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41 lines
977 B

add_route() {
local config="$1"
# is this route intended for the
# $INTERFACE of this hotplug event
config_get interface "$config" interface
[ "$interface" != "$INTERFACE" ] && return 0
# get the real interface name from network config
config_get dev "$interface" ifname
config_get target "$config" target
config_get netmask "$config" netmask
config_get gateway "$config" gateway
config_get metric "$config" metric
# make sure there is a gateway and a target
[ -n "$target" ] || {
echo "Missing target in route section $config"
return 1
[ -n "$gateway" ] || {
echo "Missing gateway in route section $config"
return 1
dest="${netmask:+-net "$target" netmask "$netmask"}"
dest="${dest:--host "$target"}"
/sbin/route add $dest gw "$gateway" ${dev:+dev "$dev"} ${metric:+ metric "$metric"}
case "$ACTION" in
include /lib/network
config_foreach "add_route" route