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# Copyright (C) 2006
# Copyright (C) 2010 Vertical Communications
do_mount_procfs() {
mount -o noatime -t proc proc /proc
do_mount_sysfs() {
mount -o noatime -tsysfs sysfs /sys
calc_tmpfs_size() {
pi_size=$(awk '/MemTotal:/ {l=5242880;mt=($2*1024);print((s=mt/2)<l)&&(mt>l)?mt-l:s}' /proc/meminfo)
do_mount_tmpfs() {
mount -o noatime -t tmpfs -o size=$pi_size,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777 tmpfs /tmp
boot_hook_add preinit_essential do_mount_procfs
boot_hook_add preinit_essential do_mount_sysfs
boot_hook_add preinit_essential do_mount_tmpfs