@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ RSpec.describe Glitch::KeywordMute, type: :model do
let ( :alice ) { Fabricate ( :account , username : 'alice' ) . tap ( & :save! ) }
let ( :bob ) { Fabricate ( :account , username : 'bob' ) . tap ( & :save! ) }
describe '.matcher_for' do
let ( :matcher ) { Glitch :: KeywordMute . matcher_for ( alice ) }
describe '.text_ matcher_for' do
let ( :matcher ) { Glitch :: KeywordMute . text_ matcher_for( alice . id ) }
describe 'with no mutes' do
before do
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ RSpec.describe Glitch::KeywordMute, type: :model do
it 'does not match' do
expect ( matcher =~ 'This is a hot take' ) . to be_falsy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'This is a hot take' ) ) . to be_falsy
@ -21,75 +21,136 @@ RSpec.describe Glitch::KeywordMute, type: :model do
it 'does not match keywords set by a different account' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : bob , keyword : 'take' )
expect ( matcher =~ 'This is a hot take' ) . to be_falsy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'This is a hot take' ) ) . to be_falsy
it 'does not match if no keywords match the status text' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'cold' )
expect ( matcher =~ 'This is a hot take' ) . to be_falsy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'This is a hot take' ) ) . to be_falsy
it 'considers word boundaries when matching' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'bob' , whole_word : true )
expect ( matcher =~ 'bobcats' ) . to be_falsy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'bobcats' ) ) . to be_falsy
it 'matches substrings if whole_word is false' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'take' , whole_word : false )
expect ( matcher =~ 'This is a shiitake mushroom' ) . to be_truthy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'This is a shiitake mushroom' ) ) . to be_truthy
it 'matches keywords at the beginning of the text' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'take' )
expect ( matcher =~ 'Take this' ) . to be_truthy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'Take this' ) ) . to be_truthy
it 'matches keywords at the end of the text' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'take' )
expect ( matcher =~ 'This is a hot take' ) . to be_truthy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'This is a hot take' ) ) . to be_truthy
it 'matches if at least one keyword case-insensitively matches the text' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'hot' )
expect ( matcher =~ 'This is a HOT take' ) . to be_truthy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'This is a HOT take' ) ) . to be_truthy
it 'maintains case-insensitivity when combining keywords into a single matcher' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'hot' )
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'cold' )
expect ( matcher =~ 'This is a HOT take' ) . to be_truthy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'This is a HOT take' ) ) . to be_truthy
it 'matches keywords surrounded by non-alphanumeric ornamentation' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'hot' )
expect ( matcher =~ '(hot take)' ) . to be_truthy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( '(hot take)' ) ) . to be_truthy
it 'escapes metacharacters in keywords' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : '(hot take)' )
expect ( matcher =~ '(hot take)' ) . to be_truthy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( '(hot take)' ) ) . to be_truthy
it 'uses case-folding rules appropriate for more than just English' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'großeltern' )
expect ( matcher =~ 'besuch der grosseltern' ) . to be_truthy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'besuch der grosseltern' ) ) . to be_truthy
it 'matches keywords that are composed of multiple words' do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'a shiitake' )
expect ( matcher =~ 'This is a shiitake' ) . to be_truthy
expect ( matcher =~ 'This is shiitake' ) . to_not be_truthy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'This is a shiitake' ) ) . to be_truthy
expect ( matcher . matches? ( 'This is shiitake' ) ) . to_not be_truthy
describe '.tag_matcher_for' do
let ( :matcher ) { Glitch :: KeywordMute . tag_matcher_for ( alice . id ) }
let ( :status ) { Fabricate ( :status ) }
describe 'with no mutes' do
before do
Glitch :: KeywordMute . delete_all
it 'does not match' do
status . tags << Fabricate ( :tag , name : 'xyzzy' )
expect ( matcher . matches? ( status . tags ) ) . to be false
describe 'with mutes' do
it 'does not match keywords set by a different account' do
status . tags << Fabricate ( :tag , name : 'xyzzy' )
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : bob , keyword : 'take' )
expect ( matcher . matches? ( status . tags ) ) . to be false
it 'matches #xyzzy when given the mute "#xyzzy"' do
status . tags << Fabricate ( :tag , name : 'xyzzy' )
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : '#xyzzy' )
expect ( matcher . matches? ( status . tags ) ) . to be true
it 'matches #thingiverse when given the non-whole-word mute "#thing"' do
status . tags << Fabricate ( :tag , name : 'thingiverse' )
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : '#thing' , whole_word : false )
expect ( matcher . matches? ( status . tags ) ) . to be true
it 'matches #hashtag when given the mute "##hashtag""' do
status . tags << Fabricate ( :tag , name : 'hashtag' )
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : '##hashtag' )
expect ( matcher . matches? ( status . tags ) ) . to be true
it 'matches #oatmeal when given the non-whole-word mute "oat"' do
status . tags << Fabricate ( :tag , name : 'oatmeal' )
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'oat' , whole_word : false )
expect ( matcher . matches? ( status . tags ) ) . to be true
it 'does not match #oatmeal when given the mute "#oat"' do
status . tags << Fabricate ( :tag , name : 'oatmeal' )
Glitch :: KeywordMute . create! ( account : alice , keyword : 'oat' )
expect ( matcher . matches? ( status . tags ) ) . to be false