You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
2.0 KiB

- content_for :page_title do
= site_hostname
- content_for :header_tags do
%script#initial-state{ type: 'application/json' }!= json_escape(@initial_state_json)
= javascript_pack_tag 'about', integrity: true, crossorigin: 'anonymous'
= render partial: 'shared/og'
= image_tag asset_pack_path('elephant-fren.png'), alt: '', role: 'presentation', class: 'mascot'
= render 'links'
%div{ role: 'presentation', class: 'float-1' }
%div{ role: 'presentation', class: 'float-2' }
%div{ role: 'presentation', class: 'float-3' }
= @instance_presenter.site_title
%small= t 'about.hosted_on', domain: site_hostname
- if @instance_presenter.open_registrations
= render 'registration'
- else
- if @instance_presenter.closed_registrations_message.blank?
%p= t('about.closed_registrations')
- else
= @instance_presenter.closed_registrations_message.html_safe
= link_to t('about.find_another_instance'), '', class: 'button button-alternative button--block'
%h3= t('about.description_headline', domain: site_hostname)
%p= @instance_presenter.site_description.html_safe.presence || t('about.generic_description', domain: site_hostname)
- if Setting.timeline_preview
#mastodon-timeline{ data: { props: Oj.dump(default_props) } }
%h3= t 'about.what_is_mastodon'
%p= t 'about.about_mastodon_html'
= link_to t('about.learn_more'), '', class: 'button button-secondary'
= render 'features'
= link_to t('about.source_code'), @instance_presenter.source_url
= " (#{@instance_presenter.version_number})"