@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes' ;
import { doodleSet , uploadCompose } from '../../../actions/compose' ;
import IconButton from '../../../components/icon_button' ;
import { debounce } from 'lodash' ;
import { debounce , mapValues } from 'lodash' ;
import classNames from 'classnames' ;
// palette nicked from MyPaint, CC0
const palette = [
@ -110,16 +111,40 @@ function dataURLtoFile(dataurl, filename) {
return new File ( [ u8arr ] , filename , { type : mime } ) ;
const DOODLE _SIZES = {
normal : [ 500 , 500 , 'Square 500' ] ,
tootbanner : [ 702 , 330 , 'Tootbanner' ] ,
s640x480 : [ 640 , 480 , '640×480 - 480p' ] ,
s800x600 : [ 800 , 600 , '800×600 - SVGA' ] ,
s720x480 : [ 720 , 405 , '720x405 - 16:9' ] ,
} ;
const mapStateToProps = state => ( {
options : state . getIn ( [ 'compose' , 'doodle' ] ) ,
} ) ;
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ( {
/** Set options in the redux store */
setOpt : ( opts ) => dispatch ( doodleSet ( opts ) ) ,
/** Submit doodle for upload */
submit : ( file ) => dispatch ( uploadCompose ( [ file ] ) ) ,
} ) ;
/ * *
* Doodling dialog with drawing canvas
* Keyboard shortcuts :
* - Delete : Clear screen , fill with background color
* - Backspace , Ctrl + Z : Undo one step
* - Ctrl held while drawing : Use background color
* - Shift held while clicking screen : Use fill tool
* Palette :
* - Left mouse button : pick foreground
* - Ctrl + left mouse button : pick background
* - Right mouse button : pick background
* /
@ connect ( mapStateToProps , mapDispatchToProps )
export default class DoodleModal extends ImmutablePureComponent {
@ -132,187 +157,387 @@ export default class DoodleModal extends ImmutablePureComponent {
//region Option getters/setters
/** Foreground color */
get fg ( ) {
return this . props . options . get ( 'fg' ) ;
set fg ( value ) {
this . props . setOpt ( { fg : value } ) ;
/** Background color */
get bg ( ) {
return this . props . options . get ( 'bg' ) ;
set bg ( value ) {
this . props . setOpt ( { bg : value } ) ;
/** Swap Fg and Bg for drawing */
get swapped ( ) {
return this . props . options . get ( 'swapped' ) ;
set swapped ( value ) {
this . props . setOpt ( { swapped : value } ) ;
/** Mode - 'draw' or 'fill' */
get mode ( ) {
return this . props . options . get ( 'mode' ) ;
set mode ( value ) {
this . props . setOpt ( { mode : value } ) ;
/** Base line weight */
get weight ( ) {
return this . props . options . get ( 'weight' ) ;
set weight ( value ) {
this . props . setOpt ( { weight : value } ) ;
/** Drawing opacity */
get opacity ( ) {
return this . props . options . get ( 'opacity' ) ;
set opacity ( value ) {
this . props . setOpt ( { opacity : value } ) ;
/** Adaptive stroke - change width with speed */
get adaptiveStroke ( ) {
return this . props . options . get ( 'adaptiveStroke' ) ;
set adaptiveStroke ( value ) {
this . props . setOpt ( { adaptiveStroke : value } ) ;
/** Smoothing (for mouse drawing) */
get smoothing ( ) {
return this . props . options . get ( 'smoothing' ) ;
set smoothing ( value ) {
this . props . setOpt ( { smoothing : value } ) ;
/** Size preset */
get size ( ) {
return this . props . options . get ( 'size' ) ;
set size ( value ) {
this . props . setOpt ( { size : value } ) ;
/** Key up handler */
handleKeyUp = ( e ) => {
if ( e . key === 'Delete' || e . key === 'Backspace' ) {
if ( e . target . nodeName === 'INPUT' ) return ;
if ( e . key === 'Delete' ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
this . clearScreen ( ) ;
this . handleClearBtn ( ) ;
return ;
if ( e . key === 'z' && ( e . ctrlKey || e . metaKey ) ) {
if ( e . key === 'Backspace' || ( e . key === ' z' && ( e . ctrlKey || e . metaKey ) ) ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
this . undo ( ) ;
if ( e . key === 'Control' || e . key === 'Meta' ) {
this . controlHeld = false ;
this . swapped = false ;
if ( e . key === 'Shift' ) {
this . shiftHeld = false ;
this . mode = 'draw' ;
} ;
/** Key down handler */
handleKeyDown = ( e ) => {
if ( e . key === 'Control' || e . key === 'Meta' ) {
this . controlHeld = true ;
this . swapped = true ;
if ( e . key === 'Shift' ) {
this . shiftHeld = true ;
this . mode = 'fill' ;
} ;
/ * *
* Component installed in the DOM , do some initial set - up
* /
componentDidMount ( ) {
this . controlHeld = false ;
this . shiftHeld = false ;
this . swapped = false ;
window . addEventListener ( 'keyup' , this . handleKeyUp , false ) ;
window . addEventListener ( 'keydown' , this . handleKeyDown , false ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Tear component down
* /
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
window . removeEventListener ( 'keyup' , this . handleKeyUp , false ) ;
window . removeEventListener ( 'keydown' , this . handleKeyDown , false ) ;
if ( this . sketcher ) this . sketcher . destroy ( ) ;
clearScreen = ( ) => {
this . sketcher . context . fillStyle = this . bg ;
this . sketcher . context . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , this . canvas . width , this . canvas . height ) ;
this . undos = [ ] ;
/ * *
* Set reference to the canvas element .
* This is called during component init
* @ param elem - canvas element
* /
setCanvasRef = ( elem ) => {
this . canvas = elem ;
if ( elem ) {
elem . addEventListener ( 'dirty' , ( ) => {
this . saveUndo ( ) ;
this . sketcher . _dirty = false ;
} ) ;
this . doSaveUndo ( ) ;
elem . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
// sketcher bug - does not fire dirty on fill
if ( this . mode === 'fill' ) {
this . saveUndo ( ) ;
} ) ;
// prevent context menu
elem . addEventListener ( 'contextmenu' , ( e ) => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ;
elem . addEventListener ( 'mousedown' , ( e ) => {
if ( e . button === 2 ) {
this . swapped = true ;
} ) ;
elem . addEventListener ( 'mouseup' , ( e ) => {
if ( e . button === 2 ) {
this . swapped = this . controlHeld ;
} ) ;
this . initSketcher ( elem ) ;
this . mode = 'draw' ; // Reset mode - it's confusing if left at 'fill'
} ;
handleDone = ( ) => {
/ * *
* Set up the sketcher instance
* @ param canvas - canvas element . Null if we ' re just resizing
* /
initSketcher ( canvas = null ) {
const sizepreset = DOODLE _SIZES [ this . size ] ;
if ( this . sketcher ) this . sketcher . destroy ( ) ;
this . sketcher = new Atrament ( canvas || this . canvas , sizepreset [ 0 ] , sizepreset [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( canvas ) {
this . ctx = this . sketcher . context ;
this . updateSketcherSettings ( ) ;
this . clearScreen ( ) ;
/ * *
* Done button handler
* /
onDoneButton = ( ) => {
const dataUrl = this . sketcher . toImage ( ) ;
const file = dataURLtoFile ( dataUrl , 'doodle.png' ) ;
this . props . submit ( file ) ;
this . props . onClose ( ) ; // close dialog
} ;
this . sketcher . destroy ( ) ;
this . props . onClose ( ) ;
/ * *
* Cancel button handler
* /
onCancelButton = ( ) => {
if ( this . undos . length > 1 && ! confirm ( 'Discard doodle? All changes will be lost!' ) ) {
return ;
this . props . onClose ( ) ; // close dialog
} ;
/ * *
* Update sketcher options based on state
* /
updateSketcherSettings ( ) {
if ( ! this . sketcher ) return ;
this . sketcher . color = this . fg ;
if ( this . oldSize !== this . size ) this . initSketcher ( ) ;
this . sketcher . color = ( this . swapped ? this . bg : this . fg ) ;
this . sketcher . opacity = this . opacity ;
this . sketcher . weight = this . weight ;
this . sketcher . mode = this . mode ;
this . sketcher . smoothing = this . smoothing ;
this . sketcher . adaptiveStroke = this . adaptiveStroke ;
initSketcher ( elem ) {
this . sketcher = new Atrament ( elem , 500 , 500 ) ;
this . oldSize = this . size ;
this . mode = 'draw' ; // Reset mode - it's confusing if left at 'fill'
/ * *
* Fill screen with background color
* /
clearScreen = ( ) => {
this . ctx . fillStyle = this . bg ;
this . ctx . fillRect ( - 1 , - 1 , this . canvas . width + 2 , this . canvas . height + 2 ) ;
this . undos = [ ] ;
this . updateSketcherSettings ( ) ;
this . clearScreen ( ) ;
this . doSaveUndo ( ) ;
} ;
setCanvasRef = ( elem ) => {
this . canvas = elem ;
if ( elem ) {
elem . addEventListener ( 'dirty' , ( ) => {
this . saveUndo ( ) ;
this . sketcher . _dirty = false ;
} ) ;
elem . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
// sketcher bug - does not fire dirty on fill
if ( this . mode === 'fill' ) {
this . saveUndo ( ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Undo one step
* /
undo = ( ) => {
if ( this . undos . length > 1 ) {
this . undos . pop ( ) ;
const buf = this . undos . pop ( ) ;
this . initSketcher ( elem ) ;
this . sketcher . clear ( ) ;
this . ctx . putImageData ( buf , 0 , 0 ) ;
this . doSaveUndo ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Save canvas content into the undo buffer immediately
* /
doSaveUndo = ( ) => {
this . undos . push ( this . ctx . getImageData ( 0 , 0 , this . canvas . width , this . canvas . height ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Called on each canvas change .
* Saves canvas content to the undo buffer after some period of inactivity .
* /
saveUndo = debounce ( ( ) => {
this . doSaveUndo ( ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
/ * *
* Palette left click .
* Selects Fg color ( or Bg , if Control / Meta is held )
* @ param e - event
* /
onPaletteClick = ( e ) => {
this . fg = e . target . dataset . color ;
const c = e . target . dataset . color ;
if ( this . controlHeld ) {
this . bg = c ;
} else {
this . fg = c ;
e . target . blur ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Palette right click .
* Selects Bg color
* @ param e - event
* /
onPaletteRClick = ( e ) => {
this . bg = e . target . dataset . color ;
e . target . blur ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handle click on the Draw mode button
* @ param e - event
* /
setModeDraw = ( e ) => {
this . mode = 'draw' ;
e . target . blur ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handle click on the Fill mode button
* @ param e - event
* /
setModeFill = ( e ) => {
this . mode = 'fill' ;
e . target . blur ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handle click on Smooth checkbox
* @ param e - event
* /
tglSmooth = ( e ) => {
this . smoothing = ! this . smoothing ;
e . target . blur ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handle click on Adaptive checkbox
* @ param e - event
* /
tglAdaptive = ( e ) => {
this . adaptiveStroke = ! this . adaptiveStroke ;
e . target . blur ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handle change of the Weight input field
* @ param e - event
* /
setWeight = ( e ) => {
this . weight = + e . target . value || 1 ;
} ;
undo = ( ) => {
if ( this . undos . length > 1 ) {
this . undos . pop ( ) ;
const buf = this . undos . pop ( ) ;
this . sketcher . clear ( ) ;
this . sketcher . context . putImageData ( buf , 0 , 0 ) ;
this . doSaveUndo ( ) ;
/ * *
* Set size - clalback from the select box
* @ param e - event
* /
changeSize = ( e ) => {
let newSize = e . target . value ;
if ( newSize === this . oldSize ) return ;
if ( this . undos . length > 1 && ! confirm ( 'Change size? This will erase your drawing!' ) ) {
return ;
} ;
doSaveUndo = ( ) => {
this . undos . push ( this . sketcher . context . getImageData ( 0 , 0 , this . canvas . width , this . canvas . height ) ) ;
this . size = newSize ;
} ;
saveUndo = debounce ( ( ) => {
this . doSaveUndo ( ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
handleClearBtn = ( ) => {
if ( this . undos . length > 1 && ! confirm ( 'Clear screen? This will erase your drawing!' ) ) {
return ;
this . clearScreen ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Render the component
* /
render ( ) {
this . updateSketcherSettings ( ) ;
@ -323,7 +548,10 @@ export default class DoodleModal extends ImmutablePureComponent {
< / d i v >
< div className = 'doodle-modal__action-bar' >
< Button text = 'Done' onClick = { this . handleDone } / >
< div className = 'doodle-toolbar' >
< Button text = 'Done' onClick = { this . onDoneButton } / >
< Button text = 'Cancel' onClick = { this . onCancelButton } / >
< / d i v >
< div className = 'filler' / >
< div className = 'doodle-toolbar with-inputs' >
< div >
@ -344,12 +572,19 @@ export default class DoodleModal extends ImmutablePureComponent {
< input type = 'number' min = { 1 } id = 'dd_weight' value = { this . weight } onChange = { this . setWeight } / >
< / s p a n >
< / d i v >
< div >
< select aria - label = 'Canvas size' onInput = { this . changeSize } defaultValue = { this . size } >
{ Object . values ( mapValues ( DOODLE _SIZES , ( val , k ) =>
< option key = { k } value = { k } > { val [ 2 ] } < / o p t i o n >
) ) }
< / s e l e c t >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
< div className = 'doodle-toolbar' >
< IconButton icon = 'pencil' label = 'Draw' onClick = { this . setModeDraw } size = { 18 } active = { this . mode === 'draw' } inverted / >
< IconButton icon = 'bath' label = 'Fill' onClick = { this . setModeFill } size = { 18 } active = { this . mode === 'fill' } inverted / >
< IconButton icon = 'undo' label = 'Undo' onClick = { this . undo } size = { 18 } inverted / >
< IconButton icon = 'trash' label = 'Clear' onClick = { this . clearScreen } size = { 18 } inverted / >
< IconButton icon = 'pencil' title = 'Draw' label = 'Draw' onClick = { this . setModeDraw } size = { 18 } active = { this . mode === 'draw' } inverted / >
< IconButton icon = 'bath' title = 'Fill' label = 'Fill' onClick = { this . setModeFill } size = { 18 } active = { this . mode === 'fill' } inverted / >
< IconButton icon = 'undo' title = 'Undo' label = 'Undo' onClick = { this . undo } size = { 18 } inverted / >
< IconButton icon = 'trash' title = 'Clear' label = 'Clear' onClick = { this . handleClearBt n} size = { 18 } inverted / >
< / d i v >
< div className = 'doodle-palette' >
@ -360,9 +595,13 @@ export default class DoodleModal extends ImmutablePureComponent {
key = { i }
style = { { backgroundColor : c [ 0 ] } }
onClick = { this . onPaletteClick }
onContextMenu = { this . onPaletteRClick }
data - color = { c [ 0 ] }
title = { c [ 1 ] }
className = { this . fg === c [ 0 ] ? 'selected' : '' }
className = { classNames ( {
'foreground' : this . fg === c [ 0 ] ,
'background' : this . bg === c [ 0 ] ,
} ) }
/ >