You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

17 lines
538 B

// @preval
const data = require('emoji-mart/dist/data').default;
const pick = require('lodash/pick');
const condensedEmojis = {};
Object.keys(data.emojis).forEach(key => {
condensedEmojis[key] = pick(data.emojis[key], ['short_names', 'unified', 'search']);
// JSON.parse/stringify is to emulate what @preval is doing and avoid any
// inconsistent behavior in dev mode
module.exports = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({
emojis: condensedEmojis,
skins: data.skins,
categories: data.categories,
short_names: data.short_names,