You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
28 lines
1.2 KiB
28 lines
1.2 KiB
- content_for :page_title do
= t('admin.action_logs.title')
- content_for :header_tags do
= javascript_pack_tag 'admin', async: true, crossorigin: 'anonymous'
= form_tag admin_action_logs_url, method: 'GET', class: 'simple_form' do
= hidden_field_tag :target_account_id, params[:target_account_id] if params[:target_account_id].present?
%strong= t('admin.action_logs.filter_by_user')
= select_tag :account_id, options_from_collection_for_select(Account.joins(:user).merge(User.staff), :id, :username, params[:account_id]), prompt: I18n.t('admin.accounts.moderation.all')
%strong= t('admin.action_logs.filter_by_action')
= select_tag :action_type, options_for_select( { |key| [I18n.t("admin.action_logs.action_types.#{key}"), key]}, params[:action_type]), prompt: I18n.t('admin.accounts.moderation.all')
- if @action_logs.empty?
= t 'admin.action_logs.empty'
- else
= render @action_logs
= paginate @action_logs