# Copyright (C) 2006-2012 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
PKG_NAME := firmware-utils
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel.mk
define cc
$(HOSTCC) $(HOST_CFLAGS) -include endian.h $(HOST_LDFLAGS) -o $(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/bin/$(firstword $(1)) $(foreach src,$(1),src/$(src).c) $(2)
define Host/Compile
mkdir -p $(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/bin
$(call cc,addpattern)
$(call cc,asustrx)
$(call cc,lxlfw)
$(call cc,trx)
$(call cc,otrx)
$(call cc,motorola-bin)
$(call cc,dgfirmware)
ipq40xx: add factory image for EnGenius ENS620EXT
Extended mksenaofw to support new "capwap" header structure.
This supports flashing from factory 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.1.0 and 3.5.5
Note that the factory image format changes for 3.1 and later firmware,
and that the 3.1.0 and 3.5.5 Engenius firmware will refuse the
factory_30.bin file. Similarly, the 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 Engenius firmware
will refuse the factory_35.bin file.
Flashing from the Engenius 3.1.0 firmware with the factory_35.bin
firmware has not been tested, as 3.1.0 firmware (Engenius "middleFW")
is only intended as part of the upgrade path to 3.5.5 firmware.
Modified ipq40xx image Makefile to appropriately invoke mksenaofw
with new parameters to configure the capwap header.
Note that there is currently no method to return to factory firmware,
so this is a one-way street.
Path from factory 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 (EnGenius) software to OpenWrt is
to navigate to on the stock firmware and navigate to the
firmware menu. Then copy the URL you have for that page, something like;stok=12345abcdef/admin/system/flashops
and replace the trailing /admin/system/flashops with just /easyflashops
You should then be presented with a simple "Firmware Upgrade" page.
On that page, BE SURE TO CLEAR the "Keep Settings:" checkbox.
Choose the openwrt-ipq40xx-engenius_ens620ext-squashfs-factory_30.bin,
click "Upgrade" and on the following page select "Proceed".
Path from factory 3.5.5 (EnGenius) software to OpenWrt is simply to
use the stock firmware update menu. Choose the
openwrt-ipq40xx-engenius_ens620ext-squashfs-factory_35.bin and click
"Upload" and "Proceed".
The device should then flash the OpenWrt firmware and reboot. Note
that this resets the device to a default configuration with Wi-Fi
disabled, LAN1/PoE acting as a WAN port (running DHCP client) and LAN2
acting as a LAN port with a DHCP server on 192.168.1.x (AP is at
Signed-off-by: Steve Glennon <s.glennon@cablelabs.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com>
[sorry, for unfixing the 80-lines eyesores.]
6 years ago
$(call cc,mksenaofw md5, -Wall --std=gnu99)
$(call cc,trx2usr)
$(call cc,ptgen)
$(call cc,srec2bin)
$(call cc,mkmylofw)
$(call cc,mkcsysimg)
$(call cc,mkzynfw)
$(call cc,lzma2eva,-lz)
$(call cc,mkcasfw)
$(call cc,mkfwimage,-lz -Wall)
$(call cc,mkfwimage2,-lz)
$(call cc,imagetag imagetag_cmdline cyg_crc32)
$(call cc,add_header)
$(call cc,makeamitbin)
$(call cc,encode_crc)
$(call cc,nand_ecc)
$(call cc,mkplanexfw sha1)
$(call cc,mktplinkfw mktplinkfw-lib md5, -Wall -fgnu89-inline)
$(call cc,mktplinkfw2 mktplinkfw-lib md5, -fgnu89-inline)
$(call cc,tplink-safeloader md5, -Wall --std=gnu99)
$(call cc,pc1crypt)
$(call cc,osbridge-crc)
$(call cc,wrt400n cyg_crc32)
$(call cc,mkdniimg)
$(call cc,mktitanimg)
$(call cc,mkchkimg)
$(call cc,mkzcfw cyg_crc32)
$(call cc,spw303v)
$(call cc,zyxbcm)
$(call cc,trx2edips)
$(call cc,xorimage)
$(call cc,buffalo-enc buffalo-lib, -Wall)
$(call cc,buffalo-tag buffalo-lib, -Wall)
$(call cc,buffalo-tftp buffalo-lib, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkwrgimg md5, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkwrggimg md5, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkedimaximg)
$(call cc,mkbrncmdline)
$(call cc,mkbrnimg)
$(call cc,mkdapimg)
$(call cc,mkdapimg2)
$(call cc, mkcameofw, -Wall)
$(call cc,seama md5)
$(call cc,oseama md5, -Wall)
$(call cc,fix-u-media-header cyg_crc32,-Wall)
$(call cc,hcsmakeimage bcmalgo)
$(call cc,mkporayfw, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkrasimage, --std=gnu99)
$(call cc,mkhilinkfw, -lcrypto)
$(call cc,mkheader_gemtek,-lz)
$(call cc,mkrtn56uimg, -lz)
$(call cc,dgn3500sum, -Wall)
$(call cc,edimax_fw_header, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkmerakifw sha1, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkmerakifw-old, -Wall)
$(call cc,jcgimage, -lz -Wall)
$(call cc,mkbuffaloimg, -Wall)
$(call cc,zyimage, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkdhpimg buffalo-lib, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkdlinkfw mkdlinkfw-lib, -lz -Wall --std=c99)
$(call cc,dns313-header, -Wall)
$(call cc,mksercommfw, -Wall)
$(call cc,nec-enc, -Wall --std=gnu99)
define Host/Install
$(eval $(call HostBuild))