var counter = { instances : [], init : function (target, seconds, after) { // init() : attach countdown timer to target // target : ID of target HTML div // seconds : seconds to countdown // after : what to do after countdown end (function) // (A) THIS INSTANCE let idx = counter.instances.length; counter.instances[idx] = {}; let inst = counter.instances[idx]; inst.remain = seconds; if (typeof after == "function") { inst.after = after; } // (B) GENERATE HTML target = document.getElementById(target); target.classList.add("countdown"); inst.wrap = target; let gensquare = function(txt){ let square = document.createElement("div"), digits = document.createElement("div"), text = document.createElement("div"), ltxt = txt.toLowerCase(); digits.innerHTML = "00"; text.innerHTML = txt; square.classList.add("square"); square.classList.add(ltxt); digits.classList.add("digits"); text.classList.add("text"); square.appendChild(digits); square.appendChild(text); inst[ltxt] = digits; return square; }; target.innerHTML = ""; if (seconds >= 86400) { target.appendChild(gensquare("DAYS")); } if (seconds >= 3600) { target.appendChild(gensquare("HOURS")); } if (seconds >= 60) { target.appendChild(gensquare("MINUTES")); } target.appendChild(gensquare("SECONDS")); // (C) TIMER inst.timer = setInterval(function(){ counter.tick(idx); }, 1000); }, tick : function(idx){ // tick() : count down ticker // idx : target count down timer // (A) TIMER STOP let inst = counter.instances[idx]; inst.remain--; if (inst.remain <= 0 ) { clearInterval(inst.timer) inst.remain = 0; } // (B) CALCULATE REMAINING TIME let secs = inst.remain; let days = Math.floor(secs / 86400); // 1 day = 60 secs * 60 mins * 24 hrs secs -= days * 86400; let hours = Math.floor(secs / 3600); // 1 hr = 60 secs * 60 mins secs -= hours * 3600; let mins = Math.floor(secs / 60); // 1 min = 60 secs secs -= mins * 60; // (C) UPDATE HTML inst.seconds.innerHTML = secs; if (inst.minutes !== undefined) { inst.minutes.innerHTML = mins; } if (inst.hours !== undefined) { inst.hours.innerHTML = hours; } if (inst.days !== undefined) { inst.days.innerHTML = days; } // (D) AFTER TIMER END if (inst.remain == 0) { if (typeof inst.after == "function") { inst.after(idx); } } }, toSecs : function(yr, mth, day, hr, min, sec){ // toSecs() : convert given date/time to remaining seconds // BEWARE - MONTH IS 0 to 11, JAN = 0 > DEC = 11 let remain = Date.UTC(yr, mth, day, hr, min, sec); remain = Math.floor(remain / 1000); remain = remain - Math.floor( / 1000); if (remain < 0) { remain = 0; } return remain; } };