statik websitesi deposudur
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

137 lines
3.9 KiB

* Teletype jQuery Plugin
* @version 0.1
* @author Steve Whiteley
* @see
* @see
* Copyright (c) 2014 Steve Whiteley
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
( function ( $ ) {
$.fn.teletype = function( options ) {
var settings = $.extend( {}, $.fn.teletype.defaults, options );
var self = $( this ),
output = null,
current = {
string: '',
index: 0,
position: 0,
loop: 0
var next = function() {
if ( current.index >= settings.text.length ) {
current.index = 0;
if ( settings.loop != false && ( settings.loop == current.loop ) ) {
return false;
current.position = 0;
current.string = settings.text[current.index];
return true;
var type = function() {
if ( settings.prefix && current.position == 0 ) {
if ( current.loop == 0 && current.index == 0 ) {
$( '<span />' ).addClass( 'teletype-prefix' ).html( settings.prefix ).prependTo( self );
var letters = current.string.split( '' ),
letter = letters[current.position];
if ( letter == '^' || letter == '~' ) {
var end = current.string.substr( current.position + 1 ).indexOf( ' ' );
var value = current.string.substr( current.position + 1, end );
if ( $.isNumeric( value ) ) {
current.string = current.string.replace( letter + value + ' ', '' );
if ( letter == '^' ) {
window.setTimeout( function() {
window.setTimeout( type, delay( settings.typeDelay ) );
}, value );
} else {
var index = current.position - value;
current.string = current.string.substr( 0, index - 1 ) + current.string.substr( current.position - 1 );
window.setTimeout( function() {
backspace( Math.max( index, 0 ) );
}, delay( settings.backDelay ) );
} else if ( letter == '\\' ) {
var nextChar = current.string.substr( current.position + 1, 1 );
if ( nextChar == 'n' ) {
letter = '<br />';
output.html( output.html() + letter );
if ( current.position < current.string.length ) {
window.setTimeout( type, delay( settings.typeDelay ) );
} else if ( settings.preserve == false ) {
window.setTimeout( function() {
window.setTimeout( backspace, delay( settings.backDelay ) );
}, settings.delay );
} else {
output.html( output.html() + '<br />' + '<span class="teletype-prefix">' + settings.prefix + '</span>' );
if ( next() ) {
window.setTimeout( function() {
window.setTimeout( type, delay( settings.typeDelay ) );
}, settings.delay );
var backspace = function( stop ) {
if ( !stop ) {
stop = 0;
if ( current.position > stop ) {
output.html( output.html().slice( 0, -1 ) );
window.setTimeout( function() {
backspace( stop );
}, delay( settings.backDelay ) );
} else {
if ( stop == 0 ) {
if ( next() == false ) {
window.setTimeout( type, delay( settings.typeDelay ) );
var delay = function( speed ) {
return Math.floor( Math.random() * 200 ) + speed;
return this.each( function() {
current.string = settings.text[current.index];
self.addClass( 'teletype' ).empty();
output = $( '<span />' ).addClass( 'teletype-text' ).appendTo( self );
if ( settings.cursor ) {
var cursor = $( '<span />' )
.text( settings.cursor )
.addClass( 'teletype-cursor' )
.appendTo( self );
setInterval ( function() {
cursor.animate( { opacity: 0 } ).animate( { opacity: 1 } );
}, settings.blinkSpeed );
} );
$.fn.teletype.defaults = {
text: [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ],
typeDelay: 100,
backDelay: 50,
blinkSpeed: 1000,
delay: 2000,
cursor: '|',
preserve: false,
prefix: '',
loop: 0
}( jQuery ) );