require 'rails_helper' describe InstancePresenter do let(:instance_presenter) { } context do around do |example| site_description = Setting.site_description Setting.site_description = site_description end it "delegates site_description to Setting" do Setting.site_description = "Site desc" expect(instance_presenter.site_description).to eq "Site desc" end end context do around do |example| site_extended_description = Setting.site_extended_description Setting.site_extended_description = site_extended_description end it "delegates site_extended_description to Setting" do Setting.site_extended_description = "Extended desc" expect(instance_presenter.site_extended_description).to eq "Extended desc" end end context do around do |example| site_contact_email = Setting.site_contact_email Setting.site_contact_email = site_contact_email end it "delegates contact_email to Setting" do Setting.site_contact_email = "" expect(instance_presenter.site_contact_email).to eq "" end end describe "contact_account" do around do |example| site_contact_username = Setting.site_contact_username Setting.site_contact_username = site_contact_username end it "returns the account for the site contact username" do Setting.site_contact_username = "aaa" account = Fabricate(:account, username: "aaa") expect(instance_presenter.contact_account).to eq(account) end end describe "user_count" do it "returns the number of site users" do Rails.cache.write 'user_count', 123 expect(instance_presenter.user_count).to eq(123) end end describe "status_count" do it "returns the number of local statuses" do Rails.cache.write 'local_status_count', 234 expect(instance_presenter.status_count).to eq(234) end end describe "domain_count" do it "returns the number of known domains" do Rails.cache.write 'distinct_domain_count', 345 expect(instance_presenter.domain_count).to eq(345) end end describe '#version_number' do it 'returns Mastodon::Version' do expect(instance_presenter.version_number).to be(Mastodon::Version) end end describe '#source_url' do it 'returns ""' do expect(instance_presenter.source_url).to eq('') end end describe '#thumbnail' do it 'returns SiteUpload' do thumbnail = Fabricate(:site_upload, var: 'thumbnail') expect(instance_presenter.thumbnail).to eq(thumbnail) end end describe '#hero' do it 'returns SiteUpload' do hero = Fabricate(:site_upload, var: 'hero') expect(instance_presenter.hero).to eq(hero) end end describe '#mascot' do it 'returns SiteUpload' do mascot = Fabricate(:site_upload, var: 'mascot') expect(instance_presenter.mascot).to eq(mascot) end end end