# frozen_string_literal: true class BatchedRemoveStatusService < BaseService include StreamEntryRenderer # Delete given statuses and reblogs of them # Dispatch PuSH updates of the deleted statuses, but only local ones # Dispatch Salmon deletes, unique per domain, of the deleted statuses, but only local ones # Remove statuses from home feeds # Push delete events to streaming API for home feeds and public feeds # @param [Status] statuses A preferably batched array of statuses def call(statuses) statuses = Status.where(id: statuses.map(&:id)).includes(:account, :stream_entry).flat_map { |status| [status] + status.reblogs.includes(:account, :stream_entry).to_a } @mentions = statuses.map { |s| [s.id, s.mentions.includes(:account).to_a] }.to_h @tags = statuses.map { |s| [s.id, s.tags.pluck(:name)] }.to_h @stream_entry_batches = [] @salmon_batches = [] @json_payloads = statuses.map { |s| [s.id, Oj.dump(event: :delete, payload: s.id)] }.to_h # Ensure that rendered XML reflects destroyed state Status.where(id: statuses.map(&:id)).in_batches.destroy_all # Batch by source account statuses.group_by(&:account_id).each do |_, account_statuses| account = account_statuses.first.account unpush_from_home_timelines(account_statuses) batch_stream_entries(account_statuses) if account.local? end # Cannot be batched statuses.each do |status| unpush_from_public_timelines(status) batch_salmon_slaps(status) if status.local? end Pubsubhubbub::DistributionWorker.push_bulk(@stream_entry_batches) { |batch| batch } NotificationWorker.push_bulk(@salmon_batches) { |batch| batch } end private def batch_stream_entries(statuses) stream_entry_ids = statuses.map { |s| s.stream_entry.id } stream_entry_ids.each_slice(100) do |batch_of_stream_entry_ids| @stream_entry_batches << [batch_of_stream_entry_ids] end end def unpush_from_home_timelines(statuses) account = statuses.first.account recipients = account.followers.local.pluck(:id) recipients << account.id if account.local? recipients.each do |follower_id| unpush(follower_id, statuses) end end def unpush_from_public_timelines(status) payload = @json_payloads[status.id] redis.pipelined do redis.publish('timeline:public', payload) redis.publish('timeline:public:local', payload) if status.local? @tags[status.id].each do |hashtag| redis.publish("timeline:hashtag:#{hashtag}", payload) redis.publish("timeline:hashtag:#{hashtag}:local", payload) if status.local? end end end def batch_salmon_slaps(status) return if @mentions[status.id].empty? payload = stream_entry_to_xml(status.stream_entry.reload) recipients = @mentions[status.id].map(&:account).reject(&:local?).uniq(&:domain).map(&:id) recipients.each do |recipient_id| @salmon_batches << [payload, status.account_id, recipient_id] end end def unpush(follower_id, statuses) key = FeedManager.instance.key(:home, follower_id) originals = statuses.reject(&:reblog?) reblogs = statuses.select(&:reblog?) # Quickly remove all originals redis.pipelined do originals.each do |status| redis.zremrangebyscore(key, status.id, status.id) redis.publish("timeline:#{follower_id}", @json_payloads[status.id]) end end # For reblogs, re-add original status to feed, unless the reblog # was not in the feed in the first place reblogs.each do |status| redis.zadd(key, status.reblog_of_id, status.reblog_of_id) unless redis.zscore(key, status.reblog_of_id).nil? redis.publish("timeline:#{follower_id}", @json_payloads[status.id]) end end def redis Redis.current end end