require 'rails_helper' describe Admin::ReportedStatusesController do render_views let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, admin: true) } let(:report) { Fabricate(:report, status_ids: []) } let(:status) { Fabricate(:status) } before do sign_in user, scope: :user end describe 'POST #create' do subject do -> { post :create, params: { report_id: report, form_status_batch: { action: action, status_ids: status_ids } } } end let(:action) { 'nsfw_on' } let(:status_ids) { [] } let(:status) { Fabricate(:status, sensitive: !sensitive) } let(:sensitive) { true } let!(:media_attachment) { Fabricate(:media_attachment, status: status) } context 'updates sensitive column to true' do it 'updates sensitive column' do change { status.reload.sensitive }.from(false).to(true) end end context 'updates sensitive column to false' do let(:action) { 'nsfw_off' } let(:sensitive) { false } it 'updates sensitive column' do change { status.reload.sensitive }.from(true).to(false) end end it 'redirects to report page' do expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_report_path(report)) end end describe 'PATCH #update' do subject do -> { patch :update, params: { report_id: report, id: status, status: { sensitive: sensitive } } } end let(:status) { Fabricate(:status, sensitive: !sensitive) } let(:sensitive) { true } context 'updates sensitive column to true' do it 'updates sensitive column' do change { status.reload.sensitive }.from(false).to(true) end end context 'updates sensitive column to false' do let(:sensitive) { false } it 'updates sensitive column' do change { status.reload.sensitive }.from(true).to(false) end end it 'redirects to report page' do expect(response).to redirect_to(admin_report_path(report)) end end describe 'DELETE #destroy' do it 'removes a status' do allow(RemovalWorker).to receive(:perform_async) delete :destroy, params: { report_id: report, id: status } expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) expect(RemovalWorker). to have_received(:perform_async).with( end end end