debug "# vlan$i: $hwname $hwaddr => $vif"
$DEBUG ifconfig $vif up
$DEBUG vconfig add $vif $i 2>/dev/null
ifconfig "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || [ "${1%%[0-9]}" = "br" ]