@ -39,26 +39,28 @@ class FixAccountsUniqueIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
accounts = accounts . first . local? ? accounts . sort_by ( & :created_at ) : accounts . sort_by ( & :updated_at ) . reverse
reference_account = accounts . shift
accounts . each do | other_account |
if other_account . public_key == reference_account . public_key
# The accounts definitely point to the same resource, so
# it's safe to re-attribute content and relationships
merge_accounts! ( reference_account , other_account )
elsif other_account . local?
# Since domain is in the GROUP BY clause, both accounts
# are always either going to be local or not local, so only
# one check is needed. Since we cannot support two users with
# the same username locally, one has to go. 😢
other_account . user & . destroy
say_with_time " Deduplicating @ #{ reference_account . acct } ( #{ accounts . size } duplicates)... " do
accounts . each do | other_account |
if other_account . public_key == reference_account . public_key
# The accounts definitely point to the same resource, so
# it's safe to re-attribute content and relationships
merge_accounts! ( reference_account , other_account )
elsif other_account . local?
# Since domain is in the GROUP BY clause, both accounts
# are always either going to be local or not local, so only
# one check is needed. Since we cannot support two users with
# the same username locally, one has to go. 😢
other_account . user & . destroy
other_account . destroy
other_account . destroy
def merge_accounts! ( main_account , duplicate_account )
[ Status , Favourite , Mention , StatusPin , StreamEntry ] . each do | klass |
klass . where ( account_id : duplicate_account . id ) . update_all ( account_id : main_account . id )
[ Status , Mention , StatusPin , StreamEntry ] . each do | klass |
klass . where ( account_id : duplicate_account . id ) . in_batches . update_all ( account_id : main_account . id )
# Since it's the same remote resource, the remote resource likely
@ -67,19 +69,19 @@ class FixAccountsUniqueIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
# of the index bug users could have *also* followed the reference
# account already, therefore mass update will not work and we need
# to check for (and skip past) uniqueness errors
[ Follow , FollowRequest , Block , Mute ] . each do | klass |
[ Favourite , F ollow , FollowRequest , Block , Mute ] . each do | klass |
klass . where ( account_id : duplicate_account . id ) . find_each do | record |
record . update ( account_id : main_account . id )
rescue ActiveRecord :: RecordNotUnique
record . update_attribute ( :account_id , main_account . id )
rescue PG :: UniqueViolation
klass . where ( target_account_id : duplicate_account . id ) . find_each do | record |
record . update ( target_account_id : main_account . id )
rescue ActiveRecord :: RecordNotUnique
record . update_attribute ( :target_account_id , main_account . id )
rescue PG :: UniqueViolation