# frozen_string_literal: true module StatusThreadingConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern def ancestors(limit, account = nil) find_statuses_from_tree_path(ancestor_ids(limit), account) end def descendants(limit, account = nil, max_child_id = nil, since_child_id = nil, depth = nil) find_statuses_from_tree_path(descendant_ids(limit, max_child_id, since_child_id, depth), account, promote: true) end def self_replies(limit) account.statuses.where(in_reply_to_id: id, visibility: [:public, :unlisted]).reorder(id: :asc).limit(limit) end private def ancestor_ids(limit) key = "ancestors:#{id}" ancestors = Rails.cache.fetch(key) if ancestors.nil? || ancestors[:limit] < limit ids = ancestor_statuses(limit).pluck(:id).reverse! Rails.cache.write key, limit: limit, ids: ids ids else ancestors[:ids].last(limit) end end def ancestor_statuses(limit) Status.find_by_sql([<<-SQL.squish, id: in_reply_to_id, limit: limit]) WITH RECURSIVE search_tree(id, in_reply_to_id, path) AS ( SELECT id, in_reply_to_id, ARRAY[id] FROM statuses WHERE id = :id UNION ALL SELECT statuses.id, statuses.in_reply_to_id, path || statuses.id FROM search_tree JOIN statuses ON statuses.id = search_tree.in_reply_to_id WHERE NOT statuses.id = ANY(path) ) SELECT id FROM search_tree ORDER BY path LIMIT :limit SQL end def descendant_ids(limit, max_child_id, since_child_id, depth) descendant_statuses(limit, max_child_id, since_child_id, depth).pluck(:id) end def descendant_statuses(limit, max_child_id, since_child_id, depth) # use limit + 1 and depth + 1 because 'self' is included depth += 1 if depth.present? limit += 1 if limit.present? descendants_with_self = Status.find_by_sql([<<-SQL.squish, id: id, limit: limit, max_child_id: max_child_id, since_child_id: since_child_id, depth: depth]) WITH RECURSIVE search_tree(id, path) AS ( SELECT id, ARRAY[id] FROM statuses WHERE id = :id AND COALESCE(id < :max_child_id, TRUE) AND COALESCE(id > :since_child_id, TRUE) UNION ALL SELECT statuses.id, path || statuses.id FROM search_tree JOIN statuses ON statuses.in_reply_to_id = search_tree.id WHERE COALESCE(array_length(path, 1) < :depth, TRUE) AND NOT statuses.id = ANY(path) ) SELECT id FROM search_tree ORDER BY path LIMIT :limit SQL descendants_with_self - [self] end def find_statuses_from_tree_path(ids, account, promote: false) statuses = Status.with_accounts(ids).to_a account_ids = statuses.map(&:account_id).uniq domains = statuses.filter_map(&:account_domain).uniq relations = relations_map_for_account(account, account_ids, domains) statuses.reject! { |status| StatusFilter.new(status, account, relations).filtered? } # Order ancestors/descendants by tree path statuses.sort_by! { |status| ids.index(status.id) } # Bring self-replies to the top if promote promote_by!(statuses) { |status| status.in_reply_to_account_id == status.account_id } else statuses end end def promote_by!(arr) insert_at = arr.find_index { |item| !yield(item) } return arr if insert_at.nil? arr.each_with_index do |item, index| next if index <= insert_at || !yield(item) arr.insert(insert_at, arr.delete_at(index)) insert_at += 1 end arr end def relations_map_for_account(account, account_ids, domains) return {} if account.nil? { blocking: Account.blocking_map(account_ids, account.id), blocked_by: Account.blocked_by_map(account_ids, account.id), muting: Account.muting_map(account_ids, account.id), following: Account.following_map(account_ids, account.id), domain_blocking_by_domain: Account.domain_blocking_map_by_domain(domains, account.id), } end end